", "Le nombre de personnes guéries, l'autre chiffre sous-estimé", "Covid-19 : combien y a-t-il de personnes guéries en France ? Les îles de Guadeloupe ont une gastronomie qui reflète la diversité de ses populations. [42] A retirement home in Gooik stopped receiving visitors after discovering that one of its employees could have been in contact with the coronavirus, a precaution[43] the Flemish Agency for Care and Health qualified as inappropriate and "excessive". Deaths with clinical symptoms of the coronavirus disease are considered as "suspicious" and are included in the figures of COVID-19 deaths, even if they were not tested. Those breaking the rules could be fined up to 250 Euros. Just as many countries in the world,[141] Belgium faced a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respirators, surgical masks or face shields. [50] The FPS Health then confirmed for the first time that infections had occurred in Belgium. [119], The Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès addressed citizens twice via a web video, taking stock of the situation. Other experts reacted in the media and questioned whether the situation had to be seen as alarming. Contact - [108] Minister Philippe De Backer was assigned to coordinating the efforts of the authorities to supply masks and respirators. BILAN COVID. In September an average of more than 30,000 tests were carried out daily compared to ca. Nevertheless, the number of hospitalised coronavirus patients had continued to remain at a low level. [33][34] Steven Van Gucht of the Scientific Committee predicted that in the worst-case scenario the epidemic would cause 13,000 virus infections, with 2,000 to 3,000 hospitalisations and 500 to 700 patients in intensive care. Feb Actualisé le 18 Décembre 2020 toujours en vigueur. Coronavirus Vous pouvez trouver des informations importantes sur les voyages pendant la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la page d'accueil de ce site.. Dans ce cas, vous devriez vous signaler comme convenu en France au numéro d’urgence (115), et tenir l’Ambassade informée de votre situation à parisconsulaire@international.gc.caou au (+33) 1 44 43 29 02. [216] Talks between political parties continued the next hours and were extended to Ecolo, Groen, cdH and DéFI. ", "Burgemeester Maingain neemt maatregel tegen coronavirus, De Block reageert: "Volledig disproportioneel, "Verrassend dat niet alle scholen hetzelfde doen", "Zeg alles af, of we stevenen op Italiaanse toestanden af", Coronavirus: Phase 2 maintained, transition to the federal phase and additional measures, "Controles aan Belgische grenzen om Nederlanders te weren, ook in Ardennen maatregelen", "Burgemeester van Turnhout aan Nederlandse collega's: stop "horecatoerisme'"", "People arriving in Belgium quarantined for a fortnight", "Measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus to remain in force until at least 19 April", "Verlenging van de maatregelen t.e.m. Pour la Belgique, quarantaine ... et Guatemala avec test PCR. [142][143] On 8 March, Maggie De Block stated she had a solution for the shortage of masks but was unwilling to disclose the potential vendor and the number of masks involved. Covid-19 : l'Autriche imposera un troisième confinement strict au lendemain de Noël. [105], On 6 March, Federal Minister of Public Health Maggie De Block criticised EU governments for blocking the export of medical masks at a time when global stocks were decreasing, asserting that they were acting against the spirit of the European Union. [244], On 25 March 2020, Belgium ranked 6th in the list of EU countries with the highest numbers of casualties, while on 1 April Belgium had the third highest death toll after Italy and Spain. Les restrictions d’accès à la Martinique qui étaient d’application, au contraire de la Guadeloupe, ont été levées en début de semaine par la préfecture et les restaurants y rouvrent à partir de ce vendredi 11 décembre. [183], To cope with the increasing influx of patients, several hospitals started to build new temporary facilities, such as the UZA clinic in Edegem with the construction of containers[184] or the Saint Peter's Hospital in Brussels with the set up of outside tents supported by the Belgian Red Cross. [1], In the period between 17 and 21 March the number of deaths due to COVID-19 doubled on average every 1.4 days (64 % daily increase). [159][160] On Wednesday 1 April, the government finally promised to also provide more tests to the care homes by the end of the week. [230][231], The Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy reported that the strong decrease in car and air traffic due to the confinement measures does not necessarily entail as strong a decrease in air pollution. INFOGRAPHIE - Tests PCR, quarantaines, couvre-feux... Malgré le coronavirus, les voyages sont autorisés sous certaines conditions. Echt belangrijk om nu strikt de maatregelen op te volgen, "De Coronacurves van biostatisticus prof. dr. Kurt Barbé", "Brouwer-stoker schakelt over: alcohol voor handgel in plaats van whisky uit stookketel", "Janssen Pharma, Tereos én Filliers starten noodproductie desinfecterende ontsmettingsalcohol", "AB InBev maakt handgels en ontsmettingsmiddel uit restalcohol alcoholvrij bier", "Tiense Suikerraffinaderij maakt desinfecterende handgel", "Les entreprises belges produisent 1 million de litres de gel hydroalcoolique et mettent fin à la pénurie", "Production of face-masks locally is 'pretty much impossible,' says industry", "Textielsector: 'Hier productie van mondmaskers opstarten, is niet vanzelfsprekend, "Coronavirus: Belgian companies to start producing face masks", "GSK's major contributions to the fight against Covid-19 in Belgium", "Moet er snel een echte regering komen om de coronacrisis te bezweren? Dès janvier 2020, cet antiviral est identifié comme option médicamenteuse à évaluer contre la Covid-19 [2], sur la base de données sur son activité in vitro et in vivo sur les coronavirus MERS-CoV et SARS-CoV [5], [18]. Variation journalière du nombre de personnes en réanimation ou en soins intensifs pour la Covid-19 en Nouvelle-Aquitaine Lecture : le 25 mars 2020 , 29 personnes de plus que la veille sont en réanimation ou en soins intensifs attribués à la Covid-19. COVID-19 confirmed cases in Belgium by gender and age (, COVID-19 deaths in Belgium by gender and age (, COVID-19 confirmed cases in Belgium by gender (. a curfew is being imposed for the entire province. In the period between 7 and 27 March the number of confirmed cases doubled on average every 3.7 days (20.9 % daily increase). [65] While the high incidence in Honnelles could be linked to an outbreak in a centre for disabled people, the mayor of Quévy had no idea what caused the large outbreak in her municipality but complained of the lack of communication and protective equipment. [78] The peak was 417 deaths in 24 hours. Découvrez notre généreuse franchise de bagages. Jul Jun A leur retour ou arrivée en Belgique, étant donné le passage en zone orange, les voyageurs en provenance de Martinique et de Guadeloupe ne sont donc plus soumis à l'obligation de quarantaine. [37] Four cases were in the Leuven area,[38] one case in Hasselt,[39] and one in Pelt. The official reports from the national public health institute of Belgium do not refer to recovered people but only to discharged patients. [71], Jan Eyckmans of the Federal Public Service Health claimed hospitals increased their number of ICUs from 1900 to 2650 over a period of two weeks time, corresponding to an increase from 16.5 to 23.0 ICUs per 100,000 inhabitants. [citation needed], An agreement has finally been found on 16 March under the form of a continuation of the Wilmès I Government, with the exception that the government now has full legislative powers rather than being just a caretaker government. Annonceurs - On 28 July, in response to a flare-up in Antwerp, measures are being tightened locally. [111], On 7 April, a Group of Experts for an Exit Strategy (GEES), led by Erika Vlieghe and composed of 10 scientists, economists and top managers, was set up to advise the National Security Council on the restart of the country. ), Change of hospitalisations per day in Belgium, Active cases in hospital per day (incl. Charte des médias, Tour de France : résultats et classements. The authorities called this reinforced phase 2. Ils doivent toutefois remplir le formulaire de localisation du passager (Passenger Locator Form) dans les 48 heures avant leur arrivée en Belgique. [15], The case fatality ratio for COVID-19 has been much lower than SARS of 2003,[16][17] but the transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll. [129] Pharmacists complained they did not receive clear instructions from the authorities. [154][155] Two surgeons from the Brussels Saint Pierre hospital addressed an open letter to prime minister Wilmès on 22 March demanding increased testing. Cases and hospitalisations: data collected by. Sep [106] On 19 March, a shipment of 100,000 FFP2 respirators arrived. This was due to underreporting by a lab in the province. 22:53. Conditions générales d’utilisation - Jul Last 15 days, On 2 February, nine Belgian nationals living in Hubei were repatriated on an evacuation flight landing at Melsbroek Air Base close to Brussels, before being transferred to the Military Hospital of Neder-Over-Heembeek where they underwent a 14-day quarantine and were tested for infection with the virus. Amongst the new cases, a 17-year from Tienen[29] and one person from Sint-Niklaas[30] returned from a ski vacation in northern Italy, a person from Verviers,[31] two cases from Couthuin [fr][32] and a 65-year-old male from Eupen who presented relatively severe symptoms and had not been to any of the regions with a higher risk of infection. The virus was confirmed to have spread to Belgium on 4 February 2020, when one of a group of nine Belgians repatriated from Wuhan to Brussels was reported to have tested positive for the coronavirus. Approximately 20 patients out of those 399 were being treated in intensive care. Causing an underreporting of around 3000 deaths. Track COVID-19 local and global coronavirus cases with active, recoveries and death rate on the map, with daily news and video. [163] These events led to severe criticism addressing the Flemish minister of public health Wouter Beke. [127], While the COVID-19 was already spreading to all regions of Italy in late February, the Belgian government has been criticised for its lack of action. – discuss], The amount of traffic on Belgian roads dropped sharply after shutdown measures were implemented: traffic dropped by 45% and the structural traffic jams disappeared completely. On 30 October, new figures showed that Belgium had the highest infection rate in Europe. [23], On 24 February, following the spread of the COVID-19 in northern Italy, a hundred Belgian citizens were put in quarantine in the H10 Costa Adeje Palace in Tenerife that was put on lockdown. [207], To make up for the shortage of medical masks, the Belgian textile sector was requested but unable to produce masks at short notice because of the lack of manufacturing capacity and of raw materials. ", "Talks on emergency government continue this afternoon", "De Wever wil zelf premier worden van noodregering, maar PS slaat al deur dicht", "PS en MR trekken stekker uit noodregering: "Tijdverlies, onze enige prioriteit is coronacrisis, "Formation fédérale - Un gouvernement de plein exercice mais dont le périmètre se limitera au coronavirus", "Le gouvernement Wilmès va être doté de pouvoirs spéciaux pendant 6 mois", "1.25 million people on temporary unemployment benefit", "Corona crisis hits production of Belgian fries", "Coronavirus is grounding the world's airlines", "Brussels Airlines temporarily suspends all its flights as of 21 March until 19 April", "Brussels Airlines extends the temporary suspension of its flights", "Brussels Airlines further extends the temporary suspension of its flights", "Coronavirus: How Belgium's breweries are adapting to lockdown", "Douaniers op onze luchthavens dragen voortaan mondmaskers: "Maar hier masker dragen tegen coronavirus heeft geen zin, "New figures confirm 45% less traffic on Flemish highways", "Files in coronacrisis? [120][121][122][123][specify], Experts and authorities also used the media to express themselves throughout the crisis, either to reproach citizens organising or taking part in so-called 'lockdown or corona parties',[124] or otherwise to give their point of view. Dans cette rubrique, nous avons rassemblé toutes les informations utiles pour mieux gérer votre voyage. [95] Schools remained open but are advised to cancel both trips abroad and multi-day excursions in general. [217][218] The government also received certain plenary powers to deal with the pandemic quickly and effectively. In the period between 17 and 21 March it became clear that the province of Limburg was a hotspot for the coronavirus where the incidence grew much faster compared to the rest of the country: while on 17 March the incidence in Limburg was 1.5 times the average incidence for the country, this had already increased to 1.9 times the average incidence on 21 March. [165], On 10 April, about 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in Belgium occurred in care homes. [102] From 25 March onwards, people arriving at Brussels Airport were handed a leaflet with the compelling advice to quarantine themselves for a fortnight. De Croo said that the restrictions would remain in place until at least mid-December.[86]. Prime Minister Wilmès stressed this was not an interdiction but rather a recommendation. 48,5 procent minder auto's op de weg maar hamsteren veroorzaakt wel méér vrachtverkeer", "Corona does not necessarily imply less pollution", "Coronavirus lockdowns have changed the way Earth moves", "Coronavirus : pourquoi le nombre de cas détectés en Belgique ne représente pas grand-chose", "Marc Van Ranst: "Werkelijk aantal besmettingen ligt waarschijnlijk tien keer hoger, "Coronavirus en Belgique : combien y a-t-il de patients guéris ? [45][46], On 5 March 27 new confirmed cases were reported by the government (16 in Flanders, nine in Wallonia and two in Brussels), bringing the total to 50. [45] He had returned from Italy the previous week and attended a meeting with about thirty other European Union officials before he had started to feel ill.[45] A military staff member of the European External Action Service who attended the meeting then also began to experience symptoms. [158], After the closure, the sector requested more protective equipment, more training and guidelines for caretakers on how to handle infected patients, and more tests. Jun [57], On 12 March, two new infections were detected as well as 32 suspected cases in retirement home Ter Kameren in Watermael-Boitsfort, one of the biggest retirement homes of the Brussels region. Beginning of October the average number of daily new infections had risen to 1440. The total number of death cases in Belgium also includes suspected death cases, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Shortages related to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, national public health institute of Belgium, COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory, "Mystery deepens over animal source of coronavirus", "One repatriated Belgian has tested positive for the novel coronavirus", "6 new cases of Covid-19 by the end of the spring holidays", "Seven confirmed coronavirus cases in Belgium following holiday week", "Covert coronavirus infections could be seeding new outbreaks", "United Kingdom Coronavirus: 301,815 Cases and 42,461 Deaths - Worldometer", "Coronavirus: Why so many people are dying in Belgium", "Analysis: Can we trust Belgium's COVID-19 death statistics? ", "Le Belge contaminé par le coronavirus peut quitter l'hôpital Saint-Pierre", "Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK", "Virologen aangeslagen door dood van 12-jarig meisje", "Belgian girl becomes Europe's youngest coronavirus victim: media", "Coronavirus: 1,850 new cases confirmed, 64 new deaths in Belgium", "Coronavirus: Why death and mortality rates differ", "Counting coronavirus: How are different countries calculating death tolls, and can you trust them? On 11 March the care homes were closed for all visitors in Wallonia and Brussels, and a day later in Flanders. An official website[116] of the Federal Public Service Health dedicated to the coronavirus crisis was registered by the authorities before the first case was officially confirmed, at the end of January,[117] to inform the public. Because of the use of actual dates and as some delay occurs in reporting, all figures are subject to retrospective updating. Depuis le début de la pandémie de COVID-19, la France compte aujourd'hui plus de 2 427 300 cas confirmés, parmi eux 8524 cas en Guadeloupe (Dont 154 décès) et 1071 cas dans les îles du Nord (dont 10 décès). [248], Sciensano started to publish statistics per province starting 18 March. Some bars and cafes have raised funds by selling advance vouchers that are redeemable when the establishments reopen. [208][209] Eventually around mid-April, two Belgian companies specialised in workwear and interiors for cars, announced they will together start producing surgical masks and FFP2 respirators.[210]. Retrouvez ici les informations sur le Coronavirus, les recommandations pour votre santé et les points de situation en Guadeloupe et îles du Nord. It is estimated that the actual number of cases is much higher than the number of confirmed cases,[235] the tests being limited to specific people and/or to people with severe symptoms. Care organisations accused the minister of losing 3 weeks time, and being very late with an emergency plan. [24][25] Fifteen of them were allowed to travel back to Belgium on 28 February and the remainder on 5 March, without having been tested for the coronavirus upon arrival. [99][specify], On 20 March at 3 pm Belgium closed its borders to all non-essential travel. [103], On 27 March, the National Security Council and the governments decided to extend the measures until 19 April (end of the Easter vacation). With people who are not part of your bubble, safety distance had to be respected. Trouvez la propriété idéale sur Homelidays - site leader des locations de vacances +2 millions de propriétés +19 millions d'avis Paiement en ligne sécurisé Diagnosed cases are an underestimate of the real number by a factor of between 5 and 10 according to Professor Marc Van Ranst. Dans la lutte contre le Covid-19, les pompiers sont aussi mobilisés. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères belge a pris la décision de reclasser la Guadeloupe et la Martinique en zone orange et non plus rouge. On 2 March, six additional cases, making a total of eight, had been diagnosed. L’agence propose un point épidémiologique quotidien, qui comprend les chiffres-clés nationaux. The restrictions were eased on some points. The daily Sciensano report of 28 March saw a spectacular rise of the incidence numbers for the province of Liège: from 19 confirmed cases per 100 000 population on 27 March it rose to 77. Apr Belgium had then passed the milestone of 100,000 confirmed coronavirus infections. [48] The new cases were reported to be in Knokke-Heist, Zonhoven, Doomkerke [nl] (Ruiselede) and Vlierzele (part of Sint-Lievens-Houtem).[49]. La compagnie aérienne Air Belgium reprendra mi-décembre ses vols vers la Guadeloupe, a-t-elle annoncé mercredi après avoir rencontré le préfet de la Région des îles de Guadeloupe. La France a toutefois annoncé jeudi un déconfinement progressif à partir du 15 décembre. [47] Of the 50 people then infected one had recovered, 48 were quarantined in their homes and one person was being treated in the Sint-Pietersziekenhuis. This page was last edited on 20 December 2020, at 12:40. Representatives of N-VA and PS, the two majority parties that have not been able to come to an agreement so far, started to discuss again on 13 March,[213] eventually joined by Open Vld, MR, CD&V and sp.a on 14 and 15 March. Oct For example, as of 11 May, all shops are allowed to be open for the public but under certain conditions (e.g. ", "What is coronavirus and how close is it to becoming a pandemic? Since the 13 March, the FPS Health together with the National Crisis Centre (NCCN) has held a daily press conference[118] led by spokesmen Benoît Ramacker, Peter Mertens and Yves Stevens with doctors Steven Van Gucht and Emmanuel André. [148] On 20 March, a shipment from China of 5 million masks arrived at the airport of Bierset, but these were surgical masks and not the type of respirators required to protect the medical staff. The dates are to be understood as follows: cases: date of diagnosis (or when not available, date of reporting); tested: date of laboratory diagnosis (or when not available, date of sampling). [97] It was stressed that the measures taken were not a lockdown because people were not required to stay home. [11] Unlike many other countries, which publish figures based primarily on confirmed hospital deaths, the death figures reported by the Belgian authorities include deaths in the community, especially in care homes, confirmed to have been caused by the coronavirus, as well as a much larger number of such deaths suspected to have been caused by the virus, even if the person was not tested. [156][157], In Belgium, the organisation of care homes falls under the regional authorities. [176] The virologist Marc Van Ranst, member of the Belgian Scientific Committee for Coronavirus, also criticised the way of counting, saying it is "dumb" that almost all deaths occurring in care homes are being counted as COVID-19 deaths, leading to an overestimation according to him. [238] The situation is similar in France. The actual number of infections, however, is likely to be much higher than the number of diagnosed cases, as laboratory tests are limited to specific people and/or people with severe symptoms, and because many people with mild or no symptoms do not seek medical help, even as they are likely to be transmitting the virus.[8]. On 6 March 59 new cases were reported by the government, bringing the total to 109 (65 in Flanders, 12 in Brussels, 31 in Wallonia and one recovered). [22] The patient, an asymptomatic 54-year-old male, was then transferred to the Saint Peter's Hospital in Brussels, one of the two referral centres in the country. [6][7] The epidemic increased rapidly in March–April 2020. [221], Just as most airlines in the world,[222] the national flag carrier Brussels Airlines suspended all its commercial flights as of 21 March, originally until 19 April[223] but delayed the restart of operations first till 15 May,[224] then till 1 June,[225] then gradually from 15 June. The yearly one week school holiday around carnival lasted from 22 February until 1 March 2020. [94], On 10 March, the government advised citizens to cancel any indoor scheduled events to be attended by more than 1,000 people for the month of March. ), Tests and new confirmed cases per day in Belgium On 20 March, the chairman of the Scientific Committee expressed the hope that the measures that came into effect on 14 March would lead to a stabilisation of the number of hospitalisations starting from the middle of the week beginning 23 March. ), New confirmed cases per day in Belgium [136] Similarly, Leopold Lippens, the mayor of Knokke-Heist, judged the actions of the federal authorities insufficient and therefore ordered the ban on all indoor and outdoor activities in his municipality. Many people go on ski vacation during that period and the number of detected virus infections rose sharply upon the return of people from holidays in affected areas. In an apparent effort at transparency, a daily epidemiological bulletin and a set of raw data are made available on the Belgian Institute for Health website. [168], In April, Belgium had very high mortality figures, the highest death rate from COVID-19 in the world at that time. [137], Some media made positive criticism, such as the Financial Times who praised Belgium for its handling of the coronavirus crisis,[138] claiming Belgium had shown that "a fragmented country" could still produce a clear response to the pandemic – by taking decisive actions earlier than other countries – and pointing out the daily briefings are not held by politicians but by scientific experts and spokespersons. Engie Electrabel assured that the safety of the nuclear power plant would not be compromised. [66][67], On the daily press conference of 27 March Van Gucht announced that a cat had been infected by its owner. The COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Experts like Marc Wathelet, a virologist specialised in coronaviruses, urged for strict prevention measures, affirming that the Belgian federal minister of health Maggie De Block was underestimating the danger[128] and Professor in microbiology Herman Goossens of the UZA [nl] in Antwerp, called for wider screening for the virus. [12][169], Steven Van Gucht from Sciensano explained this was partly due to a difference in counting, compared to other countries. Working at home - if possible - was encouraged to control the breakout. (Data from the last two days still have to be consolidated by Sciensano. The total number of recoveries is therefore underestimated, particularly in a context where there are many undetected positive cases presenting mild symptoms and recovering as well. [110], In an effort to support international research, Belgium pledged 5 million euro to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) which intends to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. [68], The additional number of people reported as having tested positive for the novel coronavirus peaked on 28 March compared to the previous days. As a result, the new Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo announced that a national lockdown would be reintroduced from 2 November onwards. Five were found in Flanders and one in Brussels, all six infected people having come back from Northern Italy. Jusqu’à présent, il fallait un motif impérieux de déplacement pour s’y rendre. ), 7-day running average for daily new cases, hospitalisations, discharges and deaths, Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Belgium, Map of Belgium and its provinces with the spread of COVID-19 as of 9 July 2020, Infections at the Doel Nuclear Power Station, High death toll and unusual method of counting, Please consider summarizing the material while. [249] On 29 March the province of Liège even became the second worst affected province in Belgium after Limburg. [13][14] First reports of the coronavirus disease started to appear in the Belgian media around 8 January. The COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).