Lena shouldn’t have felt at ease, because she was new. HVK: Were there some ‘real-life’ characters that you wanted to improvise with you, but they refused? Politique de cookies | I didn’t know her before. CGU | gill, pauline - marie-antoinette La dame de la rivière rouge Jeune fille instruite de la campagne, Marie-Antoinette Grégoire démontre dès son tout jeune âge un talent certain pour l'écriture. It was there that I met Fabrice Luchini and Arielle Dombasle who are, for me, the epicenter of my memory with Eric. But Eric absolutely wanted me to get up and leave. I imagine it was a very different experience to Le Rayon Vert, which is almost all improvised. It was Eric’s recipe, to make the audience feel at the same time rejection but also condolence. One of the instructions was that I should not be static, but move my body to accompany the text I was saying. It was very important for Eric. Anne and Delphine are as relevant to who we are now, as men and women, as they were to female modernity at the time. They always have a function: to be with a man, the girlfriend, the mother, or the daughter of someone. “Eric always placed himself in the context of his youth.”. The kitchen area is a common Eric set. He often wrote roles for his actors. I would have stayed in reality, because I thought they were nice. I’d kept those paintings and had put them in my home. ©AlloCiné, Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : 0 892 892 892 (0,34€/minute), Issue d'un milieu ouvrier, Marie Rivière grandit dans une cité de Montreuil avant de travailler comme institutrice puis vendeuse. Which I understand … (Laughs), “The way he (Eric) felt his perception of the world, he certainly thought that it was better transported, conveyed, through the expression of a woman.”. “They are people who have no money, who live scantily while having a plentiful spiritual and intellectual life.”. But in the end, we hear the nice music very well. Female motivation frequently forms the narrative backbone in many of Rohmer’s films and Le Rayon Vert is its most magical example. MR: It was necessary for the story. HVK: I love Anne’s studio apartment: the wallpaper, the wardrobe behind a curtain, the little kitchen on a shelf, the drawings on the wall, the goldfish and the ornaments. He wasn’t someone that they didn’t know. She challenges Delphine in the café scene by the sea in Biarritz. With many thanks to Fanny Mazoyer (Paris-based Director of Photography and graduate of the Louis Lumière. Maybe Eric felt more at ease with women. Eric asked her to be confrontational, to challenge me, so the scene could exist. Pour sa part, le garçon est tombéirrémédiablement amoureux de l’inconnue. During our conversation, it was easy to see why the auteur found her such an inspiring artistic collaborator and a good friend. HVK: What was it about Rohmer that elicited such memorable and beautifully observed female characters throughout his career? Eric gave me some very precise instructions and I followed them, but using my own words. Biographie Robert De Niro, Biographie Brad Pitt, Contact | At that time, a woman saying “I do not want to get married,” had significance. And I did just that, and it came naturally, as I checked the messages on my phone, sipped some tea and opened a paper map. For further reading about Eric Rohmer 52frenchfilms recommends: Holiday Blues and the improvised magic of The Green Ray, Follow French Film Stories on WordPress.com, Brothers acting as brothers: a conversation with Gregory and Mikael Fitoussi, Trois Couleurs: Bleu (Three Colours: Blue), Marie Rivière et l'adoration profonde d'Eric Rohmer pour les femmes, Pauline à la Plage (Pauline at the Beach), Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart), Festival du Film Francophone d’Angoulême 2017, A conversation with Marie Rivière … Eric Rohmer’s intelligent adoration of women, Brothers acting as brothers: a conversation with Gregory and Mikael Fitoussi, Marie Rivière et l’adoration profonde d’Eric Rohmer pour les femmes. C’est une rivière qui s’écoule à l’envers etcelui qui boira de son eau ne mourra jamais. MR: Lena was a friend of Eric. MR: I met Eric at his office in the Trocadéro. But she was great at once. But there is ‘music’ in the script, which was difficult for me to express. He was not very rich. We find them in ‘Love in the Afternoon’ and ‘Charlotte and her steak.’ They are people who have no money, who live scantily while having a plentiful spiritual and intellectual life. However, she has charmed both male and female audiences for close to 30 years. She is willing to meet people, she likes to go into dance halls and have fun. Comme elle, les habitants de cité Mauvillac, Grande-Rivière-Nord-Ouest, sont sous le choc. HVK: How did Rohmer direct you in La Femme De L’Aviateur? Deux mois et demi après l’un des plus beaux jours de sa vie, une mariée se noie lors d’une séance photo aux chutes de Rawdon, incapable de rejoindre le bord sous le poids de sa robe. I was very impressed by him. He was Rosette’s friend. It had to be clear that Delphine was waiting for the real sign that would bring her to real love. Qui sommes-nous | It was a logical result of our friendship and connection. Éric Rohmer – Marie Rivière, Amira Chemakhi, Sylvie Richez DVD Z2 : sorti Les errances amoureuses d'une jeune femme qui découvre le fameux "rayon vert" dont parle Jules Verne, et la vie en rose. A 21 ans, après avoir vu, Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous, eric rohmer sur "eric rohmer rayon vert allo ciné", C'est toi que j'attendais Bande-annonce VF, Encanto, la fantastique famille Madrigal Teaser VF. HVK: I imagine Rohmer was very good at making you feel relaxed so Delphine could develop with authenticity. Shortly afterwards he invited her to come and meet him …. Intrigué par la question de celle-ci, Tomek vaconsulter son ami le … His visits were frequent, sometimes several times a month, although irregular. If Lena and I had agreed about men, we wouldn’t have had any cinema. Those things do not exist anymore but they existed in that period. Marie wrote Rohmer a letter. She is very natural has some clear ideas on how to meet men. Rosette was my friend in real life. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Vous pouvez utiliser toutes les images de cette galerie pour tout ce que vous voulez, utilisez les librement pour tout usage personnel et commercial. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Jean Marie Riviere de la plus haute qualité. This was the only moment when he asked me to do something, mainly because he wanted it to be clear.He always wanted everything to be very understandable and clear for the audience. A series of relaxed, ordinary moments, relevant, yet outside of time. It was not easy to do improvisation, especially with somebody like me. Maybe he was showing his feminine side. It was Delphine’s faith. I think it reminded Eric of his youth. MR: I know. “It was Delphine’s faith. They knew that they were going to play in a beautiful film. Plus tôt, dans la soirée, soit vers 17h30, des coups de feu ont été tirés sur la rue Lapierre à Montréal-Nord. Marie Rivière (French pronunciation: [maʁi ʁivjɛʁ]; born 22 December 1956) is a French actress and filmmaker.She is known for her collaborations with director Éric Rohmer.. From a working-class background, Marie Rivière grew up on a housing estate/project in Montreuil before working as a schoolteacher, then as a shop assistant. If I had stayed with the boys, the audience would not have understood, and it would have been another film. It was necessary to be faithful to this faith. It is very rare. For further reading about Eric Rohmer 52frenchfilms recommends: Geoff Andrew on Rohmer by Simon Hitchman Holiday Blues and the improvised magic of The Green Ray by Geoff Andrew Eric Rohmer for Beginners by David Parkinson. Marie Rivière est une actrice française née le 22 décembre 1956 à Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). It was his room. While in La Femme De L’Aviateur there was specific direction, because my studio room was very small, and so there were very precise instructions on how to move. He said: “Marie, when you want to be an actress, it is necessary to stay just a little longer, to speak with people.” So when I left, I thought that I would never see him again. Peu de temps après une victime s'est présentée à l'hôpital avec une blessure à la jambe. I don’t have anything to say, it’s very funny. MR: We kept seeing each other and we became really good friends. So she was the opposite of me. Louis was born on October 6 1812, in Villette-sur-Ain, 01320, Ain, Rhône-Alpes, FRANCE. Données Personnelles | It was Eric’s crédo. How much were you involved in deciding what the apartment would look like? MR: We have a mixture between the perception that people who are close to Delphine in the film and the perception of the audience. It was her first visit in London for some time and we spoke a little about the events in Paris, ‘Je suis Charlie’ and my enthusiasm for Rohmer’s work, and in particular his portrayal of women. HVK: So maybe in Le Rayon Vert Rohmer directed the audience’s reaction more than he directed the actors. But why? Recrutement | Jeune Lorette, Qc: 1768: Louis Antoine Descomptes-Labadie-Badichon & Marie (Saulteux) MI, USA: 1770: Pierre Racet-Rassette & Indian woman (Chippewa) Green Bay, Wisc. Tomek lui prend la main, la jeune … How did you establish the rapport? Marie’s portrayal of Anne and Delphine show Rohmer’s intelligent adoration of women: it is difficult to find another male director who is as interested in their intellect,and their struggle with solitude and relationships. It is small, private and simple, a liberation for women at the time. A couple of months later we met again in Paris, in a café located close to Place d’Italie. And also, it was Eric Rohmer. At that time I lived in a maid’s room, which looked like the one in the film. Inscription Gratuite et enregistrer 60% désactivé Select from premium Jean Marie Riviere of the highest quality. In the scene with Lena, the instruction was simply that I did not have to agree to stay at the table with the boys and Lena. After we finished recording Marie asked if she could film me ‘just doing nothing.’ She said that she likes to film people being ‘ordinary.’ “Imagine I’m not here” she said, gently. Softly spoken, gracious and with a gentle sense of humour, Marie talked with a winning honesty similar to the characters she plays in Rohmer’s films. Eric Rohmer’s Le Rayon Vert (‘The Green Ray’) and La Femme De L’Aviateur (‘The Aviator’s Wife’) are part of my summer blood. Préférences cookies | Marie Rivière, Paris (2015) Eric Rohmer’s Le Rayon Vert (‘The Green Ray’) and La Femme De L’Aviateur (‘The Aviator’s Wife’) are part of my summer blood. Was it easy to persuade her to take part? Whether it was in the coffee shop, the office or in the studio room. We took them from my small room, which was on boulevard St Germain, and Eric put them in the Anne’s room which was in the 16th. It is thanks to her that the scene at the bar exists. Trouvez les Jean Marie Riviere images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. “It was easy. We shot the film in the years of the Women’s Liberation, the period when women claimed the right to live by themselves and not be married. HVK: There are close to 4 or 5 years between La Femme De L’Aviateur and Le Rayon Vert. Tomek n’en a jamais entenduparler, et la jeune fille repart, déçue. But for Lena, as she was an actress, it could have been a handicap. With many thanks to Fanny Mazoyer (Paris-based Director of Photography and graduate of the Louis Lumière. HVK: Delphine is a rather exasperating woman. Our friendship gave him the idea to make another film with me where I should totally improvise the dialogue, Le Rayon Vert. Adapté du roman éponyme de Gabrielle Roy, le film suit le parcours d’une jeune femme inuite indépendante se trouvant au carrefour de la modernité et de la tradition. I had to run away. It wasn’t an actress’ role, which she received from the director at the last moment before the shoot. Elle a longtemps tourné pour celui qui fut l’un des pères de la Nouvelle Vague ; lui signe des films aux faux-airs rohmériens. The audience understands that she feels rejected and from this is born the feeling of condolence. MR: There was only a script for very precise things. MR: Yes it was very different. HVK: What happened during your first meeting with Eric Rohmer? MR: Eric spent a lot of time in his youth in these kind of rooms. Femme cherche Homme - Site de rencontre Gratuit. I was intimidated because he was older than me. je soutenais l'éclat de la mort toute pure telle jadis le soleil soutenu mon corps désespéré tendait le torse nu ou l'âme ivre de soi de silence et de gloire écoute avec espoir frapper au mur pileux ce coeur qui serait une accosté rieuse jusqu'à ne plus tenir que de sa complaisance en premier son enfant ma … But it was even more surprising, more original, during the period of Eric’s youth, years before. Marie leads the dialogue, often alongside non-professional actors; and the film, whilst concerning a delightfully stubborn and sensitive woman on holiday, is also, at heart, about her courage to have faith, to believe in ‘something’ outside our material world. Elle pense encore le retrouver. Marie-Ève Larivière, Actress: Histoire de famille. “Eric instructed the girl to say to me: ‘Oh I have a studio in Biarritz, I can give you the keys.’ I had to look very surprised and answer, ‘Oh fantastic, it’s very kind.'”. (laughs) She can be irritating but it’s deliberate, on behalf of Eric. Either he came to my home, or I went to his office in Alma Marceau. The way he felt his perception of the world, he certainly thought that it was better transported, conveyed, through the expression of a woman. 495 Rue Boileau, Rivière-Rouge, QC. Delphine was created by Marie, in collaboration with Rohmer, for which he gave her a full writing credit. Marie Riviere | Genf, Kanton Genf, Schweiz | Passionate about people | 237 Kontakte | Vollständiges Profil von Marie auf LinkedIn anzeigen und vernetzen In La Femme De L’Aviateur (1981) Anne has been dumped by her married lover, and lives alone, and in Le Rayon Vert (1986), Delphine, also alone and restless, goes on vacation, believing in love and hoping to find a ‘genuine connection’ with someone. Your two characters couldn’t appear more different! Some people may find her a bit irritating! The first meeting did not last long. Biographie. MR: Rohmer’s women are a great thing, because in film we never have feminine characters who show their souls. La jeune femme ne peut s'empêcher de parler du lapsus de l'adresse qu'elle a donnée cinq ans avant à Charles. Lena was the opposite of me because Eric asked her to be the girl who is alone, but who likes to be alone, who does not want a husband. In ‘Love in the Afternoon,’ we find the same kitchen area. When he stopped making Perceval and started the series Comedies and Proverbs, he thought of me because he imagined me in the role. www.fannymazoyer.com) for translating my conversation with Marie, and also Isabelle Lecat, here in London, for additional help. These were just a few moments, but during this time, I understood, in a small way, what it must have been like to work with Rohmer. : Marie-Ève Larivière is an actress and writer, known for Histoire de famille (2006), Just for Laughs Gags (2001) and Avec Moi (2019). Eric didn’t really direct the actors. Faites vos plus belles rencontres. Jeux concours | Delphine was built out of the friendship we had. Vers 22h20, un jeune homme dans la vingtaine assis sur le balcon de son logement de la rue Armand-Bombardier a été pris pour cible. Photo libre: jeune marié, la mariée, gondole, bateau de rivière, bateau, eau, Lac, rame, canal, pagayer. For example, when I met a friend in Paris, and she suggested I go to Biarritz, Eric instructed the girl to say to me: “Oh I have a studio in Biarritz, I can give you the keys.” I had to look very surprised and answer, “Oh fantastic, it’s very kind.” It was written in the script that the young woman had to tell me that. Philippe Faucon (réalisateur) Avec Catherine Klein, Dominique Perrier, Marie Rivière Muriel, discrète et solitaire, est l'opposé de sa meilleure amie Nora, une jeune femme exubérante et rayonnante. I learned a lot personally. I had a lot of training, and I felt at ease in my improvisation. I first met Marie in London, two days after the Charlie Hebdo killings. HVK: How did you meet Lena, the Swedish character? Everyone who played in the movie was great. And then Marie asked me: “Speak to me as though you don’t know me.” And so I did just that too, and oddly didn’t feel remotely embarrassed. Eric gave the principal roles to women who are not always in connection with men. I thought he was annoyed, and found me stupid. In La Femme De L’Aviateur, there was Eric’s script which was quite difficult to say. He had just ended Le Marquise of O and was preparing Perceval le Galois. Une marche blanche en hommage a été organisée ce dimanche 11 octobre 2020 à Rivière-Salée à la demande de la mère d'Aude. LA RIVIERE A L’ENVERS - TOMEK - : Chapitre 4 CORRECTION 1) Recopie les paragraphes qui racontent le mieux chaque rêve de Tomek. MR: I already knew Eric. She’s always repeating the same things, in particular the scene of the meal in Normandy: she does not like the meat, she does not like the swing and she does not like the sea. Jeanne Marie CAMELAS (born RIVIERE) was born on month day 1851, at birth place, to Louis RIVIERE and Marie RIVIERE (born BOUVIER). So they were flattered to take part. How did your professional relationship with Rohmer evolve during this time? MR: For me she is not annoying because it’s me! (lignes 1 à 16) 1er rêve : a) Tomek voit que la jeune fille est poursuivie par des hommes-tigres. HVK: How were you offered the role of Anne? Ex. Marie Rivière et l’adoration profonde d’Eric Rohmer pour les femmes Marie Rivière, Paris (2015) Le Rayon Vert d’Éric Rohmer (‘The Green Ray’) et La Femme de l’Aviateur (‘The Aviator’s Wife’) chaque ete coule dans mes veines. The wallpaper came from the room of someone who worked on the film. She was my friend in real life.” Marie Rivière on the female solidarity between Delphine and Françoise, played by Rosette. Actrice fétiche d'Éric Rohmer, elle coréalise un premier film en 1993 avec Marc Rivière, La Règle du silence Biographie. HVK: The scenes at Cherbourg, with Rosette, show a special ‘female solidarity’ – there is a strong connection between the two of you. Images explicitement placées dans le domaine public. It was always related to him: the solitude, the ideal and the thoughts. HVK: The scene where you are followed by the young man in the string vest, the gold chains and the tanned muscles, always makes me laugh. But, she said it in her own words. In Le Rayon Vert there was no script. La rivière sans repos est un drame réalisé par Marie-Hélène Cousineau, avec la collaboration de Madeline Ivalu. But it is a way for Eric to accumulate Delphine’s rejection by her family and Delphine’s rejection by the audience. Issue d'un milieu ouvrier, Marie Rivière grandit dans une cité de Montreuil avant de travailler comme institutrice puis vendeuse. And then, when the feeling of rejection is reached by the audience, Eric takes Delphine into the countryside where she begins to cry.