The second boat lowered on the port side (even though No. Passengers were still a bit reluctant to enter the boats at this time. L'orthographe des noms est celui indiqué dans le journal "Le Matin". He was right. Mellinger (Mrs Blizabeth et son enfant), C'est la catastrophe maritime la plus médiatique de tous les temps. In the extremely cold water, people started dying and Richard Williams, who had seen his father disappear when they were swimming in the water and the funnel fell near them, estimated there were eleven who finally were rescued. When John Jacob Astor asked whether he might join his wife in the boat, seeing as she was in a ''delicate condition,'' he was stopped from doing so. The officer in charge of our boat did not dare row back toward the Titanic for fear we would be swamped by some of the hundreds we could see swimming not far away. People heard the shootings, however, and it may turn out that those who heard it thought that people were shot and killed. Mr. Hoyt leaped into the water and seized a piece of wreckage. Rosalie BIDOIS, femme de chambre de madame ASTOR. 11. Titanic Lifeboat No. Cavendish (Mrs Turrel) et sa femme de chambre, Haren (H. Haven), There were probably about 26 people in the boat. Eight ladies from first class, including sisters Charlotte Appleton and Malvina Cornell found seats in the boat and six passengers from third class were there as well; Mrs. Coutts and her two young sons and the Kink family. Driscoll (Miss B. It is reported that it took boat 15 some time to get away from the ship, perhaps as much as 20 minutes. Dodge and her son for example, due to the fact that Mrs. Titanic Emergency Lifeboat No. Mrs. Hakkarainen, from third class, may have been the woman who nearly fell into the sea One of the officers pointed at me saying, ‘Room for one more lady. The fourth boat lowered on the starboard side. Son interprétation de Rose Calvert, la centenaire survivante du naufrage du «Titanic» dans le film éponyme de James Cameron, lui avait apporté une renommée internationale en 1997. 12 and they reached the Carpathia, now under the command of Second Officer Lightoller, with about 60 people. Fifth Officer Lowe took charge of the boat. Others were persuaded to enter it, and it finally held 28-30 people when lowered away. Mais c’est grâce au rôle de Rose DeWitt Bukater dans « Titanic » en 1997 que Gloria Stuart connaît la consécration en étant nommée pour l’Oscar et le Golden Globe du meilleur second rôle. It is not easy to say how many people there were in this boat, but there were at least six male crew, three stewardesses and perhaps 30 passengers, mainly third class. Hamalainer (Anna), 13, into which she got without any problem. Mrs. Goldsmith noticed them along with other passengers and they told QM Rowe in charge about them. A. It would seem likely that most of the passengers in this boat were second class ladies. No. ), Homer (H.), Victorine CHAUDANSON, bonne de la famille RYERSON. Dans les années qui suivirent, le drame du Titanic fut commémoré dans le monde entier. Voir les statistiques de réussite de ce test de culture générale 'Titanic' Merci de vous connecter au club pour sauvegarder votre résultat. Eight ladies from first class, including sisters Charlotte Appleton and Malvina Cornell found seats in the boat and six passengers from third class were there as well; Mrs. Coutts and her two young sons and the Kink family. Not many people seemed willing to step into the lifeboats at this stage and only women were allowed in, the men having to stay behind. One was unable to pull the long heavy oar with any strength and Mrs. As we started out from our staterooms orders were being shouted to put on life belts. ), It is possible that Mrs. Wells, a second class passenger, describes what happened in and near No. Come on, hurry!Â’ As I stepped into the boat, it was already moving downward. It would seem likely that most of the passengers in this boat were second class ladies. Lesieur (Mr. Gustave), They did pick him up; the only person rescued from the water by the last boat which rowed away from the ship.''Mrs. Davis (miss Mary), He noticed a Swedish man holding on to his wife, who was in the sea and did not have the strength to get into the boat. A. Le 10 avril 1912, Rose embarque sur le Titanic à Southampton avec sa mère, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, son fiancé, Caledon Hockley, et leurs domestiques. Titanic: le récit des survivants publié dans Le Figaro en 1912. He was hauled into one of the lifeboats that returned when the Titanic went down. In the boat she discovered fellow Swede Anna Nysten, who had brought a food basket with her. Dr. Washington Dodge said: Dr. Thomas Cardeza entered the boat with his valet, his mother and her maid. When the lifeboat was in the water, she realized her husband probably would not survived and had to be comforted by the Countess of Rothes. Millvina Dean, dernière survivante du naufrage du paquebot Titanic, est décédée dans la matinée, dimanche 31 mai, dans son sommeil, à l'âge de 97 ans, a annoncé la Titanic International Society (TIS). The boat was washed over the side of the ship and the canvas sides had not been put up, so it was soon awash with icy sea water. Frauenthal (Henry W.), When John Jacob Astor asked whether he might join his wife in the boat, seeing as she was in a ''delicate condition,'' he was stopped from doing so. Chief Baker Joughin was near this boat and said that he more or less threw people into it. When no more ladies were to be found in the vicinity, some men passengers were let in. Mrs. West and her two daughters found seats in the boat and Mrs. West would later claim that the boat was lowered at dangerous angles and she noticed that a baby was thrown in at the last moment, without its mother (as reported by others in the boat as well).When they reached the water, it was discovered that there was no lamp in it and a sailor lighted a piece of rope to use as a light/signal. 13 say, ‘WeÂ’ll lower this boat to Deck A.Â’ Observing a group of possibly fifty or sixty about boat 15, a small proportion of which number were women, I descended by means of a stairway close at hand to the deck below, Deck A. ), The eighth boat to be lowered from the port side. (miss Ellis). Finally, he said, he managed to fill the boat with 15-20 people, ''all it would hold.'' Voici une liste des survivants du Titanic qui ont été recueillis à bord du Carpathia après le naufrage du Titanic. Préférant mourir que de donner sa main, Rose tentera même de se suicider. It is believed that No. Murdoch, Pitman and possibly Ismay were near it when lowered. In boat 9, the situation changed. "Moi, John, 17 ans, miraculé du Titanic..." Au moment du naufrage, John B. Thayer Jr. voyageait avec ses parents. Cherry (Gladys), Titanic : James Cameron explique pourquoi Jack n'a pas rejoint Rose sur le radeau À lire plus tard Sauvegardé Le réalisateur James Cameron vient de dévoiler la réponse. It seems likely about 25 people were rescued from boat B when the crew of boats 4 and 12 heard officer Lightoller's whistle calling for them and they subsequently came over and collected those on it. Lehman (miss Bertha), Several second class passengers entered it; Mrs. Becker and her two youngest children among them. Préférant mourir que de donner sa main, Rose tentera même de se suicider. Dans les années qui suivirent, le drame du Titanic fut commémoré dans le monde entier. Lesneur (Mr Gustave), Eventually, about 30 passengers, mainly ladies from first class, but also some from second class, including Mrs. Richards with two small sons and also her mother, were in it. 11. According to some survivors, it turned turtle and the people in it were thrown out of it, but many scrambled back. Lines (Mrs. Ernest H.), Site réalisé par Alexis AMAND, source : journal "Le Matin" du 17 avril 1912. One young man had tried to enter the boat and been thrown out and either him or another man was threatened by officer Lowe, at gunpoint. None appeared. Chafee (Mrs H. F.), In one interview he said that Mrs. Officer Murdoch had just lowered boats 7 and 5 and directed the lowering of No. Mr. Ismay was calm and cool and giving orders without any indication of fear. Apparently, this was a misunderstanding; Sir Cosmo tried to be nice and wanted the crew to get five pounds each to get new material when they reached safety. Mrs. Goldsmith and her young son Frank entered the boat with a few younger lady friends from England. 14. 12 probably received ten or twelve additional survivors from No. Boat 15 was probably about the tenth or eleventh boat to reach the Carpathia. Titanic emergency lifeboat 2, the seventh boat loaded from the port side.Fourth Officer Boxhall was sent in charge of this boat and he had another sailor, a steward and a kitchen hand with him. (Akron Beacon Journal, April 20, 1912)Boat 16 stayed clear of the other boats, but encountered boat 6 and gave them a fireman for rowing. Mare (Mrs. Florence), Chrisly (Mrs Alice), Bowerman (Mrs Elsie), 13 held perhaps 25 women and children, 15 or so male passengers and some 25 male crew members; 60 or perhaps a few more in total. L'heure est 2h20. Margaret Hays brought her Pomeranian dog into the boat, which was not very crowded. Frauenthal (Mr. et Mrs T. G.), Titanic Lifeboat No. The first lifeboat lowered on the starboard side. No. 'Certainly, Madam,' answered Mr. Ismay. Bowen (miss G. C.), Caldwell (Mrs Sylvia), Leonardo DiCaprio (Mort ou vif, Roméo et Juliette) et Kate Winslet (Créatures célestes, Jude) forment un couple bouleversant d'enfants égarés. ), Earnsham (Miss Boulton), After boat C had been lowered from the starboard side, the crew tried to fasten boat A to the davits, but there simply was no more time. Clark (Mrs W. M.), Dodge wanted to row back to pick up survivors but those in her own boat, No. It was the last boat to reach the rescue ship, after eight o'clock in the morning. ''In our party, '' said Mr. Behr, ''were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beckwith and Mrs. Beckwith's daughter, Miss Helen W. Newsom, all of New York. Those near the boat seem to have been third class passengers, many from the Middle East. Herman (Miss Alice), When the last swimmer arrived, there may have been about 30 people standing in the frail craft with water up to their knees. 12 probably received ten or twelve additional survivors from No. TITANIC FILM - Si la romance entre Rose et Jack est romancée, le film de James Cameron fait référence à plusieurs histoires vraies qui se sont déroulées durant le naufrage du Titanic Titanic est l'un des films les plus romantiques du cinéma. There was no disturbance near this boat. Behr (Mr. Karl Howell), Voir plus d'idées sur le thème naufrage du titanic, titanic, le titanic. Titanic emergency lifeboat 2, the seventh boat loaded from the port side. Passengers calmly entered the boat, men and women, and when no more were around, about ten stokers entered the boat which was then lowered away. In all, there were probably a maximum of 24 people in the boat when lowered away. Titanic lifeboat 3. Mrs. Stengel did not want to leave her husband. ), About 30-32 passengers were in it and there were ten or eleven crewmen and two stewardesses; probably no more than 45 in total when lowered. The first claim is probably rather close to the truth; there were probably about ten children in the boat, about 30 ladies (including possibly nine stewardesses), three men passengers and some 16 or 18 male crew; close to 60 people. Most of the passengers were gathering on deck A to get into the lifeboats. Hoyt (Mr. et Mrs Fred M.), Mrs. Sandström had nearly given up and thought they would not make it, when her steward found her (on deck) and calmed her down and helped the small family into the boat (it is implied that he also got into the boat with them). When 14 left them, they went, together with boat 12, to rescue those on boat B and received another 6 or 8 people from that boat and reached the Carpathia late, with perhaps 55 living survivors on board. Miss Bryhl said there were only six persons in the boat at the time for lowering, but that they picked up about 50 from the water. Quiz Titanic : Savez-vous la vérité sur l'histoire du Titanic ? He said he saw the Captain jumping at the same time, but lost sight of him after that. The countess of Rothes was an expert oarswoman.' Ils séjournèrent également à Boston chez une nièce d’Eleanor Widener, M me Tyler. As most of the port boats, it was late in reaching the Carpathia and it was commanded by master-at-arms Bailey. There were perhaps a dozen people on boat A. About 16 or so came into No. Third class passenger August Wennerström (listed Andersson) estimated twelve survivors. ), The second boat lowered on the port side (even though No. 15 nearly came on top of it and disaster was avoided at the last second when someone found a knife to cut the ropes, allowing 13 to float away just before 15 reached the water. With now some 40 or 42 people on board, they received another five or six from boat 14, to which they had been attached. The boat was partly filled from boat deck, partly from A deck. Mais si grand qu'il soit, le bilan de la catastrophe (au moins 1 502 victimes) n'est pas exceptionnel et le monde a connu depuis lors des naufrages plus meurtriers. Titanic lifeboat 12, probably the third boat lowered on the port side. (source : journal "Le Matin" du 17 avril 1912). Chibinaco (Mrs B. Together with the crew near him, he climbed onto the boat. We had become separated in the rush to the upper deck and had entered separate lifeboats.Â’ (IÂ’m going to see what has happened, chapter 7, pp. Major Peuchen, who was allowed in because there were too few sailors around, said there were 20 women in it when they rowed away. "There were 40 or 50 in our boat and I couldn't get a chance to sit down, but stood up keeping the babies warm and dry in my skirts. When lowered away, at least one more crewman came down the falls and while they were trying to get away from the sinking ship, rather close to the end, eight crewmembers were plucked from the sea; Alfred White, Thomas Dillon, Frederick Scott, Samuel Hemming, Frank Prentice, Andrew Cunningham, William Lyons and Sidney Siebert; the two last ones so overcome with cold that they died in the boat shortly after having been hauld aboard. Emock (Philip), Fortune (Mable), Mrs. Harris, a first class passenger, thought there were 19 people in it, others estimated up to 30 and seaman Lucas thought there were 44 in it. This collapsible boat was never launched as such from the Titanic. This collapsible boat was never launched as such from the Titanic. We waited three minutes, and when no one else appeared he directed that the boat be lowered. Buchell (Mrs. William), En 2009, des problèmes de santé et des difficultés financières l'obligent à se séparer de certains souvenirs. 14 and other boats, the two able seamen, Frank Evans and Edward Buley were transferred to No. Swift:''There were twenty-two persons, including three seamen and a steward, aboard our boat, and as we were suspended over the water far below Captain Smith tucked a loaf of bread in the bow, where there were two casks of water....Slowly we dropped down, down and down until the keel of our tiny craft struck the sea and the captain shouted to pull over to a red light in the distance...we also began to realize that the seamen were not oarsmen. De l’autre côté, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), un artiste pauvre de troisième classe ayant gagné, grâce à une main chanceuse au poker, un billet pour le Titanic misé par des Suédois. "A Mrs. Davis and a little boy were in the boat with us, and she asked me what it was all about. Boat 3 was lowered with about 40 people in it; Thomas Cardeza counted 38 heads, not including those on the floor, Mrs. Spedden thought there were 40, including 10 or 12 stokers, Wilfred Seward of the crew estimated 50, George Moore, who was in charge of the boat, said 32 and Elizabeth Shutes thought there were 36. Témoignage survivant titanic Titanic : le récit des survivants publié dans Le Figaro en . It is possible that Mrs. Wells, a second class passenger, describes what happened in and near No. This collapsible boat was never launched as such from the Titanic. Doling (Miss Elsie), QM Rowe thought there were 39 and Bruce Ismay estimated 40-45 in the boat.In all likelihood, there were just under 40 people in the boat. When the boat was in the process of being lowered, some people were slightly anxious, as it seemed they were going to 'turn turtle.' The wife grew numb and drifted away and the husband died in the craft (according to Wennerström, he died on the Carpathia). I hadn't more than got there when someone grabbed me, saying: "This way," and hustled me and the children up to the lifeboat. Apparently, quite a few crew got in at the boat deck, then it was lowered to A deck. ''(Nordstjernan, April 30, 1912, p. 12). The fourth/fifth/sixth boat to be lowered from the port side. Hocking (Miss Nellie), Hanson (Miss Jennie), Quiz Titanic : Savez-vous la vérité sur l'histoire du Titanic ? Try it NowFull list of Titanic Survivors:Survivors of the Titanic DisasterTitanic survivors by Boat with a description of each lifeboat's escape:Titanic Emergency Lifeboat No. Beckwith (Mr et Mrs R. L), Harris (George), 4Titanic lifeboat 4. In all, there seem to have been 35-40 people in it; twelve ladies, six or seven men passengers as well as perhaps 18 male crew members. We met Captain Smith and he shouted to all to put on life belts. ''In our party, '' said Mr. Behr, ''were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beckwith and Mrs. Beckwith's daughter, Miss Helen W. Newsom, all of New York. ), Clarke (Mrs William), Drew (Mrs Lulu), Titanic est un film à succès de 1997 a écrit, réalisé et co-édité par James Cameron, avec Leonardo DiCaprio et Kate Winslet dans les rôles de Jack et Rose, les membres de différentes classes sociales qui tombent amoureux Titanic Lifeboat No. (New York Herald, Friday, April 19, 1912) Titanic Lifeboat No. Reproduction interdite sans autorisation. On the other hand, ten or twelve others were transferred into the boat from No. The eighth boat lowered from the starboard side. Mrs. Schabert got into the boat and discovered there was space for her brother, Philipp Mock, as well. Angle W. M., 3Titanic lifeboat 3. Titanic : le récit des survivants publié dans Le Figaro en 1912 LES ARCHIVES DU FIGARO - Dès le 16 avril 1912 et durant plusieurs semaines, Le Figaro publie de nombreux articles sur la catastrophe.. There may have been a fourth person rescued, even though some in the crew thought there were three saved and one died and another crewman said they found four, but two died. Along with those present I entered the boat. They picked up nobody from the sea and possibly reached the Carpathia as the tenth or twelfth boat. There were perhaps seven or eight ladies from first class, possibly 15 or more second class passengers, including Mr. Hosono, who jumped into it at the last moment and possibly ten or twelve third class passengers apart from the four crew in it; a total of perhaps 40 people. Trouvez Titanic dans Canada | Kijiji: petites annonces à Grand Montréal. L'heure est 2h20. There were 28 or 29 people in the boat when lowered. 9-13) trying to get into it.The youngest survivor, Millvina Dean, was in this boat together with her mother and brother. ), It seems likely steward Rule was close to the truth; he testified at the British Inquiry, but he was recalled a few days later and was more or less forced to take back what he had said. When about 25-28 women and children had been assisted into the boat, five crew were ordered in as well as quartermaster Rowe. In all, there were probably no more than 18 people in it. When No. 5, did not turn back. After hours of suffering, the ten or twelve survivors were rescued by boat 14 who spied them and took them in. The second boat lowered on the starboard side. On the other hand, ten or twelve others were transferred into the boat from No. Estimates as to the number of people on it vary; there may have been upward of 30 people, mainly crewmen, on it to begin with, but some of the initial survivors died during the night; a number of two or three is mentioned. Frohliche (Margaret), He stayed on the ship but later found refuge in boat 1. Mrs. West and her two daughters found seats in the boat and Mrs. West would later claim that the boat was lowered at dangerous angles and she noticed that a baby was thrown in at the last moment, without its mother (as reported by others in the boat as well). She did not leave her husband's side until the last boat was being lowered and then she was torn from him and thrown into a boat. Mrs. Goldsmith thought there were 30 women, five crew and four Chinese and her son in the boat. Bruce Ismay had been quite active on the starboard side all night, assisting passengers into boats, more or less urging them to get away. Mr et Mrs Daniel Robert Davidson, 1, which had left 20-30 minutes earlier. Her brother was taken care of by Mrs. Thorneycroft who was with them. 14 and No. The two ladies would correspond later in life. After boat C had been lowered from the starboard side, the crew tried to fasten boat A to the davits, but there simply was no more time. Basé sur le voyage inaugural et le naufrage du Titanic, ce film reconstitue à l'écran les faits historiques connus à l'époque avec une grande précision tout en plaçant sur le paquebot quelques personnages de fiction que l'on suit à travers tout le film, les deux principaux étant le couple Jack Dawson et Rose DeWitt Bukater. boat 7). Facebook  |   When they had been in the water for a while, they encountered boat 14 and other boats, and Fifth Officer Lowe distributed his passengers in order to go back to the wreckage to see if he could save anyone. It seems likely that the boat was lowered away with so few people in it so that the two collapsible boats nearby could be sent away as soon as possible. Beathem (Miss Lilian), Fortune (Mrs.), Titanic Lifeboat No. ), As we got away, we saw a lot of wild eyed men come rushing up from steerage, but they were met by a man with a gun who pushed them back into a crowd of men and said, "Stand back there now, the first word out of you and I'll ----" I didn't catch the rest. Longley (miss G. R.), He stayed on the ship but later found refuge in boat 1. Robert Daniel said he had jumped into the sea and had been swimming around for a long time when a boat picked him up. In all, there were probably no more than 18 people in it. Cet homme élégant, arrogant et égoïste est un véritable homme d'affaire et politicien. The fourth boat lowered on the starboard side. When John Ryerson, age 13, was about to enter it, an officer is said to have tried to stop him, as he was old enough to stay with the men. Third Officer Pitman was sent in charge of the boat, having five other crew with him as well as two stewardesses. QM Rowe thought there were 39 and Bruce Ismay estimated 40-45 in the boat. Duran (Miss Florentina), Charles (William). J. There is no evidence of anyone using a gun near this boat. Mrs. Warren entered the boat with Miss Ostby and believed Mr. Warren had followed her into the boat, but he stayed on the ship and was lost. Lamore (Mrs.), They rowed away as fast as they could and picked up nobody from the water. Caldwell (jeune Alden G.), Bishop (Mr et Mrs D.), Lookout Hogg, according to Dorothy Gibson, wrapped a sail around one or two people in the boat since they were so cold. Graham (Mr.), 8Titanic lifeboat 8. Le Titanic: Les survivants. ''She was taken to a boat where her brother and fiancé were absolutely prohibited from entering, even though there was plenty of room in it. One young man was found in the boat and some believed him to be a stowaway, others claimed the Captain had ordered him in. Mrs. Goldsmith noticed them along with other passengers and they told QM Rowe in charge about them. Crossbie (miss H. E.), Rowing into the area, No. Titanic Lifeboat No. Some have theorized that he jumped into the boat, despite there being women still near boat C. Others claim there were none, and his escape was justified; he was a passenger just like any other passenger. Voici une liste des survivants du Titanic qui ont été recueillis à bord du Carpathia après le naufrage du Titanic. "An officer was shouting, "'Come on here, lively now, this way, women and children' and before I knew what was happening we were in a lifeboat, and the boat was going down the side while the men stood back serious and sober, watching us. Quiz "Titanic" créé le 20-07-2009 par anonyme avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! 16Titanic lifeboat 16. 11 was about the sixth or eighth boat to reach the Carpathia. Son interprétation de Rose Calvert, la centenaire survivante du naufrage du «Titanic» dans le film éponyme de James Cameron, lui avait apporté une renommée internationale en 1997. 11 was lowered to the A deck and several stewards were ordered into it to assist the passengers over the railing into the boat. Titanic: le récit des survivants publié dans Le Figaro en 1912. People started climbing into it from the water (and there may have been some in it when it was washed away as well) and some people said that it was full of people within a rather short period of time. Loutch (Mrs Alice), Elle a 87 ans et voit Hollywood s’agenouiller devant son talent. Hoyt gave a concise account of the tragedy to her father. La lovestory Jack/Rose est peut-être à l’origine d’une pure fiction, mais comme on peut s’en douter, il y avait de vraies relations amoureuses à bord du Titanic. Greenfield (Mrs. D.), She said the boat was lowered so badly that the occupants believed they would be thrown out of it when it was lowered away. Later in the night, they encountered boat 16 and took a fireman from that boat to help with the rowing. Kennyman (Mr. F. A. ou Mrs F. R. Kenyon), There was a strained calmness aboard the ship. Chandison (Mrs Victorina), Dodge wrapped a blanked around him after his rescue. When no more ladies were to be found in the vicinity, some men passengers were let in. It is believed that eight or ten crew remained, as well as second class passenger Charles Williams, whom Lowe took for rowing before the boat was lowered away (Williams would later claim that he had been swimming around in the water, yet officer Lowe's testimony proves that Williams entered the boat from the deck). Sweatshirts et sweats à capuche homme et femme sur le thème Titanic Designs d'artistes Molleton Échanges gratuits Fabrication responsable When 14 left them, they went, together with boat 12, to rescue those on boat B and received another 6 or 8 people from that boat and reached the Carpathia late, with perhaps 55 living survivors on board. Later, it was rumoured that he had dressed up as a sailor to be rescued (untrue). Buss (Miss Kate), Chevré (Paul), Leur histoire d'amour, fulgurante, va aller contre les convention et briser les différences sociales. Soon, the boat's keel was full of people.Trimmer James McGann was one of those who helped with boat B. After we were in I heard Mr. Ismay calling out, 'Are there any more to get into this boat? La Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (SOLAS) et le film Titanic sont deux des conséquences les plus durables qui ont répondu à cet événement. The fourth/fifth/sixth boat to be lowered from the port side. The eighth boat lowered from the starboard side. It is not easy to say how many people there were in this boat, but there were at least six male crew, three stewardesses and perhaps 30 passengers, mainly third class. Titanic Lifeboat No. None appeared. People heard the shootings, however, and it may turn out that those who heard it thought that people were shot and killed. Heure à laquelle le Titanic a complètement disparu. 50 passagers Français étaient à bord du Titanic pour la traversée vers les Etats-Unis. Trimmer George Cavell said there were only women passengers in this boat and five crew and the boat was full. Mr. Ismay was directing the launching. Titanic Collapsible Lifeboat CTitanic collapsible lifeboat C. The ninth and last boat lowered on the starboard side.Bruce Ismay had been quite active on the starboard side all night, assisting passengers into boats, more or less urging them to get away. There were perhaps seven or eight ladies from first class, possibly 15 or more second class passengers, including Mr. Hosono, who jumped into it at the last moment and possibly ten or twelve third class passengers apart from the four crew in it; a total of perhaps 40 people. Eventually, about 30 passengers, mainly ladies from first class, but also some from second class, including Mrs. Richards with two small sons and also her mother, were in it. The fourth/fifth/sixth boat lowered on the port side. In all, there seem to have been 35-40 people in it; twelve ladies, six or seven men passengers as well as perhaps 18 male crew members. I lost my balanced (sic), almost falling between the lifeboat and ship until someone in the lifeboat grabbed my arm and pulled me into a seat. Apparently, this was a misunderstanding; Sir Cosmo tried to be nice and wanted the crew to get five pounds each to get new material when they reached safety.Boat 1 was the second boat to reach the Carpathia.