Marina climbs aboard with Sharko, who bars Zig and Bernie from the trip. Everyone will be entitled to his double. Selon le site genéanet, Julien Doré n'est pas l'arrière-arrière-petit-neveu de l’illustrateur Gustave Doré [1], [2], contrairement à ce qu’il a affirmé [3].Il est en revanche l'arrière-arrière-petit-fils d'Émile Waldteufel [4]. Marina gives him a kiss. A medieval tournament is organised, and Sharko and Zig compete for Princess Marina. Zig makes the most of Sharko’s absence to stalk Marina, but ends up being martyred by the little octopus. But when Zig shows up to nab a few little toddlers for dinner, they don’t turn out to be quite that cute…, Zig and Bernie discover a submarine that has washed up on the island. Sharko and Marina take advantage of this to visit the island but Marina gets lost. What a challenge! Once she is on board, Zig hopes to get rid of Sharko and eat the mermaid... Bernie tricks Zig into thinking he's eaten Marina, and now has to keep her away from him. Marina wants to protect them. 2 saisons, 156 épisodes A long fall back to Earth ensues, full of surprises. Informations . Marina est accro aux bonbons ! Sharko’s okay with this. Regardez Zig et Sharko Marina se retrouve enfermée dans l'ancien bassin au bout de l'île. Zig, Bernie, Sharko and Marina land in a labyrinth of corridors and pipes in the engine room. Marina is excited. But the mermaid isn't afraid of him. Zig is on his usual streak of constant hunger when a ship crashes on to the island, with a book full of ideas. Neptune wants to build a road to his tennis court, but his plan cuts right through Marina and Sharko's house. Marina takes a picture and posts it on social networks. Marina thinks she’s getting her very own magic trident from her dad on her birthday. Ski nautique, Épisode 13 de la Saison 1 de Zig et Sharko, une série TV lancée en 2010. after Zig's shadow comes to life thanks to Bernie's special camera, it helps the real hyena capture Marina. But his heart and his brain don’t agree on strategy, and (as usual), Zig is determined to ruin everything…. Marina and Sharko try to catch and return a ball to two kids after it starts bouncing all over the ship, but Zig's attempts to eat Marina get in the way. He dozes off and has dreams as far-fetched as each other ... Dreams that will help him free himself from the trauma of his childhood. The mermaid is distraught as she turns the beach upside down looking for it. Sharko is happy to be reunited with two old friends from his teenage years, but Marina isn't very fond of their rebellious ways. Let’s dance! Marina wants a dog and then Zig comes along! Zig finds an old skateboard in a crate. Olga-the-terrible, a Viking chieftain has fallen head over heels in love with Zig. Zig takes advantage of her gullibility to attract her into various traps, but he mainly attracts Sharko’s jealousy and rage. Avis des internautes (1) 4 / 4. Sharko comes back to the beach wearing a wig. Same old story, only the ‘boiler’ bursts and the volcano goes haywire…, After finding a lovely ring on the beach, Sharko decides to declare his love to Marina. For Marina, it is a great surprise: finally, new faces! A magnificent jaguar shows up on the beach and Zig immediately ingratiates himself. But Bernie is going to take his director's job too seriously. A cargo of inflatable objects comes tumbling out. Zig and Bernie discover a whole bunch of objects in an abandoned cabin. And Sharko tries to stop him, as usual. La chute, Épisode 62 de la Saison 2 de Zig et Sharko, une série TV lancée en 2010. ... 09.30 Documentaire Une saison au Puy du Fou. Marina is happy to be with her friends but is quickly frustrated to discover that they draw better than she... A famous actor of which Sharko and Marina are fans comes to stay on the boat. A night club opens at the edge of the beach! The following is a list of episodes in the Zig & Sharko series. The elephant, however, soon gets fed up with the hyena’s hysterical plans and balks…. They soon find themselves in a little village which they explore, avid with curiosity. Sharko being a real loser when it comes to building, this is gonna be fun…. Sharko takes her place as ‘it’… but uh oh, this time he has to keep an eye on Marina PLUS Zig and Bernie …. An evil lightning bolt strikes the ship’s clock, and puts it out of joint. When the mummy sees Zig (in dreadful shape), it thinks it has found the perfect pigeon, and fobs off a ‘magical’ talisman. Sharko is determined to defeat the final boss on an old arcade game, but Zig's constant attempts to eat Marina prevent him from doing so. Zig and Sharko come up with the ultimate fruit cocktail and decide to open a snack bar on the beach. 2020 - 7H57. Marina decides to disguise him to make him cute. after the ship crashes into an iceberg, Marina decides to explore it and befriends a penguin living there. Marina is none too happy about this intruder. But when he pulls out the engagement ring he plans to give her, his parents show up for a surprise visit! A snow storm hits the island and pretty soon, everything is frozen over. When Sharko and Zig realise the scam behind the trap, they decide to join hands in order to save Marina. The shark takes him everywhere and even leaves him with Marina for a while. A chase between Zig and Sharko ends with the hyena getting covered in pizza. It is not won. To trap Marina, Bernie organizes a movie shoot where Zig and the mermaid play their real life roles for the camera. There is an egg, all alone on the beach. All of them pause in various shops and exchange cabs along the way. In short: he’s the STRONGEST of them all! She has to find a wig, fast! Zig & Sharko in other languages: Zig et Sharko, Zig und Sharko, Zig y sharko, Zig ja Sharko, ジグとシャーコ, Zig i Sharko, Зиг и Шарко, 鯊魚哥 Welcome to the official Zig & Sharko channel! What now? To neutralize Sharko and catch the mermaid, Zig and Bernie offer him the perfect lifeguard's kit with a golden board and whistle! Sharko tries to help an elderly turtle cross a road, but Zig and Bernie don't make it easy. Marina goes on tour to sing in front of her fans. Sharko has a secret passion for synchronized swimming! Zig invents all sorts of illnesses to get her to come back…, Bernie adopts hundreds of cute little abandoned baby hermit-crabs. Alright. Sharko, who had forgotten her birthday, decides to invite himself along. The baby swordfish starts idolizing Sharko to the point of repeating his every move, much to the shark's embarrassment. That's when Zig and Bernie show up, disguised as exterminators... A unicorn shows up on the island, Zig and Bernie steal its magic horn to catch Marina. Zig et Sharko Saison 3 - Épisode 10: Attrape-moi si tu peux. These replicas get hammered in Zig's place but always come back empty-handed. In a blink, she has her water skis pulled by Sharko-as-motor-boat. Zig et Bernie, jamais à l'abri d'une idée brillante, en profitent pour se montrer en possession d'un petit train miniature. If only Zig had that Renaissance genius …. Marina decided to have a school on the beach with her young sea creature friends as some students. He does a whole series of cool aerial tricks in order to impress her... A castaway lands on the island. Marina is addicted to a virtual reality game and abandons Sharko. Marina loses the little starfish she wears in her hair. Sharko ensures the safety of the courses, because Zig takes advantage of every opportunity to try to delight the siren. Join Zig & Sharko channel and boost your fun with all the beach team! The island now faces a huge problem when Marina is wooed by a foreign man promising her freedom and festivities. Welcome to the official Zig & Sharko channel! Zig decides to demolish it but the lighthouse keeper doesn't agree... A freighter runs aground on the beach. Sharko has a hard time helping Marina get rid of it. The lagoon is invaded by whales. Marina is given a little octopus to take care of. During a chase, Zig, Sharko and Marina sink into the earth’s depths. When Sharko and Zig realise the scam behind the trap, they decide to join hands in order to save Marina. Sharko wins a game of Red light, Green light. All the ship’s passengers suddenly grow old. 134 56 LOL Zig: Hugo Gittard: Anh-tu Cao: A chase between Zig and Sharko ends with the hyena getting covered in pizza. Zig uses a shapeshifting jellyfish that washes up on shore in his latest scheme. Zig a enfin trouvé le bon appât pour choper la sirène ! The ideal camouflage for getting close to the mermaid. Marina takes charge: someone must sit on the egg until it hatches. Zig tries to eat Marina at night while she's sleeping, so Sharko must save her without making too much noise, as she gets extremely angry when woken up. But the tourists stiffen with fear when they see Sharko. The lifeboat breaks off from the ship and falls into the water. Zig and Sharko get stuck inside the ship's freezer, so they must work together to get out of there. Bernie organizes a painting workshop to allow Zig to approach Marina. Sharko whizzes to the island and shaves every creature he meets. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Zig will turn them into inventions so he can get his mermaid : a spinning top becomes a propelling device, a croquet set, used as weapons, soap bubbles and even a giant robot…. Sharko jumps into an identical taxi-boat and goes after her. The winner gets to dine privately with Captain Marina! Zig of course, turns out to be the big loser…. He is quite happy to have her shield him against Sharko, but not so happy with the fact that she keeps him away from Marina who Olga sees as a rival…. But with his coconut palm sleigh and seals instead of reindeer, discretion is not the first word that comes to mind…, Marina finds herself caught in the old pool at the end of the island. But he’s the one who terrifies other creatures in the lagoon. When a freighter runs aground (again!) Meanwhile, Sharko misses Zig, and gets depressed. Even if it means playing daddy's little doggy with Sharko? He’d rather keep an eye on Marina than play Santa! Zig takes her in his cab. Marina takes the threat seriously and when Zig offers to protect her she's delighted. Genre : Dessin anim é; Année : 2010; Résumé de l'Episode 52 : Méduse magique. She thinks he’s funny at first, but the pirate soon wears out his welcome. Sharko and Marina are watching a vampire movie, which spooks them. Marina races inside. Sharko jumps into an identical taxi-boat and goes after her. While Zig has to fend for himself, Bernie builds a dream house, and parties it up with Sharko and Marina…, Marina’s getting dolled up for a visit to the opera. Fan de Sharko: Saison 3 épisode 7. mercredi 23 déc. Zig and Bernie rush over and start rummaging through its cargo: bamboo… thousands of bamboo sticks and poles! Perfect equipment for a mermaid hunt… a bouncy ride is ahead! Cap’n Bristlebeard, the fierce pirate, drops anchor in the lagoon. He exits by pressing the button again… and dreams of going back with Marina. En essayant de la délivrer, Sharko se prend une décharge électrique qui le prive temporairement de l'usage de ses nageoires. Marina fantasizes about winter sports. Sous l'océan: Saison 3 épisode 8. mercredi 23 déc. He decides to train with the best chef on the island: Zig! ... Zig et Sharko Saison 1 2 épisodes After one failed attempt, Zig decides to use Bernie and his pincers as a drill. Zig is knocked out after a fight. Super jealous, Sharko quickly shows up on the scene. Casting. J'ai bien rigolé J'ai adoré J'ai aimé Pas mal ! They play clowns, perform numbers with help from Bernie. Bernie invents a deodorant that makes Zig irresistible to Marina; unfortunately it has the same effect on Sharko and everyone else (including Zig himself). Only he can’t stay in the saddle. Zig and Bernie turn up with a miniature train that actually works. While Sharko tries to find the exit, Zig tries to grab Marina every time he is not looking. Zig uses a human-cannonball stunt starring Marina as the ball, aiming to fire her into his cargo-plane. The mermaid shows up to meet the « human » castaway... Zig becomes infatuated with a little shrimp who is amazingly strong so he sends him on a mission to capture the mermaid. In this harsh and dangerous environment the two enemies will have to put their differences aside and work together. Après une course poursuite effrénée, Zig et Sharko se trouvent coincés dans la chambre froide des cuisines du bateau. When night falls on the liner, Bernie and the star are finally alone! His shrieks of pain draw Marina over to the island. But Bernie’s court lines on Sharko’s side are a l-o-n-g way away, giving Zig ample time to nab the mermaid…, When Hades is in the shower, the volcano-boiler conks out – no hot water. Marina is fascinated by train models. Starting with this season, the show is now animated in Toon Boom. However, she eventually finds a spot so good that neither the shark or Zig can find her, no matter how hard they look. Bernie falls madly in love with the little creature. Curious but unwise, our friends climb inside to explore…and shoot into space by mistake. A mummy tries – unsuccessfully – to sell charms and knick-knacks on the beach. Sharko, Zig and Bernie remember the time the boat almost sank when it hit a rock. 07.10 Série TV Candice Renoir. Unexpectedly, the photo makes Zig the star of the beach. Un coup de peinture, une bouche dessinée et deux yeux sur la proue et voilà le sous-marin «déguisé» en... gros poisson. Sharko and Zig will have to get rid of this intruder…, Zig decides to dig a tunnel under the lagoon, leading from his island to the mermaid’s rock. Zig builds a taxi pedal-boat – what a nice idea, Marina just dreams of going shopping in a taxi! Marina has a new obsession: giant robots! Sharko trains Marina for a swimming competition, but Zig's constant efforts to capture her don't make it easy. Marina is not immune to the charm of this big hunk who is putting the move on her. Giant lizards show up on the beach to protect Zig from any harm. Sharko transforms the volcano into a ski resort. Uh, don’t count on it... A Japanese whaling ship tries to catch Sharko, which is A-OK with Zig, who is not only going to help them, but of course take advantage of their presence in order to catch the mermaid… with no success of course…, A male manta ray has come to the lagoon for a stroll. Zig, profitant de la situation, va tout faire pour attraper Marina qu'il croit à sa merci. Prochaine diffusion de Zig et Sharko - Saison 1 : 23h45 samedi 19 décembre 2020. Sharko has to go on a short trip, and so as to not leave Marina alone, he calls on his cousin, a hammerhead shark with little in the brain department. S1 E1 Familial, Comédie, Animation 2011 7 min. Marina tries to get rid of them and Sharko would like to help, but he is terrified by the rodents… Zig and Bernie will use his weakness to their advantage. 73 73 Zig Taxi-Driver: Hugo Gittard: Andrès Fernandez: Zig builds a taxi pedal-boat – what a nice idea, Marina just dreams of going shopping in a taxi! But Sharko is watching over her. When the ship sinks underwater, Sharko tries to take the opportunity to kill some nostalgic memories of swimming in the ocean, but Marina forces him to help her fix the boat instead. Marina gets Sharko a new pair of sneakers for him to run the upcoming marathon with, both of which turn out to be way too small for his feet. Zig tries every trick in the book, but is blocked by Sharko. Sharko is devastated, but learns that Hades has a remote device, which means you can revert time! baby Marina sees something in the ocean and wants to see what it is, but Poseidon won't let her escape her crib during naptime. Sharko joins them to keep an eye on the hyena. Sharko wants to offer Marina a romantic dinner in the boat’s restaurant, but has to keep a close eye on Zig to prevent the mermaid from becoming the main course. She asks Zig to do this, but the hyena fails miserably. Sharko is furious: he isn't selected for the cast! 2020 - 7H50. Zig decides to use it to discreetly kidnap Marina…. Meanwhile, Marina is hungry, in fact so hungry she could eat a hyena…. What a challenge! But maneuvering a submarine is not quite easy…. Time accelerates. She's concerned that Zig and Bernie live in such horrible conditions. And she's going to take care of them! Business is great until Marina shows up... Zig discovers Hades, the god of death, lives inside the volcano and has fallen in love with Marina. Marina is suddenly crazy for surfing? 21:05. Once upon a time, little Zig, Sharko and Bernie got on like a house on fire, until a gorgeous little mermaid turned up and changed the rules. Genre : Dessin anim é; Année : 2019; Résumé de l'Episode 10 : Attrape-moi si tu peux. Rats invade the boat! That was fun! Misconceptions in series to predict... Bernie and Zig gain control of Sharko's teeth and make him bite everything in order to scare Marina away from him. L’épisode 4 est remplie d’événements, d’intérêts et de situations très marquantes, sans oublier les acteurs qui maîtrisent leurs rôles à la perfection. » en 1985, « Sous la griffe de l’animal » en 1986 et « Au bout de la nuit » en 1987) et Pierre s’étaient déjà croisés mais sans plus. But someone has the same idea... Zig tries fishing Marina, using a pearl as bait. Sharko must take over this huge responsibility... During one of their epic chases, Zig and Sharko get lost in the jungle. A cargo-plane drops its cargo over Zig and Bernie’s home: countless crates filled with trampolines! Marina aims to enter the Book of Records by tightrope-walking the longest distance ever. Climb to the top of the volcano! It turns out to be da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus - full of technical diagrams for his brilliant inventions. Zig and Sharko are suspicious – but too late! Of course, whatever they make is some kind of mermaid-trap... Zig and Shrako have an unfortunate encounter with an electric eel, and somehow their personalities are inverted: Zig finds himself in Sharko’s skin, and vice-versa. In order to catch Marina, Zig tries them all out: inflatable life preservers, mattresses and armchairs. They are going to invent a thousand and one ways of using the bamboo to catch the mermaid. Sharko spends his time trying to save her from disaster. Totally useless – only Marina thinks it’s fantastic! But instead, he hooks onto Bernie's shell... and swings him onto the mermaid's lap. Marina and Sharko wanted to buy a dinner robot and Zig had an idea to eat to make Bernie a robot and his income but the real dinner robot came and his Zig vacation unintentionally began to crash. She scurries over and manages to straighten out his back then leaves. It's cleaning day in the castle! Sharko's romantic plans are thwarted when Marina finds a crate of bubblegum and wants to break the world's largest bubble record. Could this be the winning strategy to trick Sharko and crunch the mermaid. Of course Sharko exposes him, but all the beach people like the stranger with the stache! She can't walk properly, can't swim anymore, etc. They are accompanied by a crazy astronaut who uses Sharko as a guinea-pig for various scientific experiments. It turns out that in the past a would-be "mama" raised them side by side... A couple of tourists arrive by boat on the beach. A "police-fish" arrests them for vagrancy, and they're locked up. Follow and get new videos of Zig & Sharko every week! It is without counting on Sharko who does not lack ideas to dissipate the mist and find her beautiful... A new shark, big, beautiful and strong is on board!