Have a great week (and weekend)! | Reply. Comment by キース — October 17, 2020 @ 10:30 Those hats are made to resist the cold up to -40°C / -40°F! 北極圏! Había visitantes, pero pocos que venían al extranjero. En la práctica, vimos que comen varias plantas verdes y su delicadeza es el epilobio o la adelfilla. It is quite rare, but worth for buying it at Helsinki airport. Fotos tiradas aproximadamente 800. Pello est le pays des rennes du Père Noël. O que aconteceu lá quando a Covid-19 se espalhou ao redor do mundo? Not so much! Do you have any kind of these kind of dance pavilions? I enjoyed the wonderful pictures of the Arctic town. This what I have been taught. | Reply. My music corner or better said music from my Memory Lane. Muchos autos que se acercaban parpadearon para advertir sobre los renos: ¡funcionó muy bien! Beautiful photos from Santa’s territory, Satenada! Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:08 Cancel. | Reply. Comment by hjonasson — October 13, 2020 @ 08:18 ( Log Out / Comment by Peter Klopp — October 13, 2020 @ 15:47 Well, when we have enough time? When I was on the Scandinavian trip, we visited the Skansen Open-Air Museum in Stockholm as part of our tour and spent an evening there and one of the attractions was folk dancing to native music. I can say that their music taste is near to my mind with listenable music. Comment by Linda Schaub — October 14, 2020 @ 03:31 Photos prises environ 800. Fue una casa de troncos redonda de dos pisos totalmente equipada y su embarcadero fue muy agradable para sentarse en la tarde y la noche. A refutação de que as renas comem apenas líquen. We have many deer/vehicle crashes in the Fall, especially in one county not near me, but very rural, but even the area near Lake Erie Metropark is out in the open, very rural and soon it will be mating season and the deer chase one another with no regard for the passing cars so you have to be on the alert. Now, I want to taste cloudberries! Thank you. Le silence était palpable. Strangely and eerily quiet! I knew that, but it was just so noticeable. Amazing how few other people were there. Il y avait des visiteurs, mais peu sont venus de l’étranger. Parecia que muitos pensavam da mesma maneira que nós: agora ou nunca para tirar uma foto com o Papai Noel. We spent it with a few of my schoolmates at a nearby bar equipped with a Jukebox. There small boutiques closed Let’s how long this situation lasts. Le cercle arctique marque la limite sud du jour polaire lors du solstice de juin et de la nuit polaire lors du solstice de décembre. Comment by Linda Schaub — October 18, 2020 @ 01:42 Thank you for sharing this adventure Matti! Comment by Linda Schaub — October 20, 2020 @ 02:59. | Reply, that looks great, really better to go outside Christmas as I can see it is rather empty, which I like. En plus la Laponie suédoise se trouve à côté, car Pello est une commune frontalière. La réfutation du fait que les rennes ne mangent que du lichen de renne.C’est ce que j’ai appris. Many times, we have discussed about this with my wife and we and we have become to the conclusion that some people never have heard the good old music that goes straight to the soul. , Comment by Rebecca — October 14, 2020 @ 04:40 So romantic and beautiful! Un gran abrazo. in Alaska. Overall ratings of this application are for and against based on the user experiences. Il est vrai que Noël n’est qu’une fois par an. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’application d’alarme de rennes appelée en finnois Porokello. You are correct Matti – and, here we have an era where we don’t even have to go to the store to buy our music as you/I have both done in the past. El silencio era palpable. Pas tellement! Special discounts and promotions for accommodation for 2020 in Santa Claus Village and its surroundings.. Thank you for your photos. | Reply. Cela fait commercial .Non ? The classic photo is to stand on both sides of the Arctic Circle, as my wife showed!!! Direct flights take about 9 hours 25 minutes. Silence was palpable. https://lindaschaubblog.net/2013/10/05/oktoberfest-not-your-wurst-nightmare/, Comment by Linda Schaub — October 19, 2020 @ 02:44. Nous avions une heure de congé avant le prochain cours une fois par semaine. ( Log Out / We visited also Kuusamo, Arctic Circle, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (two nights) and one night in Iisalmi on the return trip. Cercle arctique translated from French to Swedish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Alguns dias chuvosos sim. Comment by Isabel F. Bernaldo de Quirós — October 13, 2020 @ 10:27 O seu som era mágico. L'axe reste parallèle à lui-même. J’ai commencé ce coin pour présenter de la belle musique à travers le monde. Le cercle arctique marque la limite sud du jour polaire lors du solstice de juin et de la nuit polaire lors du solstice de décembre. I have not forgotten about the other links you send me – they are in the post about Finland in my comments. Because I know some languages, I have listed to many radio stations from South and Central America. Anything later, I turn the radio off if they come on. I enjoyed reading this. I have quite similar which can be used in -35°C / -31°F. En 2019, hubo 4461 choques de renos aunque gracias a la tecnología moderna advertimos a los automovilistas sobre posibles colisiones de renos. ¡En nuestro corazón esperamos que algún día esto termine! All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. Search. I can only guess. Que s’est-il passé là-bas lorsque Covid-19 a fait rage dans le monde? Je suis très heureux que vous avez vu ma vidéo de musique. https://lindaschaubblog.net/2013/10/05/oktoberfest-not-your-wurst-nightmare/, 1000 small clay art pieces made by citizens, Christmas tradition in Finland -How to make Himmeli, Finland's southernmost place to admire midnight sun, First climb to the top of the Arctic hill, Helicopter trims branches from power lines, Historic maritime fortress of Suomenlinna, How to make shopping bag from empty coffee bags, Imperial Lodge of Czar Alexander II and Struve Geodetic Arc, Incredible Statue park (in the whole world), Japanese TV-star competitor stand on a log descending the river, Learn how to make shopping bags from empty coffee bags, Museum – Aviation Museum of Central Finland, Nuorgam, the northernmost village of Finland and the European Union, Old wooden church entirely painted with drawings, Only in Finland-Rafting competition standing on log in river, Swans – Stopover of migration to the north, Swans – Stopover of migration to the south, Traditions – Christmas decoration Himmeli, UNESCO World Heritage – Petäjävesi Old Church, UNESCO World Heritage -Struve Geodetic Arc, UNESCO World Heritage – Fortress of Suomenlinna, Village artist’s home and his gorgeous wooden art, Walking, biking and skiing on frozen lake, Wonderful Kaitatalampi Lake – near Helsinki, Egypt – Temple of Hatshepsut & Colossi of Memnon, Père Lachaise Cemetery / Cementerio del Père Lachaise / Cimetière du Père-Lachaise / Cemitério do Père-Lachaise, Mainau – flower island / Mainau – isla de flores / Mainau – île aux fleurs / Mainau- ilha das flores, Hundreds of turf heads / Cientos de cabezas de turba / Centaines de têtes de tourbe / Cientos de cabezas de turba, Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19, Hiking day2 / Día de Senderismo2 / Journée de randonnée2 / Dia de Caminhada2, Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1, Reindeer3 block the road / Renos3 bloquean la carretera/ Rennes3 bloquent la route/ Renas3 bloqueiam a estrada, Reindeer2 are curious / Renos2 son curiosos / Rennes2 sont curieux / Renas2 são curiosas, Reindeer1 are cute / Renos1 son lindos / Rennes1 sont mignons / Renas1 são fofas, Whirlwind visit to Berlin / Visita relámpago a Berlín / Visite éclair à Berlin / Visita relâmpago a Berlim, Flowers and birds / Flores y pájaros / Fleurs et d’oiseaux / Flores e pássaros, Botanical garden / Jardín Botánico / Jardin botanique / Jardim Botânico, A rolling stone gathers no moss / Una piedra que rueda no acumula musgo / Pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse / Uma pedra que rola não junta musgo, Church of Saarijärvi / Iglesia de Saarijärvi / Église à Saarijärvi / Igreja em Saarijärvi, Windmill and Old Tableware / Molino de viento y Vajilla Antigua / Moulin à vent et Vaiseille Vieille / Moinho de vento e louça de mesa antiga, Winter Garden / Jardín de invierno / Jardin d’hiver / Jardim de Inverno, Walking tour in Helsinki1 / Paseo en Helsinki1 / Balade à Helsinki1 / Caminhada em Helsinque1, On the border / En el borde / À la frontière / Na fronteira, Nile cruise8 / Crucero por el Nilo8 / Croisière sur le Nil8 / Cruzeiro no Nilo8, Nile cruise7 / Crucero por el Nilo7 / Croisière sur le Nil7 / Cruzeiro no Nilo7, Nile cruise6 / Crucero por el Nilo6 / Croisière sur le Nil6 / Cruzeiro no Nilo6, Nile cruise5 / Crucero por el Nilo5 / Croisière sur le Nil5 / Cruzeiro no Nilo5, Nile cruise4 / Crucero por el Nilo4 / Croisière sur le Nil4 / Cruzeiro no Nilo4, Nile cruise3 / Crucero por el Nilo3 / Croisière sur le Nil3 / Cruzeiro no Nilo3, Nile cruise2 / Crucero por el Nilo2 / Croisière sur le Nil2 / Cruzeiro no Nilo2, Nile cruise1 / Crucero por el Nilo1 / Croisière sur le Nil1 / Cruzeiro no Nilo1, Sand sculptures 2019 / Esculturas de arena 2019 / Sculptures de sable 2019 / Esculturas de areia 2019, Summer city / Ciudad de verano / Ville d’été / Cidade de verão, Farewell Unknown Helsinki / Adiós Helsinki desconocida / Adieu Helsinki Inconnue / Adeus Desconhecido Helsinque / Helsinki desconhecida, Raksila – residential district of wooden houses / Raksila – barrio de casas de madera / Raksila – quartier résidentiel des maisons en bois / Raksila – distrito de casas de madeira, Church of St. Nicholas / Iglesia de San Nicolás / Église Saint-Nicolas / Igreja de São Nicolau, Paateri – hidden gem in Finland / Paateri – joya escondida en Finlandia / Paateri – joyau caché en Finlande / Paateri – joia escondida na Finlândia, Carved animals / Animales tallados / Animaux taillés / Animais talhados, Lesser-known Helsinki / Menos conocida Helsinki / Moins connue Helsinki / Menos conhecida Helsínquia, Flower garden / Jardín de flores / Jardin de fleurs / Jardim de flores, Search for ghost houses / Búsqueda de casas fantasmas / Recherche de maisons fantômes / Busca de casas fantasmas, Unknown Helsinki3 / Helsinki desconocida3 / Helsinki Inconnu3 / Helsinki desconhecida3, Moomin ice sculptures / Esculturas de hielo de Mumin / Sculptures de glace de Moomine / Esculturas de gelo de Mumin, Unknown Helsinki2 / Helsinki desconocida2 / Helsinki Inconnu2 / Helsinki desconhecida2, Unknown Helsinki1 / Helsinki desconocida1 / Helsinki Inconnu1 / Helsinki desconhecida1, Made on courses / Hechos en cursos / Faites sur les cours / Fatos em cursos, Terracotta army / Guerreros de terracota / Armée de terre cuite / Exército de terracota, Reindeer rides and Santa / Paseos en rennes et Père Noël / Promenades en rennes y Papa Noel / Passeios de Rennes e Papai Noel, Reindeer race / Carrera de renos / Course de rennes / Competição de renas, Winter fun for children / Diversión de invierno para niños / Plaisirs d’hiver pour les enfants / Divertimento do inverno para crianças, Winter walk / Paseo de invierno / Balade hivernale / Caminhada de inverno, Winter cycling 2018 / Ciclismo en invierno 2018 / Cyclisme en hiver 2018 / Ciclismo de inverno 2018, Holiday in Italy – Pomeii / Vacaciones en Italia – Pompeya / Vacances en Italie – Pompéi / Férias na Itália – Pompéia, Church scale models from matches / Maquetas de Iglesias de fósforos / Èglises maquettes d'allumettes, Wooden church of Pyhämaa / Iglesia de madera de Pyhämaa / Église en bois de Pyhämaa, Beyond the Arctic Circle3 / Más allá del Círculo Polar Ártico3 / Au-delà du Cercle arctique3, Comparing bell towers IV / Comparando campanarios IV / Comparant Clochers IV, Open-air museum in Lieksa / Museo al aire libre en Lieksa / Musée en plein air á Lieksa, Lake Vanajavesi in winter / Lago Vanajavesi en invierno / Lac Vanajavesi en hiver, From Terijoki to Vyborg / De Terijoki a Vyborg / De Terijoki à Vyborg, Beyond the Arctic Circle 9 / Más allá del Círculo Polar Ártico 9 / Au-delà du Cercle arctique 9, Helsinki covered by snow / Helsinki cubierto de nieve / Helsinki sous la neige. Esto es lo que me han enseñado. Cercle arctique translated from French to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Il y avait des visiteurs, mais peu sont venus de l’étranger. À cette période de lannée, la rondeur de la Terre crée une zone dombre permanente autour du pôle Nord.