Four celebs went into Saturday evening's show with Maisie Smith, HRVY, Bill 13s/14s dance to the song “I’m Still Standing” by Taron Egerton (from Sing OST) → 14s/15s dance to the song “Try Everything” by Shakira (from Zootopia OST) → 15s/16s dance to the tune of “Feliz Navidad” → 16s/17s dance to the song “Don’t You Worry ’bout a Thing” by Tori Kelley → Their Showdance music choice is to ‘I’m Still Standing’ by Elton John, but it’s the Taron Egerton version from Rocket Man. La película termina con subtítulos informando al espectador de que Elton ha estado sobrio por más de 28 años, pero que "todavía es comprador compulsivo", que continúa siendo buen amigo de Bernie, y que actualmente está casado con David Furnish, con quien tiene dos hijos. Howling! The Strictly Come Dancing 2020 winner has been crowned in the final results. To find the maximum carry weight in Beast Form, add 1,900 to the max carry weight in normal form. Genres: Piano Rock, Pop Rock, Pop. Those werewolf tales are true!" Taron Egerton braved the December chill on Tuesday as he took his pet dog for a walk in the winter sunshine. Duration: 02:32 Elton escribe "I'm Still Standing" y regresa a una exitosa carrera. Taron Egerton como Elton John. In April 2018, Taron Egerton was officially cast to play the musician in the film. Taron Egerton Johnny's performance song at the end. Taron Egerton: LGBTQ Film of the Year: Georgia Film Critics Association (GAFCA) 2020 Nominee GAFCA Award: Best Original Song Elton John Bernie Taupin . Clips from Strictly Come Dancing. Reparto. Maisie Smith and Gorka Marquez Favourite dance to When You're Smiling by Andy Williams — Series 18, The Final. タロン・デヴィッド・エガートン(Taron David Egerton 、1989å¹´ 11月10日 - )は、イングランド出身のウェールズ人俳優 。 "Egerton"は「エガートン」と日本語表記されることが多いが、「エジャトン」の表記 がより原音に忠実である。 Taron David Egerton (* 10.November 1989 in Birkenhead) ist ein britischer Schauspieler.Bekannt wurde er durch seine Hauptrollen in Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) und Eddie The Eagle (2016). Showdance: I'm Still Standing by Elton John (Taron Egerton version)t Judges' Pick: Charleston to Zero To Hero from Hercules &nsbp; What do you make of all that then? Perk abilities like "Atronach" still affect werewolves. Football through the 2020 regular season and into 2021 and the postseason has been bittersweet for fans of the Buffalo Bills. A pesar de la interrupción de Judith, Ash canta su canción de rock original "Set It All Free", que su exnovio ve en la televisión y finalmente reconoce el talento de Ash. Song: "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again" GLAAD Media Awards 2020 Nominee GLAAD Media Award: Outstanding Film - Wide Release: Gold Derby Awards 2020 Winner Gold Derby Award: Original Song Elton John Bernie Taupin "I'm Gonna Love Me Again" Nominee … Carry Weight: The base carry weight gained from Beast Form is 1,900 regardless of level, race, or gender. Elton John discography and songs: Music profile for Elton John, born 25 March 1947. Albums include We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, and Song Machine, Season One. La interpretación de Johnny de "I'm Still Standing" de Elton John impresiona a su padre, quien escapa de prisión para reconciliarse con él. Egerton had previously appeared with John in the 2017 film Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and Egerton, as Johnny the Gorilla, sang John's song "I'm Still Standing" in the 2016 animated film Sing. Download on Amazon - I'm Still Standing Play on Apple Music - I'm Still Standing Download on iTunes - I'm Still Standing Play on Spotify - I'm Still Standing Play on YouTube - I'm Still Standing In June, the role of Bernie Taupin was given to Jamie Bell. 2018 verkörperte er den Titelhelden im Film Robin Hood.In der Filmbiografie Rocketman spielte er 2019 den Musiker Elton John, für die er mit dem Golden Globe Award ausgezeichnet wurde. "I'm telling you, I heard it!