Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The ancient age of Egypt, the enigmatic pharaohs and the rich history of the Nile valley , are without a doubt one of the most exciting and wondrous aspects of modern archaeology. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Dates: 1979 March. Dates: 1979 March. Ask us a Question. Unearthing the Ancients: Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Large Gilded Coffin of King Tut Is Moved For The First Time, When the Falcon Had Flown: Evidence of Approximate Order in Burial Paraphernalia â Part II. C'est une machine virtuelle et le ntp est activé. ... March 26, 2001. Many of these items have been linked to King Akhenaten. Accession Number: 66.99.38 Edgar Cayce - 4 Figures of Daniel have 4 Dates, 3 Dates before the "3 Days of Darkness" (Q) In which pyramid or temple are the records mentioned in the readings given through this channel on Atlantis, in April, 1932? This made efforts to identify the remains within the tomb more difficult. The Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt has announced that the outer coffin of Tutankhamun has been removed from its tomb - for the first time since it was uncovered. While the skullâs shape was unusual, it was not abnormal. but then how would it dry out ? We’re thrilled to announce that Fly on the Wall quickly worked with us to schedule a new concert date for “The Outlaws”:Saturday, April 10, 2020 at 8PM Doors and Will Call will be open at 7PM. Just a couple of years ago DNA tests of many of the Amarna royals were done. I want the KV 55 mummy to be Shmenkare. In addition, the KV35YL (Younger Lady) mummy has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt to be Tut's mother. New Evidence: Lost Queen Nefertiti May be Hidden in King Tut's Tomb! They can be considered an obscure side of Egyptian mythology, characterized by events where myth seems to meet history. Reign: reign of Akhenaten. We don’t have any upcoming events for this artist right now. Let us know what you think of the website. Urgent restoration work needs to be... A great deal of ritualistic activity was involved in the burial of royals in the âValley of the Kingsâ. However, the contents became more puzzling and mysterious as they were examined, as each piece appeared to be connected to different individuals. I guess the egyptians didnt at all think about rain out there, since they had their sarcophagus' at the bottom, where rain would fill it in. Most people are familiar with the story of Atlantis, the legendary sunken city as described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Marche Lyrics: On peut plus vivre les uns contre les autres ! Mysterious Cocaine Mummies: Do They Prove Ancient Voyages Between Egypt and Americas? As Ayrtonâs team was working on January 6, 1907, they discovered the entrance to a tomb â KV55. A French rapper and a French dark ambient/black metal project. CLAE x AKHENATON LIMITED EDITION We partnered with one of the architect of French rap and leader of the group IAM, Philippe Fragione, better known as his stage name Akhenaton, on a limited edition Bradley silhouette. or drain off ? In order to have the best experience, please upgrade to a more modern browser. Thothâs Enigmatic Emerald Tablets May Provide the Answer, Nilometers: Ancient Egyptâs Ingenious Invention Used Until Modern Times, How The Thracian Panagyurishte Treasure Changed Bulgariaâs History, The Pyramid Complex and the Hopi: Creation Myth Sheds Light on Building Plan. Tom Wells Curator - Photograph Archives For now, the âalmost certainâ determination that the mummified remains belong to Akhenaten are the conclusion to this mysterious find.Â, Bust of Pharaoh Akhenaton ( Wikimedia Commons ). Public Domain. Leave feedback, There are at least two artists by this name. The mummy was unwrapped on... Ramses II, or the Great (c. 1303â 1213 BC), was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt and is often regarded as the greatest and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom. French Treasure Hunter Caught With 27000 Illegal Artifacts In Belgium! A sloping corridor leads to the tomb, which contains a single chamber and a small niche. They do not say the body disintegrated upon opening the coffin ....also there was a lot of water damage. ; Custom Calendar – Make advanced customized calendars; Calendar for 2020; Printable Calendar (PDF) – Calendars especially made for printing Date Calculators. Administrator. Philippe Fragione better known by his stage name. After all they knew he would be down there in the underworld, therefore why not have the assumption that rain may come some day and ruin all they were preparing..? Gourou. who rejected the old gods and initiated a new form of sun worship of Aton. Eventually, it was agreed that the coffin was initially created for Kiya. It is possible that Queen Tiye upset Amenhotep IIIâs burial plans when she outlived him by 12 years. The “news” from geneticists in Switzerland that Ancient Egypt’s King Tutankhamun’s DNA is European, is confirmation once again — if any was needed — that the basic thesis of March of the Titans is completely correct. The four canopic jars within the tomb were all empty. Almost all of the pharaohs from Egyptâs âGolden Ageâ are buried in this famous valley. Bust of Pharaoh Akhenaton ( Wikimedia Commons ) Attempts have been made to recreate the circumstances that led to this mysterious, hasty burial. The entrance includes a flight of 20 stairs. 1. Dimensions: H. 22.3 × W. 7.2 × D. 6 cm (8 3/4 × 2 13/16 × 2 3/8 in.) Alors oui bien sûr, y'aura des obstacles, y'aura des difficultés ! Offered in a white color way, the Bradley AKH is handcrafted in a certified tannery with Italian Napp 1. The mummy of Maiherpri is so well preserved that it almost looks like he is in a peaceful sleep. Another theory was that the remains belonged to Smenkhkare, who may have been Akhenatenâs successor. Geography: From Egypt, Middle Egypt, Amarna (Akhetaten), Petrie/Carter excavations, 1891–92 Medium: Limestone Dimensions: H. 35 cm (13 3/4 in. Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past, Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth, about Searching for a Family: The Mysterious Mummy of Maiherpri and His Special Tomb, about Sacrificed Bulls of Ramses II Excavated in Abydos Temple. Akhenaten (/ ˌ æ k ə ˈ n ɑː t ən /; also spelled Echnaton, Akhenaton, Ikhnaton, and Khuenaten; meaning "Effective for Aten") known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning "Amun Is Satisfied"), was an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty who ruled for 17 years and died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC. Even after it was determined that the remains were those of a male, there remained questions as to who he was, and how old he was when he died. Akhenaten is one of the most intriguing rulers of ancient Egypt, and one of the most fascinating individuals from the ancient world. The new study could reshape history, since it openly challenges the âout of Africa theory.â. Is this a 300 million-year-old screw or just a fossilized sea creature? By January 25, they were able to view and investigate the coffin and the skeletal mummy within the tomb. One of the four Egyptian alabaster canopic jars found in KV55, depicting what is thought to be the likeness of Queen Kiya. Over the next few days they took photographs of the items within the tomb and began removing artifacts. ); W. 23.4 cm (9 3/16 in. The next meeting will be at Jack McLean Community Center on March 26th at 3:00 pm. Profile view of the skull recovered from KV55. "Mythology: Arabic Ophiuchus - Greek Aesculapius - Egyptian Akhenaton" Akhenaton or Akhenaten also Ikhnaton originally Amenhotep IV as King during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1,375?/50-1,358?/1334 B.C.) Title: Trial Piece with Relief of Head of Akhenaten Period: New Kingdom, Amarna Period Dynasty: Dynasty 18 Reign: reign of Akhenaten Date: ca. Suggested dates for Akhenaten's reign (subject to the debates surrounding Egyptian chronology) are from 1353 BC-1336 BC or 1351 BC1334 BC. Their Origins May Surprise You, Petroglyphic Features of Portable Rock Art, The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age, Floki and the Viking Discovery of Iceland. Other Calendars. References. Since it is assumed that Tut's tomb has two more hiddden rooms, if those are opened we may have better information about this whole affair. 1353–1336 B.C. Egyptâs famous Valley of the Kings. As the first man to worship One God in history - Akhenaton was definitely different and physically extremely different......maybe a hybrid 'giant'......anyways his images although defaced and shattered survived in rubble and in the abandoned City at Tel Amarna and used for Temple filling at Karnak for posterity. The coffin had been desecrated, with parts of the face having been removed. Item 1570 box 3 folder 9 Akhenaton--Egyptian Museum. She has earned... Read More. Si c'est juste un problème d'affichage c'est pas trop grave, mais tu me confirmes que si je met 15 dans l'intervalle normal de controle, logiquement un contrôle est effectué toutes les 15 minutes? Credit Line: Purchase, Fletcher Fund and The Guide Foundation Inc. In this article, you point out that Akhenaten reined between 1352 and 1336 BCE. Akhenaton, originally named Amenhotep IV, was one of the most radical pharaohs of Egypt. The father of Tutankhamun, was a revolutionary who is noted for abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing the first monotheistic religion centered on the one âtrueâ god of Aten (the Sun disk), so it is also possible that Akhenatenâs later reputation as âheretic kingâ led workmen to hastily remove other sarcophagi, such as Queen Tiyeâs, from Akhenatenâs presence, leaving him alone in the damaged tomb. Layout of Tomb KV55. 7.2 million-Year-Old Pre-Human Fossil Suggests Mankind Arose in Europe NOT Africa, Ancient Anomalous Human Skeletons: Humanity Could be Much Older Than We Think, The Stunning Vat Phou Temple Tells Secrets of Laos' Past, Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 5th January 2005 is a significant date in Tutankhamun’s saga because on this day, the world’s most famous mummy gilded from head to toe was CT scanned in order to probe the remaining mysteries of this little understood young ruler who had died more than 3300 years ago. Unfortunately, Akhenaten's father, Amenhotep III was dead before Tut was born. And Akhenatenâs name was on the two clay bricks. In which case, if Akhenaten and Tut were half brothers they would have shared the same father or mother. An Iron Age village that was deliberately destroyed in England might have been torched in response to Queen Boudicca´s legendary rebellion against invading Roman conquerors. Object Details. 3 Problems to Remember When Trying to Find Atlantis,,,, Searching for a Family: The Mysterious Mummy of Maiherpri and His Special Tomb, Sacrificed Bulls of Ramses II Excavated in Abydos Temple. ... Join Date: Jul 2008; Posts: 4590; Share Tweet #11. Scientific testing revealed that he may have been closely related to King Tutankhamen, who is believed to have been Akhenatenâs son. Join Date: Jul 2008; Posts: 4590; Share Tweet #2. The remains were first estimated to belong to a man who died around the age of 25, but it was later determined he would have been closer to 20 at the time of death. Nothing accurate is known when Akhenaten died, however it is known that he was never buried in the tomb prepared for him in Amaranth. During recent... Is there or isnât there a hidden chamber, or chambers, connected to King Tutankhamunâs tomb? Item 1572 box 3 folder 9 3rd coffin--containing the mummy. Unfortunately, Moses lived around three-hundred years earlier — the story of the Exodus covers a period between 1657 and 1512 BCE. However, upon further study and tests of the remains, researchers concluded that the individual buried within the tomb was, in fact, male. Weâre the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Go directly to shout page. It has been speculated that the tomb was created in a hurry, and that the individual buried there had been previously laid to rest elsewhere. Davisâ first impression, after in situ examinations were conducted by physicians, was that the remains belonged to Queen Tiye. Have your first date somewhere public. Connect your Spotify account to your account and scrobble everything you listen to, from any Spotify app on any device or platform. Till this day, opinion is still divided as to whether this story... For thousands of years, nilometers measured the water level of the Nile River during the annual flood season. Since he and his immediate family were so hated it is probable that burials were done hurried and in secret. 1353–1336 B.C. The Man Who Stopped a Desert Using Ancient Farming, Han Purple: A 2,800-year-old artificial pigment that quantum physicists are trying to understand. Today's Date - Details about today's date. Overall, the physical appearance of the tomb is unremarkable. Etruscans Transported Bees by Boat to Reach the Best Flowers! Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.5. : Month/Year Calculator - Provides perpetual monthly calendar for any year. Dates: 1979 March. To the best if my recollection the mummy in KV 55 was related to Khia. 2 (feat. • Provides dramatic evidence from both archaeological and documentary sources. He died before Tut who had this sumptuous burial that also had many burial articles that were supposedly intended for Nefertiti. (A) As given, that temple was destroyed at the time there was the last destruction in Atlantis. The Emerald Tablets are one of the greatest enigmas of archaeology. White Skin Developed in Europe Only As Recently as 8,000 Years Ago Say Anthropologists, Who Really Built the Pyramids of Giza? Help with this Collection. In 1907, a mysterious tomb was discovered in Egypt. This, in turn, was used to predict the fortunes of the annual harvest, the taxes to be imposed (which determined the revenues of the state), as well as the prices of foodstuffs. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. - Membre d'IAM - Auteur-compositeur - Chanteur de rap français - Producteur - Réalisateur - Mon autobiographie, LA FACE B 6,597 talking about this. Sellers, The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt , 1992 Donald B. Redford and Ray Winfield Smith, The Akhenaten Temple Project, Vol.1: Initial Discoveries , 1976 Davies, N. de G. , The rock tombs of El-Amarna, Parts III and IV, 1905 (Reprinted 2004) , The … Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? Internet Explorer is no longer supported on Akhenaton, originally named Amenhotep IV, was one of the most radical pharaohs of Egypt. The gilded shrine appeared to have been created for Akhenatenâs mother, Queen Tiye. Mais pas à pas, rue après rue, ville après ville, on va conquérir • A radical challenge to long-established beliefs on the origin of Semitic religion. All printed and emailed tickets purchased for the original March 28 date are valid and will be honored. Soyez le premier à donner votre avis sur cette source.. Snippet vu 36 718 fois - Téléchargée 26 fois She has been trapped in the underworld because she knew that Aye killed king Tut. Evidence that the remains were female included the positioning of the arms, post-mortem damage to the pelvis, and lack of male genitalia. Available from:, Mystery of the Mummy from KV55 â Guardian. They contained effigies of four women, believed to be the daughters of Akhenaten, and may have been created for Kiya, one of Akhenatenâs wives. why wouldn't they have had some kind of water pit ? Wikimedia, CC BY 2.0, The Mystery of the Mummy in Tomb #55 â Historic Mysteries. Add image Date: ca. AkHeNaToN. Featured image: The desecrated royal coffin found in Tomb KV55. Item 1571 box 3 folder 9 "Israel" Stele. 25. His odd appearance in representations that he commissioned and his preoccupation with worshiping the sun-disc, or Aten, have stimulated a vast amount of academic discussion and controversy for more than a century. 5th May 2009, 10:12. A French rapper and a French dark ambient/black metal project. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. : Birthday Countdown - Provides the count of days till your Birthday. A new analysis of two 7.2 million-year-old fossils belonging to a hominin species nicknamed âEl Graecoâ from Mediterranean Europe, suggests that mankind emerged in Europe and not in Africa. Star Gazing at Cheomseongdae - East Asiaâs Oldest Observatory, The Megalithic Mystery of the Greek Dragon Houses, The Colossal Head of Decebalus, King of the Dacians, The Ottoman Empire: 600 Years of Domination, The Templar Tunnel: Knightâs Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 Years, Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudicaâs Rebellion, Egyptian Hippos: Ancient Symbol of Protection, Rebirth And Hunting, Revealing The Hellenistic Origins Of Jaffa, The Holiest Port, Grasshopper Diet Caused Lethal Constipation 1,000 Years Ago, Surprise Discovery of a Headless 'Buddha' Statue Beneath Chinese Apartments. in hieroglyphs on the front within an inscription border is the praenomen of king Akhenaten Provenance Presumably from the Royal Tomb or Royal Wadi of Akhenaten, El-'Amarna. He was buried in the Valley of the Kings, but his life is full of secrets.