His long-term view was that deflation would, in any case, be the best way to help the economy. On 20 March, negotiation began between Hitler and Frick on one side and the Catholic Centre Party (Zentrum) leaders—Kaas, Stegerwald and Hackelsburger on the other. As Brüning had no majority support in the Reichstag, he became, through the use of the emergency powers granted to the Reichspräsident (Article 48) by the constitution, the first Weimar chancellor to operate independently of parliament. The Republic's first Reichspräsident ("Reich President"), Friedrich Ebert of the SPD, signed the new German constitution into law on 11 August 1919. The state was officially the German Reich (Deutsches Reich), and was also referred to as the German Republic (Deutsche Republik). Reparation payments were resumed, and the Ruhr was returned to Germany under the Locarno Treaties, which defined the borders between Germany, France, and Belgium. In 1928, however, the Reichswappen (Reich coat of arms) designed by Tobias Schwab (1887–1967) in 1926 (or 1924[15]) replaced it as the official emblem for the German Olympic team. The government printed money to deal with the crisis; this meant payments within Germany were made with worthless paper money, and helped formerly great industrialists to pay back their own loans. Rampant hyperinflation, massive unemployment, and a large drop in living standards were primary factors. In view of the mass support for more radical reforms among the workers' councils, a coalition government called "Council of the People's Deputies" (Rat der Volksbeauftragten) was established, consisting of three MSPD and three USPD members. The new post-World War Germany, stripped of all colonies, became 13% smaller in its European territory than its imperial predecessor. federal president of germany frank-walter steinmeier and his wife elke büdenbender welcomes the people in front of the hotel russischer hof in weimar - weimar republic stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images The major weakness in constitutional terms was the inherent instability of the coalitions, which often fell prior to elections. Modernisme et réaction se confrontent. According to historian Richard J. Evans:[12]. The cabinet (under a previous interpretation of Article 48) ruled without a sitting Reichstag, which could vote only for its own dissolution. Nom donné au régime de l'Allemagne après la Première Guerre mondiale (1919-1933). Date of birth/death: ... le chancelier du Reich Constantin Fehrenbach et les membres de gouvernement sont en train de faire acclamer la république. In part, the economic losses can also be attributed to the Allied blockade of Germany until the Treaty of Versailles. Governments frequently lasted only a year, comparable to the political situation in France during the 1930s. After the introduction of the republic, the flag and coat of arms of Germany were officially altered to reflect the political changes. The hitherto Presidential Dictatorship hereby was to give itself a new legal form. This period ended with Adolf Hitler's appointment as chancellor on 30 January 1933. Ludendorf and Hindenburg soon proclaimed that it was the defeatism of the civilian population that had made defeat inevitable. The die-hard nationalists then blamed the civilians for betraying the army and the surrender. Auflage, 2003, James, Harold, "Economic Reasons for the Collapse of the Weimar Republic", in, Flag of Germany § Weimar Republic (1918–1933), Coat of arms of Germany § Weimar Republic, Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, depression in the United States of America, Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Württemberg Landtag elections in the Weimar Republic, "The Reichstag Fire and the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933", "The law that 'enabled' Hitler's dictatorship", Volume 6. Sur fond de disette et de guerre civile, tandis que Berlin, Munich et les grands ports sont menacés de subversion bolchévique, les députés régularisent à la hâte les institutions républicaines forgées après la défaite allemande et l'abdication de l'empereur Guillaume II. Ce sera la fin de la République de Weimar. The burdens of the First World War lightened little in the immediate years following, and with the onset of the Treaty of Versailles, coupled by mass inflation, Germany still remained in a crisis. To avoid the ongoing fights in Berlin, the National Assembly convened in the city of Weimar, giving the future Republic its unofficial name. The Weimar Republic had some of the most serious economic problems ever experienced by any Western democracy in history. Sporadic fighting continued to flare up around the country. Chicago Nadeau, Martin "Dada dans la République de Weimar". Weimar wanted to express its origins in that political movement between 1849 and 1858; while anti-republicans opposed this flag. The Weimar Republic was severely affected by the Great Depression. Gustav Noske, a self-appointed military expert in the MSPD, was sent to Kiel to prevent any further unrest and took on the task of controlling the mutinous sailors and their supporters in the Kiel barracks. Although the new government was confirmed by the Berlin worker and soldier council, it was opposed by the Spartacus League. This was an agreement between American banks and the German government in which the American banks lent money to German banks with German assets as collateral to help it pay reparations. This was intended to forestall any action against the government by the Communists. Une lettre pour tous les passionnés d'Histoire, Publié ou mis à jour le : 2019-06-11 09:10:03. Since the republicans were not yet ready to take action, the Communists did not want to support the republic and the conservatives had shot their political bolt, Hitler and Hugenberg were certain to achieve power. “Republique is some of the most entertaining and clever dystopian fiction ever realized in game form.” 8.5/10 – Polygon “Special, new, and necessary.” 8.5/10 – IGN “If you’ve never played Republique before, this is the best way to experience it.” 8/10 – Hardcore Gamer Shortly after, France completely occupied the Rhineland, strictly controlling all important industrial areas. On 29 October, rebellion broke out in Kiel among sailors. Histoire politique. The greater blow to Germans however was that they were forced to give up the territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Even healthy companies, therefore, may appear over-indebted and facing bankruptcy. There were two notable de jure changes, however. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. La République de Weimar est le nom donné par les historiens à la république fédérale située en Allemagne existant de 1918 à 1933.. Fondation [modifier | modifier le wikicode]. Cette République de Weimar a concentré durant ses 14 années d’existence un nombre important d’événements, dont certains auraient pu laisser prévoir une solution progressiste, grâce à l’action révolutionnaire, alors que d’autres ont participé à précipiter le … Ludendorff and Hitler declared that the Weimar government was deposed and that they were planning to take control of Munich the following day. In English the country was usually simply called "Germany," and the term "Weimar Republic" did not become common until the 1930s. The term "Weimar Republic" refers to the city of Weimar, where the republic's constituent assembly first took place. Other rebellions were put down in March 1921 in Saxony and Hamburg. [32], In the early post-war years, inflation was growing at an alarming rate, but the government simply printed more currency to pay debts. The Communist, Social Democrat and Catholic Centre votes stood firm. While in jail, Hitler dictated Mein Kampf, which laid out his ideas and future policies. The proclamation was issued by Karl Liebknecht, co-leader (with Rosa Luxemburg) of the communist Spartakusbund (Spartacus League), a group of a few hundred supporters of the Russian revolution that had allied itself with the USPD in 1917. R/ Une gerbe accostée de la (date) ; au-dessous The democratic parties obtained a solid 80% of the vote. "Germany will become free, but not through you," he shouted. [66] Meanwhile, Hitler's promised written guarantee to Monsignor Kaas was being typed up, it was asserted to Kaas, and thereby Kaas was persuaded to silently deliver the Centre bloc's votes for the Enabling Act anyway. This encouraged an escalation in the number of public demonstrations and instances of paramilitary violence organised by the NSDAP. Stresemann's reforms did not relieve the underlying weaknesses of Weimar but gave the appearance of a stable democracy. The fall of the Munich Soviet Republic to these units, many of which were situated on the extreme right, resulted in the growth of far-right movements and organisations in Bavaria, including Organisation Consul, the Nazi Party, and societies of exiled Russian Monarchists. On 18 July, as a result of opposition from the SPD, KPD, DNVP and the small contingent of NSDAP members, the Reichstag again rejected the bill by a slim margin. Schleicher planned for a sort of labour government under his Generalship. No aircraft of any kind was allowed. Of these losses, a large proportion consisted of provinces that were originally Polish, and Alsace-Lorraine, seized by Germany in 1870, where Germans constituted only part or a minority of local populations despite nationalist outrage at the fragmentation of Germany. Although Hindenburg disliked Hugenberg and despised Hitler, he was no less a supporter of the sort of anti-democratic counter-revolution that the DNVP and NSDAP represented. On 22 March, the negotiations concluded; Hitler promised to continue the existence of the German states, agreed not to use the new grant of power to change the constitution, and promised to retain Zentrum members in the civil service. These strikes lasted eight months, further damaging both the economy and society. The rest was goods such as coal and chemicals, or from assets like railway equipment. Influenced by the brief cultural explosion in the Soviet Union, German literature, cinema, theatre and musical works entered a phase of great creativity. [26] With the affirmation of Ebert, those responsible were not tried before a court martial, leading to lenient sentences, which made Ebert unpopular among radical leftists. The reasons for the Weimar Republic's collapse are the subject of continuing debate. André Larané a fondé Herodote.net en 2004 après une première carrière dans le journalisme scientifique. The Nazis in power brought almost all major organisations into line under Nazi control or direction, which was termed Gleichschaltung. Walther Rathenau, the Jewish Foreign Minister who signed the treaty, was assassinated two months later by two ultra-nationalist army officers. He had for years been in the camp of those supporting the Conservative counter-revolution. Request full-text PDF. [citation needed], The strike prevented some goods from being produced, but one industrialist, Hugo Stinnes, was able to create a vast empire out of bankrupt companies. In 1920, under massive French pressure, the Saar was separated from the Rhine Province and administered by the League of Nations until a plebiscite in 1935, when the region was returned to the Deutsches Reich. Prior to the First World War, the constituent states of the German Empire were 22 smaller monarchies, three republican city-states and the Imperial territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Hitler also agreed to mention these promises in his speech to the Reichstag before the vote on the Enabling Act. Title: Une démocratie fragile : La République de Weimar Author: Facing History and Ourselves Created Date: 4/2/2020 4:21:32 PM Le 21 août 1919. It is widely believed that the 1919 constitution had several weaknesses, making the eventual establishment of a dictatorship likely, but it is unknown whether a different constitution could have prevented the rise of the Nazi party. On 22 January, Hitler's efforts to persuade Oskar von Hindenburg, the President's son and confidant, included threats to bring criminal charges over estate taxation irregularities at the President's Neudeck estate; although 5,000 acres (20 km2) extra were soon allotted to Hindenburg's property. In line with the contemporary economic theory (subsequently termed "leave-it-alone liquidationism"), he enacted a draconian policy of deflation and drastically cutting state expenditure. On 29 March 1930, after months of lobbying by General Kurt von Schleicher on behalf of the military, the finance expert Heinrich Brüning was appointed as Müller's successor by Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg. To ensure his fledgling government maintained control over the country, Ebert made an agreement with the OHL, now led by Ludendorff's successor General Wilhelm Groener. In this time, the radical left-wing parties, including the USPD and KPD, were barely able to get themselves organised, leading to a solid majority of seats for the MSPD moderate forces. Explaining the rise of extreme nationalist movements in Germany shortly after the war, British historian Ian Kershaw points to the "national disgrace" that was "felt throughout Germany at the humiliating terms imposed by the victorious Allies and reflected in the Versailles Treaty...with its confiscation of territory on the eastern border and even more so its 'guilt clause'. Social tensions, political struggles, social upheavals, as well as artistic revolutions and innovations characterize the Weimar Republic. The punitive reparations caused consternation and resentment, but the actual economic damage resulting from the Treaty of Versailles is difficult to determine. In 1935, two years after Hitler came to power, the Reichswehr was renamed the Wehrmacht. The government was expected to assure itself of the co-operation of Hitler. This was the "stab-in-the-back myth" that was unceasingly propagated by the right in the 1920s and ensured that many monarchists and conservatives would refuse to support the government of what they called the "November criminals". Between 1919 and 1933, there was no single name for the new state that gained widespread acceptance and is the reason why the old name Deutsches Reich remained, although hardly anyone used it during the Weimar period. Germany became a de facto republic on 9 November 1918 when Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the German and Prussian thrones with no agreement made on a succession by his son Crown Prince Wilhelm. At the end of 1933, Mecklenburg-Strelitz was merged with Mecklenburg-Schwerin to form a united Mecklenburg. The first challenge to the Weimar Republic came when a group of communists and anarchists took over the Bavarian government in Munich and declared the creation of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Hans von Seeckt, the head of the Reichswehr, declared that the army was not loyal to the democratic republic, and would only defend it if it were in their interests. Hitler's Nazi Party held two out of ten cabinet seats. This effectively rendered parliament as a means of enforcing constitutional checks and balances powerless. [33], In 1919, one loaf of bread cost 1 mark; by 1923, the same loaf of bread cost 100 billion marks. Germany's fragile economy had been sustained by the granting of loans through the Dawes Plan (1924) and the Young Plan (1929). In return for pledging his support for the act, Kaas would use his connections with the Vatican to set in train and draft the Holy See's long desired Reichskonkordat with Germany (only possible with the co-operation of the Nazis). Democracy collapsed, and the creation of single-party state began the dictatorship of the Nazi era. Whether there were alternatives to this policy during the Great Depression is an open question. The reparations bill was fixed in 1921 on the basis of a German capacity to pay, not on the basis of Allied claims. But the power question was unanswered. He appointed as Reichswehr Minister Kurt von Schleicher, and all the members of the new cabinet were of the same political opinion as Hindenburg. The Freikorps units were formally disbanded in 1920 (although continued to exist in underground groups), and on 1 January 1921, a new Reichswehr (figuratively; Defence of the realm) was created. In the next five years, the central government, assured of the support of the Reichswehr, dealt severely with the occasional outbreaks of violence in Germany's large cities. In his retort to Wels, Hitler abandoned earlier pretence at calm statesmanship and delivered a characteristic screaming diatribe, promising to exterminate all Communists in Germany and threatening Wels' Social Democrats as well. German citizens felt the food shortages even deeper than during the war, because the reality of the nation contrasted so starkly with their expectations. [20], With the Verordnung of 3 February 1919, the Ebert government reintroduced the original structure of the health insurance boards according to an 1883 law, with one-third employers and two-thirds members (i.e. Rassurés par l'échec des menées révolutionnaires, les députés mettent en place les institutions républicaines qui vont remplacer le IIe Reich allemand. Entités précédentes : * Empire allemand Entités suivantes : * Deuxième République de Pologne (1919) * Drapeau du Danemark Danemark (Jutland-du-Sud) (1920) * Drapeau de l'Allemagne nazie Reich allemand La république de Weimar (en allemand : Weimarer Republik [ˈvaɪ.ma.ʁɐ ʁe.pu.ˈbliːk] ) est le nom donné par les historiens au régime politique en place en Allemagne de 1918 à 1933. Germany lost the war because the country ran out of allies and its economic resources were running out; support among the population began to crumble in 1916 and by mid-1918 there was support for the war only among the die-hard monarchists and conservatives. [21] From 28 June 1919 health insurance committees became elected by workers themselves. During an adjournment, the other parties (notably the centre) met to discuss their intentions. Dans le même temps se réunit à Weimar une Assemblée nationale, majoritairement constituée de députés socialistes, démocrates ou catholiques (Zentrum). For the German city, see, States of the Weimar Republic in the 1920s (with, The official coat of arms of Germany from 1928 to 1933, designed by Tobias Schwab, Brüning's policy of deflation (1930–1932). This page was last edited on 11 January 2019, at 17:59. Many of the new buildings built during this era followed a straight-lined, geometrical style. To further undermine the Republic's credibility, some right-wingers (especially certain members of the former officer corps) also blamed an alleged conspiracy of Socialists and Jews for Germany's defeat in the First World War. The rebels were campaigning for an extension of the plans to nationalise major industries and supported the national government, but the SPD leaders did not want to lend support to the growing USPD, who favoured the establishment of a socialist regime. Germany was forced to destroy all its fortifications in the West and was prohibited from having an air force, tanks, poison gas, and heavy artillery.