Éditions limitées et tirages originaux exclusifs issus de l'univers de Riad Sattouf Go to page 0; Go to page 2; The Arab of the Future The Arab of the Future, Book 4 : A Graphic Memoir : A Childhood in the Middle East (1987-1992) by Sattouf, Riad. Riad Sattouf’s The Arab Of The Future ... Cristiano Ronaldo's stunning girlfriend Georgina Rodríguez flaunts her toned curves in a tiny yellow zebra-print bikini during fashion shoot Abstract. One of Riad Sattouf’s favorite places in Paris is the Musée du Quai Branly, a temple of ethnographic treasures from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas, not far from the Eiffel Tower. 1 to 7 of 7 results. 5 out of 5 stars. Riad Sattouf’s parents met in the early 1970s in a cafeteria at the Sorbonne. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781473638280, 1473638283. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781473638273, 1473638275. In L’Arabe du Futur ('The Arab of the Future'), the French-Syrian cartoonist Riad Sattouf remembers an errant childhood spent in France, as well as—and notably—the Libya of Muammar Gaddafi and the Syria of Hafiz al-Assad. وف ‎; born 5 May 1978) is a French cartoonist, comic artist, and film director of Franco-Syrian origin. The comic book series La Vie secrète des jeunes is a sardonic account of French young people’s behaviours witnessed from the voyeuristic viewpoint of its author-illustrator, Riad Sattouf. 179.6k Followers, 1,108 Following, 361 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Riad Sattouf (@riadsattouf) They were both students: Clémentine from Brittany, and Abdel-Razak, on scholarship, from a village in Syria. GN 920 SATTOUF 2019. Riad Sattouf is a best-selling cartoonist and filmmaker who grew up in Syria, Libya, and Algeria, and now lives in Paris. The author of four comics series in France and a weekly column in the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, Sattouf also directed the films The French Kissers and Jacky in the Women's Kingdom.The Arab of the Future is his first work to appear in English. Book - 2019 | First U.S. edition. The Arab of the Future 3 Volume 3: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1985-1987 - A Graphic Memoir by Riad Sattouf and Publisher Two Roads (UK). Edited in love and handcrafted by the Impressions of the Future and available on riadsattouf.com, here is ′′ Esther and the Pretty Sky of Brittany ′′ a signed and numbered print of 250 copies ️ Exclusive and limited prints signed by Riad Sattouf available at riadsattouf.com ️ shipping worldwide 💫 Print view, opens a new window.