un avant-bras (forearm) is masc., like bras (arm); When a compound word is composed of a noun and an adjective, it is most of the time the same gender as the noun. PDF Printables. If you make the wrong choice, all the accords, the associated past participles and adjectives will be incorrect and the whole phrase will fall flat like a line of dominoes. This is the same for words. : Ses pièces mêlent masculin et féminin dans des créations parfois provocantes, toujours originales. Non pas parce que le genre grammatical et le sexe se confondent, mais parce que nous vivons dans une société sexuée qui rattache le genre social (féminin/masculin) au sexe biologique (femelle/mâle). A. Masculin. B. Féminin. Apps durchstöbern. When both nouns are feminine, the compound word is feminine. NOTE that e also marks the feminine when talking about animals: le chat, la chatte(the cat), le chien, la chienne (the dog). Communicate with ease and confidence when traveling in France… Our ebooks have helped thousand of French learners. / Quelles histoires ! How many grams of bromine are required to completely react with 22.1 g of titanium? Examples: un acteur, une actrice (an actor); un directeur, une directrice (a director); un coiffeur, une coiffeuse (a hairdresser), un chanteur, une chanteuse (a singer); un auteur, une auteure (an author), etc. English to French. ; —eur: couleur (color), peur (fear), erreur (mistake), douleur (pain), fleur (flower), chaleur (heat), etc. Mei-lan Maurits was live. —”age”: courage (courage), fromage (cheese), garage (garage), voyage (travel), ménage & nettoyage (cleaning), etc. Afin d'amorcer une première séance sur la notion de masculin et de féminin (CP ou CE1), les images de cette application peuvent servir de réflexion collective. noir noire noirs ... 8. —”euil”: seuil (doorstep), fauteuil (armchair), écureuil (squirrel), etc. More. Sometimes, the feminine form of a profession follows the pattern of er/ère, as in boulanger/boulangère. ähnliche App erstellen Kopie dieser App erstellen neue leere App mit dieser Vorlage erstellen weitere Apps mit dieser Vorlage anzeigen. féminin : Cette fille est forte. D. Aucune idée. C. Les deux! —”ment”: gouvernement (government), médicament (medication), vêtement (piece of clothing), etc. Why is magazine masculine and revue, which has exactly the same meaning, feminine? Recent Post by Page. BUT there are two exceptions: l’eau (water) and la peau(skin). NOTE: Some of these words can become feminine by adding an “e” at the end, and the pronunciation changes as you can notice by listening to the audio link: un coquin, une coquine (a naughty person), le cousin, la cousine (the cousin). Embed. When both nouns are masculine, the compound word is obviously masculine. Example: un anglophone, une anglophone. – How to Use Plus in French. un a-côté (extra income) is masc., like the word côté (side). For me one of the most difficult things with French is to remember my masculine and feminine nouns. —”isme”: socialisme (socialism), capitalisme (capitalism), féminisme (feminism), etc. In the plural: domination of the masculine. Today at 10:34 PM. Location: like fils; The following endings are almost always masculine : —”an”: an(year), écran (screen), océan (ocean), roman (novel), plan (plan), volcan (volcano), etc. like robe (dress). Language School. Learn English, Live English. It has a to either masculine (masculin) or feminine (féminin). Learn English, Live English. Classe ces noms selon leur genre : masculin ou féminin. Show more Show less . —on, ion, and especially tion: maison (house), passion, décision, situation, solution, profession, collection, etc. LANGUAGES AT HOME LTD B. Féminin. ; —”eau”: bureau (office/desk), couteau (knife), tableau (painting), etc. / Quelles questions ! un appareil-photo(camera) is masculine: appareil (appliance, device) is masc., and photo is fem. Définition masculin et féminin dans le dictionnaire de définitions Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'masculinité',masculiniser',masculinisme',masculinement', expressions, conjugaison, exemples → GN = D + N a. Une femme / des femmes b. Cet ami / cette amie c. Ses enfants /son fils / sa mère d. Quelle fin ! M. stands for "masculin," F. for "féminin". I am blessed to be co-creating with Ali Pervez Mehdi, international performing Sufi and Ghazal singer. EXCEPTIONS: un poisson (a fish), un avion (a plane),  un lion, etc. Whether you say un après-midi or une après-midi, you are never wrong! Leaderboard. C. Les deux! When did organ music become associated with baseball? 6. Switch template Interactives Show all. – Marie est une jeune activiste. —”ou”: bijou (jewel), chou(cabbage), cou (neck), etc. Email: —La robe, le manteau, la jupe et la veste sont bleus.= The dress, the coat, the skirt and the jacket are all blue. Why is malheur (misfortune) masculine and peur (fear) feminine? Ecris le genre qui convient : masculin ou féminin. Get a free French evaluation with a native French teacher. as well as the two words that compose it: ciné (diminutive of cinéma) and club. —”et”: alphabet (alphabet), arrêt (stop), projet (project), budget (budget), secret (secret), objet (object), etc. Her pieces combine the masculine and feminine in sometimes provocative, always original creations. 2. Cherchez masculin-féminin et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définition et synonymes français de Reverso. ; ; BUT there are many exceptions, such as : un moteur (an engine), le malheur (misfortune), le bonheur (happiness), le cœur (the heart), un ordinateur (a computer), etc. Institut français d'Égypte. Des adjectifs de couleur. un sans-faute (faultless) is masc. Exercice 5 (N1): Masculin et féminin. La Rochelle 17000, France, Telephone: Aucune idée. NOTE that nowadays it is acceptable to write entête as one word. A. Masculin. Personal Blog. An vs année, jour vs journée, etc. 4. Ananas. Examples: 3. 5. Ojai, CA 93023, USA Today at 10:23 AM. Dans ta tête, tu peux les accompagner d'un déterminant, un ou une pour identifier le genre. merken in "Meine Apps" Masculin ou féminin? BUT there is one exception: une nounou (a nanny). —La maison, la cabane, le château et la grange sont habités toute l’année. Each time you have an enumeration of words, if only one is masculine, the whole group will be masculine when an adjective is used to modify the group. BUT there is one exception: une jument(a mare — female horse). My Account | Contact Us | Student Forum. 1. Cancel: Text box style: Font: Size: px. Der Film lief in Deutschland 35 Jahre lang nur in der Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln, bis das ZDF 2001 eine synchronisierte Fassung produzierte. Like. Das Drehbuch basiert lose auf zwei Erzählungen Guy de Maupassants, Le Signe und La Femme de Paul. Help: Top of the site: Other levels: Click on each sound icon, listen to the sentence (turn the volume up if necessary) and select a radio button according to the gender of the person we are talking about. A. Masculin. This leaderboard is currently private. Globally, there is no specific reason for it; the determination of its gender depends very much on its origin, with the suggestion that the word refers to something which is supposed to be more masculine or feminine. Masculin Feminin oder: Die Kinder von Marx und Coca-Cola ist ein französischer Film von Jean-Luc Godard aus dem Jahr 1966. une arrière-boutique (back shop) is fem., like boutique (shop); Nouns with the following endings can be either masculine or feminine: —”iste”: dentiste (dentist), garagiste (car mechanic), raciste (racist), féministe (feminist), activiste (activist), cycliste (cyclist), etc. un chou-fleur(cauliflower) is masculine: chou (cabbage) is masc., and fleur (flower) is fem. C. Les deux! Un ou Une ?? NOTE that among the very few exceptions, an interesting one is with the verb garder (to keep): while most words composed with this verb are masculine, such as un garde-meuble (storage unit), une garde-robe (wardrobe) is, however, fem. When you refer to a group of people, there only needs to be one man in the group for the entire group to be masculine when defining or describing it (we would definitely say ils and not elles when referring to the members of a mixed group). 147 likes. Log in. Unfortunately, most of the time they just have to try and memorize them, and to admit that they will always make mistakes, that the French will easily understand anyway. even if faute (mistake) is fem. un petit-fils (grandson) is masc. Coach. ähnliche App erstellen. B. Féminin Is Cicely Tyson related to Whitney Houston? —té: société (society), beauté (beauty), liberté (freedom), santé (health), etc. While for human beings there is an e at the end of both un homme (man), a masculine word, and une femme (woman), feminine. : Key points: An ongoing dialogue between masculine and feminine dress codes. C'est la grande question ! partager ses idées, ses sentiments, ses émotions, tandis que l’homme contrôle et retient les siens : il transmet des informations et cherche des solutions… et la femme ne se sent pas « écoutée » ! When one of the elements of a compound noun is a verb, it is masculine. 3. Idem for vélo (m.), and bicyclette (f.), which both mean bicycle, or for profession (f.), and métier (m.) which both mean profession, etc. They always have the same spelling, but their gender depends on whether the person you are talking about is a woman or a man. It remains like this even if armoire disappeared over the years from this compound noun in everyday language. Globally, there is no specific reason for it; the determination of its gender depends very much on its origin, with the suggestion that the word refers to something which is supposed to be more masculine or feminine. Langue et littérature françaises. Improve your French aural comprehension, your French writing skills or your grammar knowledge. C. Les deux! Quand on apprend aux enfants "le masculin l'emporte sur le féminin", on leur inculque l'idée de la supériorité d'un sexe sur l'autre. un court-circuit (short circuit) is masc. une avant-première (preview) is fem., like première (first, fem. If you have found these rules difficult, let’s end with some good news: the easiest word of all is après-midi(afternoon), considered both masculine and feminine! Main content: Masculin et féminin Other contents: Add to my workbooks (17) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Link to this worksheet: Copy: despmavr Finish!! = The house, the cabin, the castle and the barn are inhabited the whole year long. A romance between young Parisians, shown through a series of vignettes. What are the disadvantages of control account? Ask Question. Examples: Une série de vidéos sur "le bassin" en lien avec l'accouchement 7. 4. When a compound word is composed of a noun and a preposition, it is most of the time masculine. When a compound word is composed of a noun and an adverb, it is usually of the same gender as the noun. —”ail”: ail (garlic), travail (work), corail (coral), etc. Log in required. Examples: How long will the footprints on the moon last? Français avec Mahmoud. Examples: Le masculin qui se ... 7. How do you focuse the transverse section in order to get fine image? Classe dans la bonne colonne. of premier). —”oir”: couloir (hallway), trottoir (sidewalk), espoir (hope), etc. 2020-11-16 (2016-12-06) QUEL GENRE : masculin ou féminin ? For example, why is boulevard masculine and avenue feminine? 15 févr. Au contrair e, s’il e xiste une nature féminin e, une espèce-f emme, alors aucune des conditio ns vita les, soci oécon omique s ou prog rès de l’activi té humain e ne pourrait la change r. un en-cas (little snack – literally meaning: in case we are a little hungry) is masc., like the word cas (case). gris grise gris -grises. But it would be a … How do you write a manifesto for compound overseer? D. Aucune idée. A. Masculin. Le féminin se forme en rajoutant 'e' au masculin. +1-858-859-3023 (USA) Still, there are a few rules or patterns that can provide some clues. une petite-fille (granddaughter) is fem., like fille. Un ou une médicament ? Übersetzung im Kontext von „masculin et féminin“ in Französisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: Taux du chômage masculin et féminin en mars 2003 All Rights Reserved, See our selection of eBooks here - Download FREE samples, Meet Steven, A Very Devoted French Student, More or no more? contact@learnfrenchathome.com, © 2020 learnfrenchathome. EXCEPT for a word describing a person, in such case it is feminine when it concerns a woman. Edit Content. The following endings are usually feminine: —”e” very often marks the feminine, such as in: vie (life), voiture (car), lumière (light), visite (visit), bêtise (stupi-dity), joie (joy), baignoire (bathtub), marque (brand), bicyclette (bicycle), salade (salad), habitude (habit), chance (luck), connaissance (knowledge), agence (agency), nourriture (food), journée (day), poubelle (garbage can), bataille (a battle), grenouille (frog), etc. For example: un verre (a glass), un problème (a problem), un groupe (a group), un parapluie(an umbrella), un immeuble (building), le foie (the liver), un territoire (a territory), un mensonge (a lie), un squelette (a squeleton), un stade (a stadium), le silence (the silence), le lycée (the high school), etc. 2. Is Minneapolis or St. Paul the city of Minnesota why I might people become confused about this? BUT there are a few exceptions, such as une forêt (forest). Home Science Math History Literature Technology Health Law Business All Topics Random. "idée" is a feminine noun in French. la bande-annonce (trailer) is feminine: bande is fem., and annonce is fem. —”al”: métal (metal), animal (animal), cheval (horse), journal (newspaper), festival (festival), etc. Un ou une solution ? French essential key expressions, idioms and verbs. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard. —”eil”: sommeil (sleep), réveil (waking up), soleil (sun), conseil (advice, council), etc. vert verte verts - vertes. Masculin - Féminin Et bien voilà c'est WE ! – Mon voisin est un vrai raciste.= My neighbour is a true racist. D. Aucune idée. = Jacques is a good dentist. Le nom noyau donne son genre (masculin ou féminin) et son nombre (singulier ou pluriel) au déterminant qui le précède. Theme. Example: une année-lumière(light year) is fem., as well as the two words which compose it: année (year) and lumière (light). NOTE: They can be either masculine or feminine because they refer to the profession, the specialty or the personality of an individual. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? —”in”: destin (destiny), sein (breast), terrain (piece of land), bain (bath), pain (bread), grain (grain), frein (brake), coin (corner), etc. Share Share by Nhughes2. - learn French Adjectifs de couleur. Check my answers: Email my answers to my teacher . 3. BUT there are a few exceptions, such as: la plage (the beach), une cage (a cage). Autobus. July 11, 2020. 4. What would you say the qualities deeply esteemed by the people of those time. Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 French. un arrière-goût (aftertaste) is masc., like goût (taste); :) Enjoy 692,874 Views. Sandwich. Is Cicely Tyson related to Min Louis Farrakhan? Ebooks with audio, exercices, short stories, etc. 1. En résumé, la femme est moins émotive, mais elle s’exprime davantage alors que l’homme est, en réalité plus BUT there are a few exceptions, the most important one is maman (mum). un chasse-neige(snowplough) is masculine: chasse, from chasser (to hunt) is masc., neige (snow) is fem. A. Masculin. = Marie is a young activist. Two genders: masculine and feminine. NOTE that for professions, –eur, used for men, is frequently transformed, for women, into either: –rice, –euse, or even –eure,a fairly recent trend when referring to feminine professions. Hiver , automne. ; Why is virilité feminine and féminisme masculine? —”ard”: cafard (cockroach, or depression), retard (delay), hasard (chance), etc. Example: le ciné-club(film club) is masc. However, there are MANY EXCEPTIONS to this rule. la basse-cour (poultry) is fem., like cour (courtyard); How to Know Which One to Use? un sans-papiers (homeless) is masc., like the word papiers (papers). We have worked on many projects together and this is our first live prayer-formance where we bridge the etheric and ethnic sounds. – Jacques est un bon dentiste. D. Aucune idée. +33 (0)9 70 40 81 17 (FR) 2017 - Explorez le tableau « masculin ou féminin? What do you want to do? e. Certains principes / certaines idées 2. —”er”: panier (basket), courrier (mail), baiser (kiss), etc. INSTITUT FRANÇAIS . This is because, originally, the full expression was “armoire garde-robe“, which was feminine like the first noun, armoire (closet, cabinet). With Jean-Pierre Léaud, Chantal Goya, Marlène Jobert, Michel Debord. BUT there are a few exceptions, such as un en-tête (heading), which is masculine, even if tête (head) is fem. Even though old traditional ways of looking at things are changing, grammatically France remains a misogynist society. / Quel miracle ! École de France. » de Cathy Cathnounourse, auquel 491 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. une station-service(gas filling station) is feminine: station is fem., and service is masc. BUT there are a few exceptions, such as: une main (a hand), la fin (the end). Learn French with Tania. Le mot représenté par chaque image est-il masculin ou féminin ? Options. Masculin Féminin Pluriel. Examples: Examples: Pages Liked by This Page. Masculin ou féminin? un tire-bouchon(corkscrew) is masculine: tire is the verb tirer (to pull) in the present tense and in the 3rd person singular, while bouchon (cork) is masc. How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? Il existe deux genres : masculin et féminin. BUT there are a few exceptions: un côté (a side), un été (a summer), un comité (a committee), etc. The following endings are always masculine: —”eu”: feu (fire), jeu (game), cheveu (hair), etc. Adjectifs de couleur. B. Féminin. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? B. Féminin. A. Masculin. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème french expressions, apprendre le français, grammaire. Vertalingen in context van "masculin ou féminin" in Frans-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Je vous ai fait « garçons et filles » afin d'atteindre le Paradis en tant que Créatures Spirituelles - polarisé masculin ou féminin. BUT there are a few exceptions: un rouge-gorge(robin) is masculine, even if gorge (throat) is fem. Anmelden. L'Artemis-Féminin Masculin, Paris (Paris, France). B. Féminin. Education Website. 1.When a compound word is composed of two nouns, its gender is most of the time determined by the gender of the first noun. Français avec Mahmoud. Créer l'opportunité d' équilibrer les apports du Féminin et du Masculin comme voie de progrès dans nos parcours personnels et professionnels Enfant. Is l'idee masculin or feminine in French? un sèche-cheveux(hair dryer) is masculine: sèche comes from sécher (to dry), cheveu (hair) is masc. brun brune bruns - brunes. Examples: Show all. C. Les deux! Le noms des villes en français sont selon le contexte masculin ou féminin, il n'y a pas de règle, mais, signale Grevisse dans Le Bon usage, dans la langue parlée du moins, le masculin tende à prévaloir (le neutre, proprement, comme s'il y avait désexualisation générale des noms propres de villes). Guide et liste des prénoms masculins francophones pour aider les futurs parents à choisir un prénom de garçon original. But it would be a loss of time to find any real logic. What are the achievement of Harding James Ekperigin as a pioneer in physical education of nigeria? —”phone”: téléphone (telephone), magnétophone (tape recorder), etc. un timbre-poste (postage stamp) is masculine: timbre is masc., and poste is fem. 2. Oeuvre. App erstellen. ; —”ouil”: fenouil (fennel) — the only one with this ending. The question that all our students ask us is: How can one know or recognize the gender of a particular word? D. Aucune idée. What does it mean when the flag is not flying at the White House? masculin : Ce garçon est fort. like circuit; 5. Masculin ou Feminin?