Start your visit to Rethymnon’s picturesque old town early in the morning and stroll around the endless narrow streets packed with some of the town’s main attractions, like the magnificent Venetian Rimondi Fountain, the Historical and Folklore Museum of Rethymnon housed in a charming Venetian mansion, the impressive church of San Francesco, and the Mosque of Gazi Hussein Pasha. Some choose to come and relax on the nearby Cretan beaches, while others delight at exploring the hidden cafes and windy cobblestone streets.Whether you are most excited to experience Rethymnon’s history, culture, architecture, cuisine, photography spots, or its beaches, there’s something for everyone here. Pick and choose from the dozens of places to see in Greece listed here, or spend six months trying to see it all. Le guide Rethymnon : Lieux incontournables, idées de séjour, itinéraires, infos pratiques et culturelles de RETHYMNON et les bonnes adresses du Petit Futé pour se restaurer, sortir, se loger et organiser son voyage à RETHYMNON Panormo belongs to the network of “the most beautiful villages of Crete” and is situated in the North Coast of Crete, 22 kilometers East from Rethymno and 55 West from Heraklion. Rethymno’s timeless attractions and diverse landscapes, city architecture, museums, archaeological sites, endless sandy beaches and escapes to nearby villages will reward you with a rich cultural yet relaxed experience all year round. – Lac de Kournas, entre Rethymnon et Hania. Rethymnon is devoted to sustainability- a member, for instance, of Civitas Destinations– a network of cities devoted to sustainable urban lifestyle. Blog. Avec retour en bateau en longeant la côte sud magnifique randonnée. D’ailleurs, je mets déjà quelques photos pour vous donner l’eau à la bouche … Its population is estimated to be around 400 individuals. October 17, 2020 October 17, 2020. Rethymnon is a popular vacation destination. This Greece travel blog post aims to give you an overview of what there is to see and do. Much of the city’s elegance and romance derives from the centuries of Venetian rule. Panormo. It has some unique features such as the main door and the minaret which is the oldest in Rethymnon (1789). Jour 1: vol arrivee heraklion + nuit a rethymon. Voici le programme que nous avons imaginé. Blog de 3 semaines en Crète Ouvert par CHOUBIDOU - Dernier message le 16/11/2020 à 19:59. 7. – la plage de Balos au nord Ouest, plus belle belle plage à cet endroit de l’île. – Les gorges de Samaria sous Hania. Alors voila nous partons du 5 au 15 mai en crete. I've based this on the concept of seeing these places in Greece on a road trip. Pouvez vous me dire ce que vous en pensez. De même, chaque ville est détaillée dans ce blog avec toutes les informations pratiques et mes bonnes adresses. Seul lac de Crete avec une eau turquoise et ses tortues. Nous allons visiter l ouest de l ile. Afin de vous aider à mieux sélectionner les villes, j’ai fait un classement de mes 5 plus beaux endroits de Crête. The Ottomans arrived in the 17th century, capturing Rethymnon in 1646 and holding it until 1898, when the Great Powers intervened and created the Cretan State, under Prince George of Greece and Denmark. The city of Rethymnon was the seat of the Diocese of Retimo.