Arctic Intermediate Water, flows from north to become the source for North Atlantic Deep Water south of the Greenland-Scotland sill. [52] [43], Other species endemic to the Sargasso Sea include the sargassum fish, a predator with algae-like appendages which hovers motionless among the Sargassum. The term dates to as early as 1640, first appearing in print in pamphlet released during the reign of Charles I, and reproduced in 1869 in Nehemiah Wallington's Historical Notices of Events Occurring Chiefly in The Reign of Charles I, where "great Pond" is used in reference to the Atlantic Ocean by Francis Windebank, Charles I's Secretary of State.[14][15][16]. [55], Seafloor spreading led to the extension of the crust and formations of troughs and sedimentary basins. The measurements for the water temperature in Fort Lauderdale, Florida are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA. Early settlements across the Atlantic have been suggested by alternative theories, ranging from purely hypothetical to mostly disputed, including the Solutrean hypothesis and some of the Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact theories. The MSA population was small and dispersed and the rate of their reproduction and exploitation was less intense than those of later generations. Accédez à la page que vous souhaitez ajouter à vos favoris, ouvrez le menu des raccourcis météo et cliquez sur le bouton « Ajouter aux raccourcis »; Le nom de la page sera affiché dans la fenêtre « Ajouter cette page ». The residence time of the gyre is 4.4–8.5 years. [89], Marine debris, which is also known as marine litter, describes human-created waste floating in a body of water. The population of a number of deep-sea fishes also collapsed in the process, including American plaice, redfish, and Greenland halibut, together with flounder and grenadier. Recovery plans for cod, sole, and plaice have reduced mortality in these species. Le Gulf Stream (et sa prolongation, la dérive d'Atlantique nord) apportent de l'eau chaude et salée au nord-est de l'Atlantique, en chauffant l'Europe de l'ouest. In the North-East Atlantic 21% of stocks are considered overfished. Round sardinella was an important species in the 1990s but is now considered overfished. In the early 1990s, this finally resulted in the collapse of the Atlantic northwest cod fishery. Prévisions des conditions de baignade : température de l'eau, indice UV et état de la mer. [6], In the North Atlantic, surface circulation is dominated by three inter-connected currents: the Gulf Stream which flows north-east from the North American coast at Cape Hatteras; the North Atlantic Current, a branch of the Gulf Stream which flows northward from the Grand Banks; and the Subpolar Front, an extension of the North Atlantic Current, a wide, vaguely defined region separating the subtropical gyre from the subpolar gyre. Get the forecast for today, tonight & tomorrow's weather for Atlantique, NY. Meteo Paris - … For other uses, see, Extent of the Atlantic Ocean according to the 2002 IHO definition, excluding, For complete lists of marginal seas and borders of the Atlantic, see, For the extent of the Southern Ocean, see, For a list of fracture zones in the Atlantic, see, Opening of the Central Atlantic 200-170 Ma, Sebastian A. Gerlach "Marine Pollution", Springer, Berlin (1975), List of bordering countries (not drainage basin), Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture, Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact theories, List of notable crossings of the Atlantic Ocean, collapse of the Atlantic northwest cod fishery, List of countries and territories bordering the Atlantic Ocean, "An inside look at the first solo trip to the deepest point of the Atlantic", "Ἀτλαντίς, DGE Diccionario Griego-Español", "World Map / World Atlas / Atlas of the World Including Geography Facts and Flags -", World Heritage Centre: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, The Geological Society: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Marchal, Waelbroeck & Colin de Verdière 2016, "Do Baby Eels Use Magnetic Maps to Hitch a Ride on the Gulf Stream? [59][60] This magnificent fit, however, has since then proven problematic and later reconstructions have introduced various deformation zones along the shorelines to accommodate the northward-propagating break-up. Climatic zones vary with latitude; the warmest zones stretch across the Atlantic north of the equator. The MAR is a barrier for bottom water, but at these two transform faults deep water currents can pass from one side to the other. The earliest exploitation, however, took place on the now submerged shelves, and most settlements now excavated were then located several kilometers from these shelves. [86], In the South-East Atlantic catches have decreased from 3.3 million tons in the early 1970s to 1.3 million tons in 2013. Meanwhile, the Scotia Arc and Caribbean Plate in the western Atlantic Basin are eastward-propagating subduction systems that might, together with the Gibraltar system, represent the beginning of the closure of the Atlantic Ocean and the final stage of the Atlantic Wilson cycle. [35], There are five intermediate waters: four low-salinity waters formed at subpolar latitudes and one high-salinity formed through evaporation. Selon les chercheurs, ces résultats montrent que le réchauffement récent de la surface de l’océan Atlantique est sans précédent. L'étude s'est concentrée sur 11 modèles informatiques qui reproduisaient le plus fidèlement les différentes strates de température de l'océan Atlantique nord. Other pollution concerns include agricultural and municipal waste. Hi/Low, RealFeel®, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Icebergs are common from early February to the end of July across the shipping lanes near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. This population of seaweed probably originated from Tertiary ancestors on the European shores of the former Tethys Ocean and has, if so, maintained itself by vegetative growth, floating in the ocean for millions of years. North Atlantic Deep Water flows southward below the thermocline of the subtropical gyre. There this water is cooled during winter and forms return currents that merge along the eastern continental slope of Greenland where they form an intense (40–50 Sv) current which flows around the continental margins of the Labrador Sea. First small ocean basins opened and a shallow gateway appeared during the Middle Eocene. [24], Most of the MAR runs under water but where it reaches the surfaces it has produced volcanic islands. While nine of these have collectively been nominated a World Heritage Site for their geological value, four of them are considered of "Outstanding Universal Value" based on their cultural and natural criteria: Þingvellir, Iceland; Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture, Portugal; Gough and Inaccessible Islands, United Kingdom; and Brazilian Atlantic Islands: Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas Reserves, Brazil. Along its path across Earth the composition of the NADW is affected by other water masses, especially Antarctic Bottom Water and Mediterranean Overflow Water. Oceanic debris tends to accumulate at the center of gyres and coastlines, frequently washing aground where it is known as beach litter. A small population of modern humans — probably fewer than a thousand reproducing individuals — survived glacial maxima by exploring the high diversity offered by these Palaeo-Agulhas plains. L'eau se refroidit, se mélange à de l'eau froide venant de l'océan arctique, et devient si dense qu'elle descend, au sud et à l'est du Groenland. [50], The break-up of Pangaea began in the Central Atlantic, between North America and Northwest Africa, where rift basins opened during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic. A settlement on Greenland was established before 1000 CE, but contact with it was lost in 1409 and it was finally abandoned during the early Little Ice Age. Rifting in the central segment, however, coincided with the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (also known as the Cretaceous quiet period), a 40 Ma period without magnetic reversals, which makes it difficult to date sea-floor spreading in this segment. During the LGM the Laurentide Ice Sheet covered most of northern North America while Beringia connected Siberia to Alaska. The eastern water is saltier because of its proximity to Mediterranean Water. Since man-made substances were introduced into the environment, the path of the NADW can be traced throughout its course by measuring tritium and radiocarbon from nuclear weapon tests in the 1960s and CFCs. Une équipe de chercheurs a récemment fourni la réponse grâce à l’analyse détaillée de sédiments lacustres. Fisheries have, however, undergone significant changes since the 1950s and global catches can now be divided into three groups of which only two are observed in the Atlantic: fisheries in the Eastern Central and South-West Atlantic oscillate around a globally stable value, the rest of the Atlantic is in overall decline following historical peaks. [9] In these uses, the name refers to Atlas, the Titan in Greek mythology, who supported the heavens and who later appeared as a frontispiece in Medieval maps and also lent his name to modern atlases. Due to a consistently strong wind shear and a weak Intertropical Convergence Zone, South Atlantic tropical cyclones are rare. Spreading began opening the Labrador Sea around 61 million years ago, continuing until 36 million years ago. [6], The Atlantic harbors petroleum and gas fields, fish, marine mammals (seals and whales), sand and gravel aggregates, placer deposits, polymetallic nodules, and precious stones. The NADW, in its turn, feeds the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), the northward heat transport of which is threatened by anthropogenic climate change. Carte de la température des eaux de surface de l’océan Atlantique (secteur Golfe du Méxique/ Caraïbes) en mai 2015 (© 2015 by Ocean Remote Sensing Group, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory). The cold water currents contribute to heavy fog off the coast of eastern Canada (the Grand Banks of Newfoundland area) and Africa's north-western coast. Maximum temperatures occur north of the equator, and minimum values are found in the polar regions. The ice season is longer in the polar regions, but there is little shipping in those areas. Growth was more rapid in non-absolutist countries, such as Britain and the Netherlands, and more limited in absolutist monarchies, such as Portugal, Spain, and France, where profit mostly or exclusively benefited the monarchy and its allies. Selon de récentes données, l'Océan Atlantique aurait enregistré sa plus importante hausse de température au cours de cette dernière décennie. [48], The Atlantic Ocean is underlain mostly by dense mafic oceanic crust made up of basalt and gabbro and overlain by fine clay, silt and siliceous ooze on the abyssal plain. Following these explorations, Spain and Portugal quickly conquered and colonized large territories in the New World and forced the Amerindian population into slavery in order to explore the vast quantities of silver and gold they found. The biggest culprits are rivers and with them many agriculture fertilizer chemicals as well as livestock and human waste. This system of currents transport warm water into the North Atlantic, without which temperatures in the North Atlantic and Europe would plunge dramatically. North Atlantic Central Water can be divided into the Eastern and Western North Atlantic central Water since the western part is strongly affected by the Gulf Stream and therefore the upper layer is closer to underlying fresher subpolar intermediate water. This involved little guesswork because the idea of sonar is straight forward with pulses being sent from the vessel, which bounce off the ocean floor, then return to the vessel. The wide range of salinities in the North Atlantic is caused by the asymmetry of the northern subtropical gyre and the large number of contributions from a wide range of sources: Labrador Sea, Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Mediterranean, and South Atlantic Intermediate Water. [61], Geologically the South Atlantic can be divided into four segments: Equatorial segment, from 10°N to the Romanche Fracture Zone (RFZ);; Central segment, from RFZ to Florianopolis Fracture Zone (FFZ, north of Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise); Southern segment, from FFZ to the Agulhas-Falkland Fracture Zone (AFFZ); and Falkland segment, south of AFFZ. Around 150 Ma sea-floor spreading propagated northward into the southern segment. The oldest oceanic crust in the Atlantic is up to 145 million years and situated off the west coast of Africa and east coast of North America, or on either side of the South Atlantic. 34–30 Ma a deeper seaway developed, followed by an Eocene–Oligocene climatic deterioration and the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet. Various estimates date the propagation of sea-floor spreading in this segment to the period 120–96 Ma. [70], This human dispersal left abundant traces along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. [6], The Gulf Stream and its northern extension towards Europe, the North Atlantic Drift is thought to have at least some influence on climate. The opening of the Northern Atlantic closely followed the margins of its predecessor, the Iapetus Ocean, and spread from the Central Atlantic in six stages: Iberia–Newfoundland, Porcupine–North America, Eurasia–Greenland, Eurasia–North America. [24], The MAR divides the Atlantic longitudinally into two-halves, in each of which a series of basins are delimited by secondary, transverse ridges. Active and inactive spreading systems in this area are marked by the interaction with the Iceland hotspot. It covered an area of 1.2×106 to 1.6×106 km2 (4.6×105 to 6.2×105 sq mi) in Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay and 0.8×105 km2 (3.1×104 sq mi) in Africa. [85], Various international treaties attempt to reduce pollution caused by environmental threats such as oil spills, marine debris, and the incineration of toxic wastes at sea. It connects to the Arctic Ocean through the Denmark Strait, Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea. The subpolar gyre forms an important part of the global thermohaline circulation. The temperatures given are the sea surface temperature (SST) which is most relevant to recreational users. [47], Hurricanes are a hazard in the western parts of the North Atlantic during the summer and autumn. The Atlantic Ocean is divided into two parts, by the Equatorial Counter Current, with the North(ern) Atlantic Ocean and the South(ern) Atlantic Ocean at about 8°N. During the latest glacial stages, the now-submerged plains of the Agulhas Bank were exposed above sea level, extending the South African coastline farther south by hundreds of kilometers. [28] A much vaguer, nameless boundary, between the North American and South American plates, intersects the MAR near or just north of the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone, approximately at 16°N.[29]. In the middle latitudes, the area of maximum temperature variations, values may vary by 7–8 °C (13–14 °F). The oldest known mentions of an "Atlantic" sea come from Stesichorus around mid-sixth century BC (Sch. [93] If the AMO were responsible for SST variability, the AMOC would have increased in strength, which is apparently not the case. [49], In many places, the continental shelf and continental slope are covered in thick sedimentary layers. Ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream transport eel larvae from the Sargasso Sea to foraging areas in North America, Europe, and Northern Africa. The 20° East meridian, running south from Cape Agulhas to Antarctica defines its border. Referred to as "Newfoundland Currency" this discovery yielded some 200 million tons of fish over five centuries. [26] The depth of water at the apex of the ridge is less than 2,700 m (1,500 fathoms; 8,900 ft) in most places, while the bottom of the ridge is three times as deep. In the higher latitudes, the North Atlantic Drift, warms the atmosphere over the oceans, keeping the British Isles and north-western Europe mild and cloudy, and not severely cold in winter like other locations at the same high latitude. [30], The remainder of the ridge was discovered in the 1920s by the German Meteor expedition using echo-sounding equipment. A new model", "History of NOAA Ocean Exploration: Timeline", "The human genetic history of the Americas: the final frontier", "Two millennia of North Atlantic seasonality and implications for Norse colonies", "Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200Ma", "Tracing the flow of North Atlantic Deep Water using chlorofluorocarbons", "On the water masses and mean circulation of the South Atlantic Ocean", "A new scheme for the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and the dissection of an Aptian salt basin", "The North Atlantic subpolar gyre in four high-resolution models", "Mapping of the Puerto Rico Trench, the Deepest Part of the Atlantic, is Nearing Completion", "The Red Atlantic: American Indigenes and the Making of the Modern World, 1000–1927", "Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration, and intensity in a warming environment", "Map of Atlantic Coast of North America from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from December 2020, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from December 2020, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles using infobox body of water without pushpin map, Articles using infobox body of water without image bathymetry, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles to be expanded from December 2020, Articles with dead external links from June 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from May 2019, Articles with dead external links from July 2017, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 111,866 km (69,510 mi) including marginal seas, This page was last edited on 16 December 2020, at 12:50. A third of this water becomes part of the deep portion of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). Météo des plages de l'océan Atlantique La façade Atlantique dispose en majorité de grandes plages de sable fin, souvent bien animées tout au long de l'année. No later than 130 Ma rifting had reached the Walvis Ridge–Rio Grande Rise. Pornichet sea water temperatures peak in the range 18 to 22°C (64 to 72°F) on around the 17th of August and are at their minimum on about the 1st of March, in the range 10 to 11°C (50 to 52°F). In the southeast, the Atlantic merges into the Indian Ocean. While their middens resemble 12–11 kya-old Late Stone Age (LSA) middens found on every inhabited continent, the 50–45 kya-old Enkapune Ya Muto in Kenya probably represents the oldest traces of the first modern humans to disperse out of Africa. [46], Climate is influenced by the temperatures of the surface waters and water currents as well as winds. Atlantic Ocean, body of salt water covering about one-fifth of Earth’s surface and separating the continents of Europe and Africa to the east from those of North and South America to the west. The most important species, the Argentine shortfin squid, which reached half a million tons in 2013 or half the peak value, is considered fully fished to overfished. The exact timing is controversial with estimates ranging from 200 to 170 Ma. The South Atlantic Central Water originates in this gyre, while Antarctic Intermediate Water originates in the upper layers of the circumpolar region, near the Drake Passage and the Falkland Islands. For example, the Gulf Stream helps moderate winter temperatures along the coastline of southeastern North America, keeping it warmer in winter along the coast than inland areas. [86], In 1497 John Cabot became the first Western European since the Vikings to explore mainland North America and one of his major discoveries was the abundant resources of Atlantic cod off Newfoundland. In 1922 a historic moment in cartography and oceanography occurred. In the 1870s, the Challenger expedition discovered parts of what is now known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, or: An elevated ridge rising to an average height of about 1,900 fathoms [3,500 m; 11,400 ft] below the surface traverses the basins of the North and South Atlantic in a meridianal direction from Cape Farewell, probably its far south at least as Gough Island, following roughly the outlines of the coasts of the Old and the New Worlds. [92] Therefore, these changes in SST must be caused by human activities. [6], The high surface salinity in the Atlantic, on which the Atlantic thermohaline circulation is dependent, is maintained by two processes: the Agulhas Leakage/Rings, which brings salty Indian Ocean waters into the South Atlantic, and the "Atmospheric Bridge", which evaporates subtropical Atlantic waters and exports it to the Pacific. Maximum salinity values occur at about 25° north and south, in subtropical regions with low rainfall and high evaporation. [79], Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492 under Spanish flag. [44], The location of the spawning ground for European eels remained unknown for decades. Between the 15th century and 1888, when Brazil became the last part of the Americas to end the slave trade, an estimated ten million Africans were exported as slaves, most of them destined for agricultural labour. The southern subtropical gyre is partly masked by a wind-induced Ekman layer. The North Atlantic covers 41,490,000 km2 (16,020,000 sq mi) (11.5%) and the South Atlantic 40,270,000 km2 (15,550,000 sq mi) (11.1%). The earliest evidence for the complex behavior associated with this behavioral modernity has been found in the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) along the coast of South Africa. Overfishing in the area was recognised as early as the 1960s but, because this was occurring on international waters, it took until the late 1970s before any attempts to regulate was made. To the east, the boundaries of the ocean proper are Europe: the Strait of Gibraltar (where it connects with the Mediterranean Sea—one of its marginal seas—and, in turn, the Black Sea, both of which also touch upon Asia) and Africa. Excluding its marginal seas, the Atlantic covers 81,760,000 km2 (31,570,000 sq mi) and has a volume of 305,811,900 km3 (73,368,200 cu mi). It covers approximately 20 percent of Earth's surface and about 29 percent of its water surface area. The GCFR is delimited to the north by the Cape Fold Belt and the limited space south of it resulted in the development of social networks out of which complex Stone Age technologies emerged. As one component of the interconnected World Ocean, it is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Southern Ocean in the south (other definitions describe the Atlantic as extending southward to Antarctica). Il sépare l'Eurafrique de l'Amérique et du Groenland, et il est né de cassures d'âge secondaire, qui n'ont cessé de s'élargir depuis. Blue whiting reached a 2.4 million tons peak in 2004 but was down to 628,000 tons in 2013. [95], Ocean between Europe, Africa and the Americas, "Atlantic", "North Atlantic", "South Atlantic", and "Atlantic Basin" redirect here. [53], The formation of the Central American Isthmus closed the Central American Seaway at the end of the Pliocene 2.8 Ma ago. [33], The Atlantic Ocean consists of four major, upper water masses with distinct temperature and salinity. The warmest Pornichet sea water temperatures in the middle of August require something like a … [57] The opening of the North Atlantic caused significant uplift of continental crust along the coast. Iceland was initially settled 865–930 CE following a warm period when winter temperatures hovered around 2 °C (36 °F) which made farming favorable at high latitudes. Large quantities of basalt erupted at this time period are found on Baffin Island, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and Scotland, with ash falls in Western Europe acting as a stratigraphic marker. [76] A proposed route across the Pacific to South America could explain early South American finds and another hypothesis proposes a northern path, through the Canadian Arctic and down the North American Atlantic coast. [6], The shelves of the Atlantic hosts one of the world's richest fishing resources. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries new fisheries started to exploit haddock, mackerel, and lobster. Ocean currents influence the climate by transporting warm and cold waters to other regions. Sa surface, sans les mers bordières, est de l'ordre de 82 millions de ki Total catches have been fluctuating since the 1970s; reaching 3.9 million tons in 2013 or slightly less than the peak production in 2010. Température de l'eau de l'océan atlantique en janvier - Minimum : 33°F/Maximum : 84°F Température de l'eau de l'océan atlantique en février - Minimum : 30°F/Maximum : 85°F Température de l'eau de l'océan atlantique en mars - Minimum : 30°F/Maximum : 85°F Température de l'eau de l'océan atlantique en avril - Minimum : 33°F/Maximum : 85°F Température de l'eau de l'océan atlantique en mai - … Stocks of invertebrates, in contrast, remain at record levels of abundance. The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated, S-shaped basin extending longitudinally between Europe and Africa to the east, and the Americas to the west. [64], Humans evolved in Africa; first by diverging from other apes around 7 mya; then developing stone tools around 2.6 mya; to finally evolve as modern humans around 100 kya. Avec une température largement sous les moyennes dans l'océan Pacifique equatorial, nous assistons depuis plusieurs mois à un phénomène dit "La Niña". Changes in the formation of NADW have been linked to global climate changes in the past. The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's oceans, with an area of about 106,460,000 km2 (41,100,000 sq mi). [74] These hypotheses remained the long-held view regarding the settlement of the Americas, a view challenged by more recent archaeological discoveries: the oldest archaeological sites in the Americas have been found in South America; sites in north-east Siberia report virtually no human presence there during the LGM; and most Clovis artefacts have been found in eastern North America along the Atlantic coast.