Travel advice extended from 20th August to 1st October 2020. a "yellow area", you are exempt from quarantine. Added new map and updated table of countries at midnight. In odd-numbered weeks, only assessments are made of countries / regions where it is relevant to change from yellow to red. Pour plus d’informations sur qui peut voyager en Norvège, comment s’y rendre, les règles de quarantaines et d'autres questions, voir le site officiel de la Direction norvégienne de l’Immigration (UDI). Il existe quelques exemptions à cette règle : par exemple, pour les Norvégiens rentrant chez eux, pour les personnes disposant d'un lieu de résidence en Norvège ou pour les personnes voyageant fréquemment en Norvège pour leur travail – par exemple, depuis la Finlande. NIPH makes a weekly assessment of the infection situation in the EU/EEA/Schengen. Vous avez acheté, auprès de Selectour un séjour. Regions (from yellow to red): Countries (from red to yellow): Island, Liechtenstein. 21.12.2020. 23.07.2020: Clarification of testing x1 for health personnel with patient-centred work who during the past 10 days have stayed in, or been travelling in "green" regions and countries outside the Nordic region, and that when travelling in green regions and countries in the Nordic region, testing is not required by health professionals. At the earliest, any updated travel advice will apply the day after the new decision. 05.08.2020: Updated paragraph about health personnel returning from a visit/stay in "green"  regions/countries outside Norway. Bons Plans Voyage. Plusieurs domaines ouverts pour le ski de fond Un bon bol d'air pur attendu par beaucoup. 20.11.2020: At 23:59: Updated map and table with new quarantine decisions. Currently, no countries are classed as green. Anyone arriving from "red" countries must present a certificate for a negative COVID-19 test when they arrive in Norway. Currently, this only applies for the Nordic countries. 26.08.2020: Added link to news story about change in entry quarantine for travellers from Germany and Liechtenstein that apply from 29th August 2020. Annulation, modification et remboursement avec Selectour (COVID-19, Coronavirus) Remboursement ou avoir sur un séjour Selectour. 02.10.2020: Updated map and table with new quarantine decisions that apply from midnight. 8 jours dès CHF 890.00. For general advice about coronavirus: our topic page and Information helpline for questions about coronavirus: 815 55 015 (weekdays 08-15.30) The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration has answers to many frequently asked questions about travelling to Norway, and a helpline 23351600 that is open on weekdays from 10:00-14:00.. Added link about re-opening for travel to Denmark. The quarantine regulations will be updated as new information becomes available and can change quickly. Là encore personnalisez votre voyage à deux en choisissant le style de votre hôtel : cosy, inattendu, animé, prestigieux… Ou laissez-vous tenter par un séjour tout-compris en club, dans un TUI Sensimar pour un voyage romantique, un TUI Magic Life pour des vacances sportives ou encore un TUI Sensatori pour un séjour haut de gamme. Added paragraph about domestic travel. TUI conçoit des voyages pour toutes vos envies : clubs vacances, circuits, séjours. Voyage au Canada; Recherche; International ; Coronavirus et pandémie de Covid-19 ; En Scandinavie, les chefs de gouvernement répondent aux questions des enfants sur le coronavirus. Si vous avez une sensation de fièvre, avez mal à la gorge, éprouvez des douleurs à la poitrine et des difficultés respiratoires, veuillez rester dans votre chambre d’hôtel et contacter la réception par téléphone ou appeler le service médical norvégien 24 h / 24 au 116 117 qui vous conseillera et vous apportera son assistance. ... Abritant la Norvège et la Suède, un voyage en Scandinavie est l’occasion d’admirer la beauté de cette région se partageant la Laponie. Après la tombée du jour, évi… These areas are marked in yellow in the map below and will be updated once a week. En raison des restrictions liées au Covid, le standard téléphonique de l’Ambassade est fermé un jour sur deux. These overseas regions are subject to the same entry restrictions and quarantine rules as the other third countries (countries outside the EU / EEA / Schengen area). Voyages à la carte - Tyrol du Sud. Infectious disease control in childcare and school, Coronavirus disease - advice and information, Anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders, Mental health in children and adolescents, Norwegian Registry of Pregnancy Termination, Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry, Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS), Norwegian Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Drug Resistance (NORM), Norwegian Surveillance System for Antiviral Resistance  (RAVN), Norwegian Syndromic Surveillance System (NorSySS), MoBa (Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study), The NIPH mass cytometry platform (CyTOF®), About the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Read more about the privacy policy for, Changes to the rules for quarantine hotels, Information for travellers arriving in Norway - several languages, marked with green on the map should now be marked as yellow, Supporting data for entry quarantine and previously published maps, Follow-up of close contacts, quarantine and home isolation, When you are sick or suspect that you have COVID-19 disease, Travel advice for EU/EEA citizens who are currently not in Norway, Infection control advice for travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, Facts about the virus and COVID-19 disease, Hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleaning and laundry, Face mask and visor use by the general public, When children have acute respiratory tract infections. In even-numbered weeks, an assessment is made of countries / regions where it is relevant to change from yellow to red and from red to yellow. Belgia has been marked in red and is covered by the entry quarantine. There are now exemptions from entry quarantine for travellers from EEA countries and Switzerland where there are fewer than 25 confirmed cases per 100 000 inhabitants during the last two weeks (evaluated on a national level), and fewer than 4 per cent positive tests on average per week over the last two weeks." The region is red, this was corrected 21st September 2020, at 10:20 am. If life is in danger, call 113. Deze reisbeperkingen kunnen betrekking hebben op … Facts and knowledge about COVID-19 For the public Testing and follow-up of infected people For different healthcare sectors For other sectors and occupational groups Information in other languages See full publication. {{:price}} When should sick children be kept home from school or childcare? Regardez immédiatement en replay Scandinavie, terre sauvage, diffusée le 14-12-20 09:12 From 15th July, exemption was extended for travel to countries in EU/EEA/Schengen area that satisfy these requirements. Testing and awaiting a negative result recommended for health personnel before returning to/starting clinical work. 07.12.2020: Moved content about infection control advice for travel to separate article: Infection control advice for travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Voyages à la carte. Familiarise yourself with which regulations apply when you return to Norway. Read more about the privacy policy for, Published 100. le site web de la Direction norvégienne de la Santé. Regions (from red to yellow): Kalmar and Blekinge in Sweden, Kainuu in Finland. Ensemble, ils ont parcouru fjords et montagnes, villes et villages. Selon les dernières annonces du gouvernement concernant les restrictions de voyage, tout voyageur se rendant en Norvège depuis un pays « rouge » doit présenter un test négatif de dépistage du coronavirus à son arrivée. Europe: France, Monaco, Switzerland and Czech Republic changed from green to red. The email address you register will only be used to send you these alerts. 20.12.2020: At 23:59: Updated map and table with new quarantine decisions. De belles aventures vous attendent – et ça, c’est plutôt bien, non ? 24.08.2020: Added Gibraltar to paragraph about overseas regions. 16.11.2020: Informed of error in position of map for two Finnish regions - problem being rectified. If you arrive in Norway from overseas regions and countries outside EU / EEA / Schengen (so-called third countries), you must go in quarantine for 10 days. The situation is being continually assessed. Everyone travelling from outside Sweden and Finland will be in quarantine for 14 days, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms. 1898 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 40 décès au Québec ... rapportent divers médias. In addition there is a comprehensive assessment of the countries, based on trends in infection rate and other relevant information. En cette fin d’année, nos équipes travaillent en effectif réduit, et à distance, ce qui pourrait allonger nos délais de réponse. ... Journées spéciales chez Voyage Marti. Suivez les traces de deux baroudeurs, Samuel et Hildegunn Taipale, pour un voyage dépaysant, mais tout en douceur. Sweden: Uppsala, Södermanland, Dalarna and Västerbotten changed from red to green. Healthcare professionals who, during the last 10 days, have been in regions and countries outside Norway that do not require quarantine duty ("yellow countries") should inform their employer before returning to work. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration has answers to many frequently asked questions about travelling to Norway, and a helpline 23351600 that is open on weekdays from 10:00-14:00. Coronavirus - questions et réponses Update 17/12/2020 En cette période spéciale, les habitudes de voyage ont changé. Si vous ne trouvez pas les informations que vous cherchez dans cet article, merci de nous contacter prioritairement par courriel pour ne pas saturer la réponse téléphonique de l’ambassade. If you must be in a public place or use public transport, use a face mask during the journey until you arrive at your destination. 100. The error was corrected at 1 PM. Employees with household members who have symptoms, but who are not probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases, can go to work but should follow the advice given here: For general advice about coronavirus: our topic page and, Information helpline for questions about coronavirus: 815 55 015 (weekdays 08-15.30). 13.02.2020: Changed the name of the virus from "2019-nCoV" to "COVID-19". Travellers who arrive in Norway can choose to return to the country they left instead of having to be in quarantine. Ne vous rendez pas dans nos stations de ski si vous ne vous sentez pas en forme ou si vous êtes en quarantaine. There was not an exact match for the language you toggled to. Frais de Dossier Offerts. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health's website uses cookies. Volez avec SAS, Scandinavian Airlines, en Scandinavie, en Europe, vers l'Asie et les États-Unis. Les personnes se rendant en Norvège sans y disposer d’un lieu de résidence devront observer 10 jours de quarantaine dans un hôtel à leur arrivée. Map and table that applies from midnight added. 06.05.2020Updated text about domestic travel as per Norwegian version. 17.09.2020: Added link to news story about change in entry quarantine that apply from 19th September 2020. 11.09.2020: Added new map and updated table of countries at midnight. 17.07.2020: Added paragraph about overseas regions governed by Schengen countries but that are not part of the Schengen area. 100. La Chine et plus précisément la ville de Wuhan, sont le berceau de l'épidémie. Price: 29.05.2020: Added link to Government website about impending changes to quarantine rules. Regions (from red to yellow): Kalmar and Blekinge in Sweden, Kainuu in Finland. This has retroactive effect from 27th February. Tenez bon, les choses vont s'arranger. Ce site donne également des informations à l’intention des travailleurs arrivant en Norvège, en provenance de la Suède et d’autres pays de l’UE/EEE/Espace Schengen. La nature scandinave est bien l'une des plus belles et des plus préservées d'Europe. Découvrez ici les questions les plus fréquemment posées sur vos vacances TUI, sur les destinations disponibles ainsi que sur les mesures que nous avons prises pour vous proposer un voyage sûr et confortable. En raison de l’épidémie de coronavirus, il se peut que les stations de ski norvégiennes soient soumises à des restrictions cet hiver. The Government decides which countries require ten days travel quarantine. a "striped area", you must go into quarantine for 10 days. Embarquez pour un road trip à travers la Norvège, en compagnie de cinq amis. Très vite, nous l’espérons ! 04.12.2020: At 23:59: Updated map and table with new quarantine decisions. 10.07.2020: Changed order of some paragraphs, updated sections about criteria and quarantine rules when arriving in Norway from abroad. Découvrez avec nous toute la Scandinavie en formules tout compris avec : Vols Hébergement Pension complète Guides locaux et français There are now exemptions from entry quarantine for travellers from EEA countries and Switzerland where there are fewer than 25 confirmed cases per 100 000 inhabitants during the last two weeks (evaluated on a national level), and fewer than 4 per cent positive tests on average per week over the last two weeks. 04.09.2020: Minor text adjustments that do not alter the advice. 17.12.2020: Added link to Tallgrunnlag for innreisekarantene for uke 49 og 50. Regions: Southern Denmark in Denmark, Jämtland and Örebro in Sweden, and Kainuu in Finalnd. (Includes now mainland China as to earlier only Zhejiang). In "yellow areas," transmission is considered to be so low that there are no requirements for quarantine, even though these areas also have an increased risk. New paragraph added about updating of map/country list, that the Government decides on the advice, and that the new advice will apply from the following day, at the earliest. Scandinavie. The map below shows the areas with quarantine duty that apply for travellers arriving in Norway from 21 December 2020: To clarify the recommendation to avoid all non-essential travel abroad, the Government has decided that the countries and regions that were marked with green on the map should now be marked as yellow ( 15.10.2020: Added link to news story about change in entry quarantine that apply from 17th October 2020. Cumulative numbers for Norway. Read more in our privacy policy, - RD501AC5521942 - Coronavirus - facts, advice and measures, Entry quarantine upon arrival in Norway from red and yellow countries/regions. Scandinavie Autriche Benelux ... Actualité Coronavirus - Concept de protection. 28.08.2020: Added under section about Countries and areas "Employees with household members who have symptoms, but who are not probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases, can go to work but should follow the advice given here." This also applies to people arriving in Norway from Sweden and Finland who have stayed in other countries during the last 14 days. Scandic Hotels – dans toutes les principales villes du nord au sud, Nordic Choice Hotels – l’hôtellerie autrement, Thon Hotels – avec un fantastique petit-déjeuner, Hostelling International – votre porte d'entrée en Norvège, Radisson Blu Hotels – réservez un hôtel en Norvège, Widerøe – la plus grande compagnie aérienne régionale de Scandinavie, AutoEurope – location de voiture en toute sécurité, Vy express – voyager vert devient facile en autocar, DFDS – ferry tout confort de Copenhague à Oslo, Rent-A-Wreck – la location de voiture intelligemment, Arctic Campers – location de fourgon aménagé en Norvège, NOR-WAY Bussekspress – voyagez vert avec les bus express, Vy – voyager vert, ça devrait être facile, Hurtigruten – « Le plus beau voyage en mer du monde », Authentic Scandinavia – des voyages pleins d'aventures en Norvège, Norrøna Hvitserk – expéditions et voyages d'aventure, Fjord Tours – découvrez l'essentiel de la Norvège avec le forfait Norway in a nutshell®, 50 Degrees North – des voyages inoubliables individuels ou en petit groupe en Norvège, 17.02.2020 New text: "Furthermore The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advices against unnecessary travel to mainland China due to the effect of the virus outbreak on society in China in general. Elle est tour à tour grandiose et sauvage, à l'image du fjord norvégien de Geiranger, bucolique et pittoresque comme la suédoise Dalécarlie, ou lumineuse et apprivoisée comme les pâturages danois en Fionie.Impossible durant les longues journées d'été de ne pas être constamment dehors, que ce Service telephone for the public - (Norway) 815 55 015, open 08:00-15:30 workdays. Depuis le début de l'épidémie, près de 6 000 cas ont été enregistrés (soit plus q… There is no quarantine duty from countries in the EU/EEA/Schengen, and Nordic regions with sufficiently low transmission. 14.09.2020: Updated the wording, and added a paragraph about NIPH weekly assessing the infection situation in the EU, EEA and Schengen countries. 7 p.m.: updated version of map. Le tarif minimum de séjour dans un hôtel de quarantaine est de 500 NOK par nuit, pour les particuliers (adultes) comme pour les entreprises. 25.02.2020: Added link to page with "areas of presumed ongoing transmission. If you must be in a public place or use public transport, use a face mask throughout the journey until you arrive at your destination. Préparez les popcorns et profitez du spectacle depuis le confort de votre canapé. 14.02.2020: Updated paragraphs "Avoid travel to Hubei province and unnecessary travel to Zhejiang in China" and "Advice after travel", according to changes in Norwegian text. 23.11.2020: Added sentence about quarantine hotels. Vous devriez également appliquer les gestes barrières, notamment vous laver fréquemment les mains, respecter la distanciation physique et respecter les règles en vigueur.