[3] He forged a marriage alliance with Brittany by marrying his sister Hawise to Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany and by his own marriage to Geoffrey's sister, Judith of Brittany. Er war der Sohn Richards I. des Furchtlosen und seiner Ehefrau Gunnora und folgte seinem Vater 996 als Herzog nach. Richard I, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Normandy, was born 28 August 933 in Fécamp, Upper Normandy, France to William Longsword, 2nd Duke of Normandy (893-942) and Sprota and died 20 November 996 inFécamp, Upper Normandy, France of unspecified causes. HRE Ferdinand I's 14-Great Grandfather. RICHARD II LE BON DE NORMANDIE ca 966-1027 Married to x x; FREDERENSA ALIX D'EU ca 969-ca 1005 Married to WALLERAND I DE GAMACHES ca 954-ca 1018; ROBERT I LE DANOIS D'EVREUX ca 970-ca 1037 Married about 996 to HERLEVA DE ROUEN ca 970-ca 1047; BLANCHE DE NORMANDIE ca 972-ca 1029 Married to RICHIR D'AUMALE 968-1022; HAVOISE DE NORMANDIE ca 975-1034 Married about … Richard s'empare du château de Mimande. Richard II. [1] His eldest son, Richard III, becoming the new duke. Richard was born on August 23 963, in Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, France. [4] She was a Breton prisoner captured in war who William later married. Richard III (997 - 1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027, and left the Duchy of Normandy to his eldest son. (* um 1001; † 6.August 1027) war der dritte Herzog der Normandie.. Er war der Sohn von Herzog Richard II., dem er 1026 nachfolgte.Er starb bereits kurz nach der Thronbesteigung unter mysteriösen Umständen und konnte keinen Einfluss auf die Geschicke der Normandie nehmen. Décédé le 23 août 1026 (mercredi) - Fécamp, 76259, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France,à l'âge de 63 ans. Richard I (28 August 932 – 20 November 996), also known as Richard the Fearless (French: Richard Sans-Peur; Old Norse: Jarl Rikard), was the count of Rouen from 942 to 996. He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. 0970. Ricardo II el Bueno, en una de las seis estatuas de los duques de Normandía en la plaza de Falaise. 4th Duke of NORMANDY. 1021 Geburt eines Kindes: ♀ Alice FitzRichard (Norman) b. He was married to Estrid Van Denemarken. RICHARD II, DUKE OF NORMANDY Richard II (23 August 963-28 August 1026) called the Good (French: Le Bon), was the eldest son and heir of Richard I the Fearless and Gunnora. Évreux, Eure, Normandy, France. Parents: Conan Ier de Bretagne and Ermengarde d'Anjou . Richard le Bon. 12. The document does not name her parents, and there are no children to offer any further evidence for her identity. According to a deed he married a woman named Adela. Richard II af Normandiet eller Richard den Gode (fransk: Richard le Bon) (død 1026) var hertug i Normandiet fra 996 til 1026.Han var søn af hertug Richard I den Frygtløse og hertuginde Gunnor.. Liv. Richard II., genannt der Gute , war der zweite Herzog der Normandie. He succeeded his father According to a deed he married a woman named Adela. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. Richard II., genannt der Gute (le Bon), (* unbekannt; † 1026 in Fécamp) war der zweite Herzog der Normandie. He died on August 23, 1026 in Fécamp. Né le 23 août 963 (mardi) - Rouen, 76540, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France. Richard III der Normandie Andere Namen : Richard III der Normandie Eltern ♂ Richard II der Normandie b. Noteworthy descendants include … [1][2] He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. Judith was born in 0982, lived in Bretagne, France. Ogive of Luxembourg 14. Is this your ancestor? Geburt eines Kindes: ♂ Николас d. 27 Februar 1092. 23 August 963. Er verteidigte seinen Besitz bei einem Bauernaufstand, unterstützte König Robert II. Richard II "The Good" Duke Of Normandy b. Born on August 23, 963 in Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, France, Richard II is the eldest among the five sons of Richard the Fearless, who was the third Duke of Normandy, and Gunnor de Crepon, Duchess of Normandy. Richard II (23 August 963 – 28 August 1026), called the Good (French: Le Bon), was the eldest son and heir of Richard I the Fearless and Gunnora. (* um 1001; † 6.August 1027) war der dritte Herzog der Normandie.. Er war der Sohn von Herzog Richard II., dem er 1026 nachfolgte.Er starb bereits kurz nach der Thronbesteigung unter mysteriösen Umständen und konnte keinen Einfluss auf die Geschicke der Normandie nehmen. Richard II, Duke of Normandy 9. Date of birth. Richard II, duke of Normandy (996–1026/27), son of Richard I the Fearless. Tatsachen und Ereignisse; Familien; Notizen; Google Maps™ Verwandtenereignisse : Geburt: 28. [13] His other numerous grants to monastic houses tends to indicate the areas over which Richard had ducal control, namely Caen, the Éverecin, the Cotentin, the Pays de Caux and Rouen.[14]. Vérifiez les traductions 'Richard II de Normandie' en Breton. Ermengarde of Anjou 20 - 23 ? Fulbert of Falaise 11. ? Richard de Morville. Name in native language. Born 23 Aug 0963 in Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. Although the eldest son, Richard died mysteriously soon after his father, leaving the duchy to his younger brother Robert I, sixth duke of Normandy and direct ancestor of the present-day British royal family. Conan I of Rennes 19. Wikipedia. En 1024, son père l'envoie combattre Hugues, évêque d'Auxerre et comte de Chalon-sur-Saône qui retient prisonnier le gendre du duc Renaud, comte de Bourgogne. 8. During his minority, which was the first five years of his reign, his regent was his uncle Count Ralph of Ivrea.Ralph put down a peasant revolt at the start of Richard's reign.. Richard was very religious like his overlord king Robert II of France. Pedigree report of 4th Duke of Normandy Richard (The Good) Normandy II, son of Duke of Normandy Richard (San Peur, The Fearless) Normandy I and Gonnor de Crepon, born in 0958 in Fecamp, Normandy, France. [1] During his minority, the first five years of his reign, his regent was Count Rodulf of Ivry, his uncle, who wielded the power and put down a peasant insurrection at the beginning of Richard's reign. Around 1020, Richard was sent by his father in command of a large army to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, by attacking bishop and count Hugh of Chalon, who had captured and imprisoned Reginald. (Normandie) Ereignisse ~ 1008 Geburt: Normandie. 970 of, , Normandie, France d. 28 Aug 1026 , Fécamp, Seine-et-Maritime, France: Our Family Histories 23 August 963 d. August 1026 ♀ Judite da Bretanha b. Richard III de Normandie b. He was married January 1027 in Bavaria, Germany to Adaele Alix de France, they had 10 children. Sosa : 5 034 411 338. dit le bon l'irrascible. Imprimer son arbre. He was the second of four sons of William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and Matilda of Flanders. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Er heiratete um 996 Judith († 1017), Tochter des Herzogs Conan I. der Bretagne, nach deren Tod in zweiter Ehe Papia. 0970-1026. [9], By 1013, following the St Brice's Day Massacre ordered by Ethelred, King Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark summoned an army to exact revenge on the English and sailed for England. Kadwidge Normandy was born in 1005, at birth place, to Richard "The Good" II "de Goede" van Normandië and Judith of Brittany Dutchess Normandy van Normandië (born van Bretagne). He ruled the French region for 30 years from the year 996 up to 1026. Richard de Minshull. Er war der Sohn Richards I. des Furchtlosen und seiner Ehefrau Gunnora und folgte seinem Vater 996 als Herzog nach. Pour Lucien Musset, son règne constitue « un premier sommet dans l'histoire normande » . Richard II "De Goede" Hertog Van Normandy was born about 975, son of Richard 1 "De Goede" Van Normandy and Gunnora Van Denemarken. 1026. [12], In 1025 and 1026 Richard confirmed gifts of his great-grandfather Rollo to Saint-Ouen at Rouen. Death • 2 Sources. Er war der Sohn Richards I. des Furchtlosen und seiner Ehefrau Gunnora und folgte seinem Vater 996 als Herzog nach. Richard III was the eldest son of Richard II of Normandy. Vornamen Richard I. Nachname de Normandie. about 0970. Richard II died 28 Aug 1026. Richard II., genannt der Gute (le Bon), (* unbekannt; † 1026 in Fécamp) war der zweite Herzog der Normandie. Richard II. Richard de Normandie wurde geboren im Jahr 1001 in Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France, Sohn von Good Normandy Richard und Judith De Bretagne., sie bekamen 15 Kinder. He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. 1 Richard II., genannt der Gute (le Bon), (* unbekannt; † 1026 in Fécamp) war der zweite Herzog der Normandie. Richard of Normandy, Duke of Bernay. Han efterfulgte sin far som hertug af Normandiet i 996.Richard nærede modvilje imod bøndernes opstand og hjalp Robert 2. af Frankrig imod hertugdømmet Burgund. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Richard_II._(Normandie)&oldid=202148434, Französische Geschichte (10. (* um 1001; † 6.August 1027) war der dritte Herzog der Normandie.. Er war der Sohn von Herzog Richard II., dem er 1026 nachfolgte.Er starb bereits kurz nach der Thronbesteigung unter mysteriösen Umständen und konnte keinen Einfluss auf die Geschicke der Normandie nehmen. Richard II est le quatrième duc de Normandie. De Normandie. Noteworthy … This page was last edited on 20 December 2020, at 22:36. Sie heiratete zunächst in 1002 der englische König Æthelred II, die nicht bereit und gebar ihm Alfred sowie den späteren König Eduard III. Born in 963 died in 1027 ∼ Duke of Normandy Richard II also known as Richard II "The Good" Duke of Normandy. Er verteidigte seinen Besitz bei einem Bauernaufstand, unterstützte König Robert II. Richard Johnson. He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. However, Richard did have two illegimate children: Nicholas, a disinherited abbot; and Alix (En: Alice), who married Victome du Bessin. He was succeeding in quelling the revolt of his brother, Robert, when he died opportunely, perhaps of poison, making way for his brother’s succession as Robert Il épouse en première noce, Judith, fille de Conan de Bretagne, qui lui donne plusieurs enfants : - Richard, futur duc Richard III de Normandie ; - Robert, futur duc Robert le Magnifique ; - Guillaume de Fécamp, abbé de l'abbaye de Fécamp ; - Adélaïde, épous… Upload media. Grandson of Richard I, Duke of Normandy and Herleve de Falasie, Baudouin V, Count of Flanders, Regent of France and Adele of … Parents: Richard I de Normandie and Gunnor . Age 56. Nachkommen Richards mit Gunnor von Dänemark sind: Richard II., Herzog der Normandie, Robert, † 1037, Erzbischof von Rouen, Graf von Évreux, Mauger, † nach 1033, Graf von Corbeil, Robert Danus, † 985/989. Richard II de Normandie, (970 - 1026) dit Richard l'« Irascible » ou Richard le « Bon », est duc de Normandie de 996 à 1026. Richard de Legh of the West Hall in High Legh. Reasonator; PetScan; Scholia; Statistics; Search depicted; Subcategories. [5] Richard had contacts with Scandinavian Vikings throughout his reign. [5] Ethelred had given orders that Richard be captured, bound and brought to England. 0963 Normandie, France. Son of Richard (Normandie) de Normandie and Gunnora (Crépon) de Normandie. [4] [10], Richard II commissioned his clerk and confessor, Dudo of Saint-Quentin, to portray his ducal ancestors as morally upright Christian leaders who built Normandy despite the treachery of their overlords and neighboring principalities. Richard 'The Good Duke' de Normandie (Normandie) 35gN was born about 950 in Rouen, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France. Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders 13. Duc Richard II de Normandie, 'the Good' 958 - 1027 (69 years) Has more than 100 ancestors and more than 100 descendants in this family tree. genannt der Gute (le Bon) (* 23. Richard II Duke Of Normandy was born Abt. Richard II, Le Bon Duc de Normandie. Sie heiratete nach 1030, die.. He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. Died: Aug 1027, Fécamp, Normandie about age 31 528; Another name for Richard was Richard II "le Bon" de Normandy. Robert married Herleve 'Arlette' DE FALAISE Mother of the Conqueror (See Link for … Richard II (23 August 963 – 28 August 1026), called the Good (French: Le Bon), was the eldest son and heir of Richard I the Fearless and Gunnora. Richard III, 5th Duc de Normandie was the son of Richard II, 4th Duc de Normandie and Judith de Bretagne. Reasonator; PetScan; Scholia; Statistics; Search depicted; Media in category "Richard III, Duke of Normandy" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. Er heiratete im Jahr 1016 in Normandy, France mit Mrs Richard De Normandie .