As a reelected strategos and a persuasive orator, Pericles was the spokesman of a civic religion that was undergoing a mutation. Plutarch mentions other criticism of Pericles' leadership: "many others say that the people were first led on by him into allotments of public lands, festival-grants, and distributions of fees for public services, thereby falling into bad habits, and becoming luxurious and wanton under the influence of his public measures, instead of frugal and self-sufficing". He started an ambitious project that generated most of the surviving structures on the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. [139], In politics, Victor L. Ehrenberg argues that a basic element of Pericles' legacy is Athenian imperialism, which denies true democracy and freedom to the people of all but the ruling state. [148], Modern commentators of Thucydides, with other modern historians and writers, take varying stances on the issue of how much of the speeches of Pericles, as given by this historian, do actually represent Pericles' own words and how much of them is free literary creation or paraphrase by Thucydides. Thucydides initially managed to incite the passions of the ecclesia regarding these charges in his favor. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads. [9] His proverbial calmness and self-control are also often regarded as products of Anaxagoras' influence. [77][78][79][80] The accusations against her were probably nothing more than unproven slanders, but the whole experience was very bitter for Pericles. Bewertung. qui as fait, comme on a dit, l’éducation de Périclès ? In 454 BC he attacked Sicyon and Acarnania. 2019. [109] In the summer of the same year an epidemic broke out and devastated the Athenians. He was implicated in a policy of making constant offerings and of launching huge architectural religious works not only on the Acropolis but also throughout Attica; and, furthermore, he was engaged in such activities at a time when city was introducing profound changes into its religious account of its origins—that is, autochthony—within a context of strained diplomatic relations. The ambitious new leader of the conservatives, Thucydides (not to be confused with the historian of the same name), accused Pericles of profligacy, criticizing the way he spent the money for the ongoing building plan. [20], Thucydides (the historian), an admirer of Pericles, maintains that Athens was "in name a democracy but, in fact, governed by its first citizen". Momentanes Problem beim Laden dieses Menüs. The Acropolis, though in ruins, still stands and is a symbol of modern Athens. Avez-vous des question? [13] In matters of character, Pericles was above reproach in the eyes of the ancient historians, since "he kept himself untainted by corruption, although he was not altogether indifferent to money-making". Throughout these years he endeavored to protect his privacy and to present himself as a model for his fellow citizens. In 440 BC Samos went to war against Miletus over control of Priene, an ancient city of Ionia on the foot-hills of Mycale. Kakridis believes that Thucydides altered Pericles words. [171] The promotion of such an arrogant imperialism is said to have ruined Athens. [100] Pericles also gave his compatriots some advice on their present affairs and reassured them that, if the enemy did not plunder his farms, he would offer his property to the city. [139][178], Further assessments about Pericles and his era, "Perikles" redirects here. [144][145] Others, such as Donald W. Knight, conclude that the strategy was too defensive and would not succeed. Our polity does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. [162] The biographer points out, however, that the poet Ion reported that Pericles' speaking style was "a presumptuous and somewhat arrogant manner of address, and that into his haughtiness there entered a good deal of disdain and contempt for others". [3][4] He, along with several members of his family, succumbed to the Plague of Athens in 429 BC, which weakened the city-state during a protracted conflict with Sparta. [69] When the Samians revolted against Athenian rule, Pericles compelled the rebels to capitulate after a tough siege of eight months, which resulted in substantial discontent among the Athenian sailors. Click here to load MARC record [61] Either because of a genuine fear for its safety after the defeat in Egypt and the revolts of the allies, or as a pretext to gain control of the League's finances, Athens transferred the treasury of the alliance from Delos to Athens in 454–453 BC. That is to say, Thucydides could simply have used two different writing styles for two different purposes. He was descended, through his mother, from the powerful and historically-influential Alcmaeonid family. Actions can take place in the euro area, in EU countries outside the euro area and in third countries. ISBN. Nous intervenons sur les phases stratégiques, organisationnelles et de mise en œuvre. On the one hand, the career of the strategos will illuminate the Athenians' collective relationship to all that was divine. Le « siècle de Périclès » [modifier | modifier le wikicode] Périclès avait reçu une très bonne éducation. [41] Pericles may have realized the importance of Cimon's contribution during the ongoing conflicts against the Peloponnesians and the Persians. [θ] In any case, the city's plight, caused by the epidemic, triggered a new wave of public uproar, and Pericles was forced to defend himself in an emotional final speech, a rendition of which is presented by Thucydides. [8][11] Although Plutarch claims that this deformity was the reason that Pericles was always depicted wearing a helmet, this is not the case; the helmet was actually the symbol of his official rank as strategos (general). Histoire Du Siècle de Périclès, Vol. [78] Beloch also believes that Pericles deliberately brought on the war to protect his political position at home. [58], Pericles wanted to stabilize Athens' dominance over its alliance and to enforce its pre-eminence in Greece. [139] Donald Kagan called the Periclean strategy "a form of wishful thinking that failed", Barry S. Strauss and Josiah Ober have stated that "as strategist he was a failure and deserves a share of the blame for Athens' great defeat", and Victor Davis Hanson believes that Pericles had not worked out a clear strategy for an effective offensive action that could possibly force Thebes or Sparta to stop the war. The obvious purpose of these proposals was the instigation of a confrontation between Pericles and the people; this event, indeed, would come about a few years later. A common criticism is that Pericles was always a better politician and orator than strategist. Wählen Sie einen anderen Lieferort. [13] He enjoyed the company of the philosophers Protagoras, Zeno of Elea, and Anaxagoras. Enzo et Timaël vous expliquent le rôle de Périclès à Athènes This deputation was not allowed to enter Athens, as Pericles had already passed a resolution according to which no Spartan deputation would be welcomed if the Spartans had previously initiated any hostile military actions. Périclès Group est un cabinet indépendant de sociétés de conseil, spécialisé dans les domaines de la Banque et de la Finance, de l’Assurance et de la Protection Sociale. [159] Kakridis proposes that it is impossible to imagine Pericles deviating away from the expected funeral orator addressing the mourning audience of 430 after the Peloponnesian war. [ο] This might, however, be the result of the incorporation of the genre of rhetoric into the genre of historiography. Ioannis Kakridis and Arnold Gomme were two scholars who debated the originality of Pericles' oratory and last speech. J. les grecs et la politique - Lycée de Font. La Grandeur de l'homme au siècle de Périclès by Jacqueline de Romilly and Publisher Editions de Fallois. [118] Nonetheless, objections did not undermine Pericles' morale, although he burst into tears to protect Aspasia when she was accused of corrupting Athenian society. For men can endure to hear others praised only so long as they can severally persuade themselves of their own ability to equal the actions recounted: when this point is passed, envy comes in and with it incredulity. [51] According to one of the decree's most stringent provisions, surplus from a minting operation was to go into a special fund, and anyone proposing to use it otherwise was subject to the death penalty. Buy This Book. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. This promise was prompted by his concern that Archidamus, who was a friend of his, might pass by his estate without ravaging it, either as a gesture of friendship or as a calculated political move aimed to alienate Pericles from his constituents. [159] The two groups addressed were the ones who were prepared to believe him when he praised the dead, and the ones who did not. Kagan's view is that Cimon adapted himself to the new conditions and promoted a political marriage between Periclean liberals and Cimonian conservatives. Pendant les quinze années où il est le principal dirigeant d'Athènes, il veut en faire la capitale. [24], Around 461 BC, the leadership of the democratic party decided it was time to take aim at the Areopagus, a traditional council controlled by the Athenian aristocracy, which had once been the most powerful body in the state. Dieser Artikel kann nicht an den von Ihnen ausgewählten Lieferort versendet werden. Edited by J. C. Maxwell] (1956) Cambridge, University press , 1956. By purchasing books through this website, you support our non-profit organization. The process by which the Delian League transformed into an Athenian empire is generally considered to have begun well before Pericles' time,[59] as various allies in the league chose to pay tribute to Athens instead of manning ships for the league's fleet, but the transformation was speeded and brought to its conclusion by Pericles. According to Paparrigopoulos, history vindicated Cimon, because Athens, after Pericles' death, sank into the abyss of political turmoil and demagogy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. [14][16], Pericles' manner of thought and rhetorical charisma may have possibly been in part products of Anaxagoras' emphasis on emotional calm in the face of trouble, and skepticism about divine phenomena. [172] Pericles and his "expansionary" policies have been at the center of arguments promoting democracy in oppressed countries. [127][128] According to King, by increasing the power of the people, the Athenians left themselves with no authoritative leader. He also avoided convening the ecclesia, fearing that the populace, outraged by the unopposed ravaging of their farms, might rashly decide to challenge the vaunted Spartan army in the field. Périclès, Thucydide aidant, trace un portrait, très certainement embelli, d'Athènes, ou de ce qu'aurait dû être Athènes . Rather, the admiration of the present and succeeding ages will be ours, since we have not left our power without witness, but have shown it by mighty proofs; and far from needing a Homer for our panegyrist, or other of his craft whose verses might charm for the moment only for the impression which they gave to melt at the touch of fact, we have forced every sea and land to be the highway of our daring, and everywhere, whether for evil or for good, have left imperishable monuments behind us. Histoire Du Siècle de Périclès, Vol. Ce forum permet de créer des contacts professionnels et amicaux entre collègues, et d'échanger sur le monde de l'éducation et la pédagogie. Januar 2015. The accusation was that Cimon betrayed his city by aiding Sparta. [19], Plutarch says that Pericles stood first among the Athenians for forty years. The Pericles 2020 programme funds staff exchanges, seminars, trainings and studies for law enforcement and judicial authorities, banks and others involved in combating euro-counterfeiting. di kresilas del 450-400 ac ca.jpg 1,564 × 2,900; 2.15 MB. Paparrigopoulos maintains that an unprecedented regression descended upon the city, whose glory perished as a result of Pericles' populist policies. His morale undermined, he burst into tears and not even Aspasia's companionship could console him. [167], Nothing was more alien to the Greeks than the notion of a Separation between church and state. [160][161] According to Plutarch, he avoided using gimmicks in his speeches, unlike the passionate Demosthenes, and always spoke in a calm and tranquil manner. [89] In 433 BC the enemy fleets confronted each other at the Battle of Sybota and a year later the Athenians fought Corinthian colonists at the Battle of Potidaea; these two events contributed greatly to Corinth's lasting hatred of Athens. Pierre Brulé s'attache à décrire cette relation de l'individu à la cité et de la cité à l'individu, d'Athènes à Périclès, à travers guerres et paix, dans ce Vᵉ siècle av. [6] The leader of the party and mentor of Pericles, Ephialtes, proposed a reduction of the Areopagus' powers. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Although Cimon was acquitted, this confrontation proved that Pericles' major political opponent was vulnerable. [46] Ernst Badian believes that a peace between Athens and Persia was first ratified in 463 BC (making the Athenian interventions in Egypt and Cyprus violations of the peace), and renegotiated at the conclusion of the campaign in Cyprus, taking force again by 449–448 BC. Title. [140][141][142] Kagan criticizes the Periclean strategy on four counts: first that by rejecting minor concessions it brought about war; second, that it was unforeseen by the enemy and hence lacked credibility; third, that it was too feeble to exploit any opportunities; and fourth, that it depended on Pericles for its execution and thus was bound to be abandoned after his death. Périclès navigates a stormy sea of pirates, magicians, brothels, kidnappers, tournaments, plots against his life… and divine intervention from the Goddess Diana. Pericles, following Athenian custom, was first married to one of his closest relatives, with whom he had two sons, Paralus and Xanthippus, but around 445 BC, Pericles divorced his wife. [45], Complicating the account of this period is the issue of the Peace of Callias, which allegedly ended hostilities between the Greeks and the Persians. [12], Pericles belonged to the tribe of Acamantis (Ἀκαμαντὶς φυλή). Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-265) and indexes. Pericles and his friends were never immune from attack, as preeminence in democratic Athens was not equivalent to absolute rule. [134] His strategy is said to have been "inherently unpopular", but Pericles managed to persuade the Athenian public to follow it. 84.XO.702.317.8 Open Content images tend to be large in file-size. September 1991. He himself died of the plague later in the year. Education; About; What’s On; Become a Member; Visit Us; Wed 11 Apr Making Périclès, Prince de Tyr “Whatever Cheek by Jowl does next constitutes a major happening…” The Guardian. The very existence of the treaty is hotly disputed, and its particulars and negotiation are ambiguous. BEULE-C. In 430 BC, the army of Sparta looted Attica for a second time, but Pericles was not daunted and refused to revise his initial strategy. [170], Pericles' most visible legacy can be found in the literary and artistic works of the Golden Age, much of which survive to this day. [γ][9], According to Herodotus and Plutarch, Agariste dreamed, a few nights before Pericles' birth, that she had borne a lion. The period during which he led Athens, roughly from 461 to 429 BC, is sometimes known as the "Age of Pericles", but the period thus denoted can include times as early as the Persian Wars or as late as the next century. This ban strangled the Megarian economy and strained the fragile peace between Athens and Sparta, which was allied with Megara. [166] According to Quintilian, Pericles would always prepare assiduously for his orations and, before going on the rostrum, he would always pray to the gods, so as not to utter any improper word. For more than 20 years Pericles led many expeditions, mainly naval ones. [30], According to another historian, Justin Daniel King, radical democracy benefited people individually, but harmed the state. The remains of the dead were left in a tent for three days so that offerings could be made. Socrates teaching Perikles-Nicolas Guibal-IMG 5309.JPG 2,945 × 3,177; 5.22 MB. Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Pericles promoted the arts and literature, and it is principally through his efforts that Athens acquired the reputation of being the educational and cultural center of the ancient Greek world. Pericles had such a profound influence on Athenian society that he was acclaimed by Thucydides, a contemporary historian, as "the first citizen of Athens". Ioannis Kalitsounakis argues that "no reader can overlook the sumptuous rythme of the Funeral Oration as a whole and the singular correlation between the impetuous emotion and the marvellous style, attributes of speech that Thucydides ascribes to no other orator but Pericles". De | ISBN: 9782253108030 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. [117] This relationship aroused many reactions and even Pericles' own son, Xanthippus, who had political ambitions, did not hesitate to slander his father. Vlachos criticizes the historian for this omission and maintains that Thucydides' admiration for the Athenian statesman makes him ignore not only the well-grounded accusations against him but also the mere gossips, namely the allegation that Pericles had corrupted the volatile rabble, so as to assert himself. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9791032100714, . Critiques, citations, extraits de Périclès : La démocratie athénienne à l'épreuve du de Vincent Azoulay., 1er réseau social enseignant, s'adresse aux professeurs et personnels de l'Education nationale. Comment naît la "démocratie" grecque. The fact that he was at the same time a vigorous statesman, general and orator only tends to make an objective assessment of his actions more difficult. [23] Although Cimon was acquitted, this confrontation proved that Pericles' major political opponent was vulnerable. "[159], Kagan states that Pericles adopted "an elevated mode of speech, free from the vulgar and knavish tricks of mob-orators" and, according to Diodorus Siculus, he "excelled all his fellow citizens in skill of oratory". Anytime, anywhere, across your devices. Just before his death, Pericles' friends were concentrated around his bed, enumerating his virtues during peace and underscoring his nine war trophies. [ε], In a naval battle the Athenians led by Pericles and nine other generals defeated the forces of Samos and imposed on the island an Athenian administration. [114] Pericles lived during the first two and a half years of the Peloponnesian War and, according to Thucydides, his death was a disaster for Athens, since his successors were inferior to him; they preferred to incite all the bad habits of the rabble and followed an unstable policy, endeavoring to be popular rather than useful. Incest, treachery, murder, love, joy all explode in this giant theatrical firework. Being always cautious, he never undertook of his own accord a battle involving much uncertainty and peril and he did not accede to the "vain impulses of the citizens". vor 1 Jahrzehnt. [136] Although his countrymen engaged in several aggressive actions soon after his death,[137] Platias and Koliopoulos argue that the Athenians remained true to the larger Periclean strategy of seeking to preserve, not expand, the empire, and did not depart from it until the Sicilian Expedition. Anthony J. Podlecki argues, however, that Pericles' alleged change of position was invented by ancient writers to support "a tendentious view of Pericles' shiftiness". [135] It is for that reason that Hans Delbrück called him one of the greatest statesmen and military leaders in history. According to Plutarch, it was thought that Pericles proceeded against the Samians to gratify Aspasia of Miletus. The DG ECFIN can also initiate actions to complement Member States' initiatives. Concentré d'information sur la vie de Périclès, Rezension aus Spanien vom 23. [109] Ancient sources mention Cleon, a rising and dynamic protagonist of the Athenian political scene during the war, as the public prosecutor in Pericles' trial.[109]. Pericles, prince of Tyre [by William Shakespeare. [58] His stance was greeted with applause, and Thucydides was soundly, if unexpectedly, defeated. Retrouver régulièrement les nouveautés littéraire et actualités de votre librairie Périclès. Hence, the historian's hinted assertion that Greek public opinion espoused Sparta's pledges of liberating Greece almost uncomplainingly seems tendentious. [133] According to Platias and Koliopoulos, Athens as the strongest party did not have to beat Sparta in military terms and "chose to foil the Spartan plan for victory". These glories may incur the censure of the slow and unambitious; but in the breast of energy they will awake emulation, and in those who must remain without them an envious regret. For example, he would often avoid banquets, trying to be frugal. Even when in the face of mounting pressure, Pericles did not give in to the demands for immediate action against the enemy or revise his initial strategy. Périclès Le Savant Nonti is on Facebook. Forgotten Books. However, when Pericles took the floor, his resolute arguments put Thucydides and the conservatives firmly on the defensive. [162], Gorgias, in Plato's homonymous dialogue, uses Pericles as an example of powerful oratory. His achievements included the construction of the Acropolis, begun in 447. Pericles (/ˈpɛrɪkliːz/; Attic Greek: Περικλῆς Periklēs, pronounced [pe.ri.klɛ̂ːs] in Classical Attic; c. 495 – 429 BC) was a prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens during its golden age, specifically the time between the Persian and the Peloponnesian Wars.