“Il ritratto di Decebalo.” Ephemeris Dacoromana. [first page]. 1724, 1749): the last, largest and most magnificent of the imperial fora, built by Trajan with the assistance of the Greek architect Apollodorus, and dedicated, at least in part, about 113 A.D. (Cass. Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. Français : Surmoulage en plâtre réalisé en 1862-1863 de la colonne de Trajan. 1931. 3 vols. (Antiquitas, ser. 1982. Les forums romains étaient le centre du pouvoir de Rome, du temps de l'Antiquité. [3] Instead, a tower-like wooden construction was erected around the building site, in the midst of which the marble blocks were raised by a system of pulleys, ropes and capstans; these were powered by a large workforce of men and possibly also draught animals, spread out on the ground. 2 vols. The Language of Images in Roman Art. [35] Based on Cichorius's work, and on the photographic archive of the German Archaeological Institute, a research-oriented Web-based viewer for Trajan's Column was created at the German-language image database. Powered by Pinboard Theme by One Designs and WordPress, The history, archaeology and iconography of the monument. pierrefonds, snunney, asajernigan, ourania, cornejo, ChrisJ, sewali has … Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 22. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Colonne Trajane is a tower in Saint-Germain-en-Laye near the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. De Angelis, F. 2014. Coulston, J.C. 2003. Petersen, E. 1899-1903. A Study of the Monuments in Brief. 1: 579-606. “Templum Traiani et columna cochlis.” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Dimensions: … “La Colonna Traiana: da simbolo ideologico a modello materiale. Milano. 61-65. Malasev, V.Ju. Online digital text. La Weitzmann, K. 1948. Reproduces at large scale the original … 2002. Vatasianu, V. 1982. Verona. la colonne coclide Il a été inauguré en 113, avec une spirale longue frise qui est enroulée, à partir du bas vers le haut, sur la tige entière de la colonne et décrit le guerres de Dacia (101-106), Peut-être basé sur les perdus commentaires Trajan et peut-être aussi par l'expérience directe. 2002. Sprawdź tłumaczenia 'Colonne Trajane' na język Polski. Rome: Giacomo de Rossi (original volume online). Article by Lola Chatz. Krierer, K.R. Columna Traiană. Davies, P. 1997. “La Colonna Traiana: L’imperatore e il suo publico.” Giornate filologiche “Francesco Della Corte” IV, edited by F. Bertini. Mazzarino, S. 1979. “Building Trajan’s Column.” American Journal of Archaeology 103: 419-39. “The Historical Interpretation of the Reliefs of Trajan’s Column.” Papers of the British School at Rome 5: 433-59. Domaszewski, A. v. 1906. Wilson Jones, M. 1993.“One Hundred Feet and a Spiral Stair: Designing Trajan’s Column.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 6: 23-38. [28] According to modern calculations, eight capstans were needed to hoist the 55 t base block, while the length of rope required for the highest drums measured some 210 metres (690 feet) assuming two-block pulleys. Publication date 1865 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics bub_upload, Trajan's Column (Rome, Italy), Sculpture, Bas-relief, Inscriptions, Latin Publisher Paris, Typ. 1976a. La colonne dans la Rome antique est localisée par le point rouge. Trajan’s Army on Trajan’s Column. Madison. Zanker, P. 1970. “Traces of ancient colours on Trajan’s Column.” Archaeometry 40: 403-12. Stucchi, S. 1965. Toynbee 1970. Richmond I.A., and M. Hassall 1982. 1: 75-78. Simoncini, G. 1988. “Konzept, Struktur und narrative Methode der Bildprogrammatik römischer Triumphsäulen. “La Colonna Traiana, espressione somma del rilievo storico romano.” Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ANRW), II 12, 1: 535-78. Kleiner, F. 1991. It is located in Trajan's Forum, north of the Roman Forum. Goudy, F.W. La colonne trajanne et les forums impériaux. 2001. Baumer, L.E., T. Hölscher, and L. Winkler. Koeppel G.M. Apoll. 3. “Die Inschrift der Trajanssäule.” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung 72: 142-70. Storia e narrazione. Ricerche nel Foro di Traiano-Basilica Ulpia: un esempio di sopravivenza di strutture antiche in età medieval.” Archeologia Medievale, 16: 541-57. EGESTVS. 3. pp. ... 17 x 21 x 10 cm - Origin: Rome - Date: circa 1780. Illustrations in Roll and Codex: A Study of the Origin and Method of Text Illustration. Archaeology. Mannheim und Möhnesee. 2). The photo gallery here reproduces the engravings made for the last two-thirds of the book: “Les Bas-Reliefs de la Colonne Trajane” (from page 61). Sale Date: November 8, 2019. Coulston, J.C. 1990a. Oxford. Rome. [access from Persee]. “Who Burns Whom on Scene XLV of Trajan’s Column ?” In T. W. Hillard et al., eds. 10 août 2016 - Recenser les images concernant cette colonne. Contributi per una ricostruzione storica e architettonica.” Archeologica Classica 41: 27-292. “Evoluzione del deperimento della Colonna Traiana. Die Traianssäule in Rom : Dokumentation eines Krieges in Farbe. VI, 15: 343-56. Title Page, from Receuil de Différents Caractères de Testes Dessinées d'Apres la Colonne Trajane (Study of Different Types of Heads Designed after the Column of Trajan) 18th century Gabriel Huquier French. Davies, G.A.T. Koeppel G.M. Kuttner, A. Das römische Heer auf der Trajanssäule. Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture. Richter, D. 2004. 1990. “La Colonna Traiana ed il ritorno all’architettura antica. “Beiträge zur Kaisergeschichte I: Die Dakerkriege Trajans auf den Reliefs der Säule.” Philologus 65: 321-44. ... Stefan A. S. and Chew H. 2015: La Colonne Trajane. 549-97. London. [e-version from Heidelberg]. Trajanssäule und Mark Aurel-Säule.” Krieg und Sieg. “Il fregio della Colonna Traiana. [JSTOR access]. Amici, C. M. 1982. (26.1 x 21.2cm) Identifier mma_drawing_for_la_colonne_trajane_334847 Medium Red chalk Provenance Regina Shoolman Slatkin, Donor: Regina Shoolman Slatkin Rights … daguerreotype titled, dated and numbered in ink on a label (affixed to verso) 3¾ x 9½in. 101-29. L’area della colonna nella concezione generale del Foro di Traiano.” Archeologia Classica 41: 237-92. Rome. Boni, G. 1907a. 1: Die Reichsprägung zur Zeit des Trajan. “Ein Dakerdenkmal Domitians. Buch und Bild im Altertum. Kousser, R. 2006. Vulpe, R. 1988. 1. Brizzi, B. Architecture and Architectural Sculpture in the Roman Empire. The Senate and people of Rome [give or dedicate this] to the emperor Caesar, son of the divine Nerva, Nerva Traianus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, pontifex maximus, in his 17th year in the office of tribune, having been acclaimed 6 times as imperator, 6 times consul, pater patriae, to demonstrate of what great height the hill [was] and place [that] was removed for such great works. 1039-48. 1907-1908. 1990. Scheiper, R. 1982. American Journal of Archaeology 103. Date Taken: 2018-03-22; Categories: Architecture, Artwork; Camera: Nikon D7100, Nikkor 18-200 3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX VR II, HOYA 72mm UV; Exposure: f/25.0, 1/91 seconds; Photo Version: Original Version; Date Submitted: 2020-02-26 4:25 “L’expression du temps sur la Colonne Trajane.” In R. Chevallier, ed., AION, Le Temps chez les Romains: 157-182. Paris. Bianchi Bandinelli, R. 1950. Rome. “Looking at Gender: The Column of Trajan and Roman Historical Relief.” In Domna Stanton and Abigail Stewart, eds. (Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum et Philosophiae Lovaniensis. 33) Bonn. The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection. 221-226. “Rappresentazioni di costruzioni daciche nella Colonna Traiana.” Atti Convegni Lincei (Colloquio italo-romeno. Division. 301, pls. 25 déc. The Representation and Perception of Roman Imperial Power: Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. Paris. As it was meant to be read from below, the bottom letters are slightly smaller than the top letters, to give proper perspective. [3] To save weight, the treads had probably been carved out before either at the quarry or in situ. 2014. Smallwood, E. M. 1966. Petersen, E. 1905. Kampen, N. 1995. “The Flavio-Trajanic ‘miles:’ the Appearance of Citizen Infantry on Trajan’s Column.” Latomus 61: 666-95. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. “Les monuments représentés sur la Colonne Trajane. Boccalupo has uploaded 1558 photos to Flickr. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Gift Ideas Customer Service Home Computers Gift Cards Subscribe and save Coupons Sell Marsch, Arbeit und Kampf. Martines, G. 2001. ... Elle est située entre la place centrale du forum, dont elle ferme le côté nord, et la colonne Trajane. Comparetti, D. 1906. 3 To date, the Société de Phototypie Arosa et Cie has received scant attention from scholars. Laurand, L. 1940. COVID-19 Resources. “Dacian Fortifications on Trajan’s Column.” The Antiquaries Journal 51: 30-5. Malissard, A. Toynbee 1971. Haftmann, W. 1939. Rossi, L., and J.M.C. 27-43. “Three new books on Trajan’s column.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 3: 290-309. enregistrement des Fastes ostienses il a également rendu la date d'inauguration, le 12 mai. C. de Mourges frères, 1865 (OCoLC)794906376 Université de Perpignan 1,408 views. 2.544; CIL vi. Optimo Principi: Iconographie, monnaie et propagande sous Trajan. Invention, composition, disposition.” Annales. 38: 56-62. Prices and download plans . Paris. Roma: 261-273. 1991. 1988. 1982. Farinella, V. 1981. (JSTOR access). “Rome’s Dacian Wars: Domitian, Trajan, and Strategy on the Danube, Part I.” Journal of Military History 74: 1185–1227. [commentary on the origins of the frieze on the column, 269ff]. Alicu, A. Ser. “Il Maestro delle imprese di Traiano.” Storicità dell’arte classica. Die Trajanssäule (see Bartoli 1941). 227-250. Papers Presented to Geoffrey Rickman; BICS supplementary, London. 1988. Daicoviciu, C. and H. 1966. Sale Date: October 25, 2019. Hamburg. Löwy, E. 1924. “Les moulages de la Colonne Trajane à Versailles, provenant de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris et antérieurs à 1800.” In La Colonna Traiana e gli Artisti Francesi da Luigi XIV a Napoleone I (exhibition catalog). Bergmann, M. 1991. Elle fut montée au sommet de la colonne en 1841 le 15 août. It contains an extensive bibliography. Cichorius, C. 1896-1900. L’architettura di Apollodoro nella cultura classica. 1989. [JSTOR access]. Dissertation University of Southern California, esp. 7; Sid. 2015. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Sell Gauer, W. 1973. Closing date : Tuesday 17 November 2020 from 14:00 (Paris) FAQ. Chapot, V. 1907. Stoiculescu C.D. Condurachi, E. 1982. Lopez, D. 2011. “Apollodorus of Damascus and the Poliorcetica.” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 33: 127-158. “Überlegungen Zur Donaulimesdarstellung auf der Trajanssäule in Rom.” Germania 67: 179-87. II. [22], The column is composed of 29 blocks of Luni marble, weighing in total more than 1100 t.[20] The spiral stair itself was carved out of 19 blocks, with a full turn every 14 steps; this arrangement required a more complex geometry than the more usual alternatives of 12 or 16. 1936. Chapel Hill. (1982) Une nouvelle approche de la colonne Trajane. “Zur Forschung über die Traians-und Marcussäule von 1865 bis 1945.” Römische Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte in der deutschen und italienischen Altertumswissenschaft während des 19, und 20, Jahrunderts, II, Côme. 1941. Bruston, C. 1920. Lancaster, Lynne. Roman Art. If the weather is cold, ... Détail du chapiteau de la colonne Trajane dessiné par Piranesi. Harries and C.J. Sebesta and L. Bonfante, eds. Rome. Bartoli, P.S. Conférence de John Scheid - Représentations sacrificielles d'après la colonne Trajane - Duration: 1:15:41. Rockwell, P. 1985. Édition illustrÉe avec les photographies exÉcutÉes en 1862 pour napolÉon iii (a. et j. picard, paris 2015). : You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Available on Open Edition Books. Download this stock image: Drawing for La Colonne Trajane. Ici, l'artiste cherche a faire de la propagande. “Roman Footwear.” In J.L. Quelques observations sur le tracé et la partition de la bande à reliefs historiés de la Colonne Trajane: 457-496 Silviu Oţa Pièces inédites de la Collection du Musée National d'Histoire de la Roumanie découvertes dans la nécropole du XIéme siècle de Vărsând-Movila dintre vii (dép.d'Arad) 497-505 Dana Mihai London. A Description of the Trajan Column. New York. Scène XXXIII de la colonne trajane. Rossi, L. 1971. Wickhoff, F. 1900. “L’inscription de la colonne Trajane.” Revue Archéologique 11: 245-48. 2011. Drei Fallstudien.” Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 106: 261-95. Coarelli, F. 1974. Feminisms in the Academy. [e-version from Google Books and illustrations by M. Jules Duvaux]. Sage and Emperor : Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 A.D.) Leuven. A complete survey in monochrome was published by the German archaeologist Conrad Cichorius between 1896 and 1900 (see Commons),[33][34] still forming the base of modern scholarship. L’architettura di Apollodoro nella cultura classica. Plate volumes: vol I (Die Reliefs des ersten dakischen Krieges) and vol. Roma. Le plan de Rome ci-dessous est intemporel. 1936. “Der Kampf um den Donauraum unter Domitian und Trajan.” Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 217: 1-252. 1990. Pollen, J.H. 71: 167-90. 89 For a recent discussion see Daicoviciu, H., ‘ Osservazioni intorno alla colonna Traiana ’, Dacia 3 (1959), 311 –28; Turcan-Deleani, M., ‘ Les monuments répresentés sur la colonne Trajane ’, Mélanges d'arch. Dates: 1821-? Paris. Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 48 881-882. 219-35. [JSTOR Access]. Volken, M. 2008. Malacrino, C.G. Base de la Colonne Trajane. de l'école française de Rome 70 (1958), 147 –76. “L’architettura traianea attraverso le emissioni monetali coeve.” Atti CESDIR (Centro studi e documentazione sull’Italia romana) 2: 237-97. Nasari, O. « Études sur la Colonne Trajane. Celui-ci, sculpté par Étienne Bergeret, … [AJA online]. It was probably constructed under the supervision of the architect Apollodorus of Damascus at the order of the Roman Senate. Notice et explication. Packer, James E., (1998) Trajan’s GLORIOUS FORUM. “La tomba di Traiano.” In Omagiu lui Constantin Daicoviciu. (JSTOR e-version). Représentant les différent épisodes des deux guerres contre les Daces Conclusion La statue Trajan vs St-Pierre Que cherche a faire l'artiste ? 199-215. Schnitzler, L. 1952. Reinach, S. 1886. [JSTOR access]. La colonne Trajane by Musée du Louvre; Froehner, Wilhelm, 1834-1925; France. Lancaster, L. 1999. n. 8, 248 and 249. Papes, collectionneurs, \u00E9rudits, chercheurs de tr\u00E9sors, \" antiquaires \", arch\u00E9ologues, artistes et po\u00E8tes ont investi … Settis, S., et al. Hölscher, T. 2004. Auction Closed. Gamber, O. Plaster casts of the relief were taken in the 19th and 20th centuries. 2000. La colonne Trajane. 1936. 5-6. La Colonna Traiana. Turin 1988. Conti, C. 2017. “Trajan’s Column and the Dacian Wars.” Britannia 23: 331-3. Stucchi, S. 1989. Speidel, M. 1971b. Bethe, E. 1945. Colonne Trajane is a column, observation tower and load-bearing masonry tower that was built from 1790 until 1792. Archives. “La colonna di Traiano.” Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei fasc. “Dakische und sarmatische Waffen auf den Reliefs der Trajanssäule.” JKSW 60: 7-34. Malissard, A. Culture: Roman. "; daarnaast titel in het Italiaans; middenonder: "25"; Zuil van Trajanus A Description of the Trajan Column. ), Roman Military Equipment: The Sources of Evidence. Römische Abteilung 111: 193-238. Urbs Roma: A Source Book of Classical Texts on the City and its Monuments. Oxford. La Rocca, E. 2004. Roma. “Depicting barbarism on fire: architectural destruction on the Columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 24: 283-312. Scène ... la date précise est effacée, mais le début de l'invitation mentionne que les combats seront donnés sous le règne et Oen l'honneur de Sévère Alexandre. Agosti, G.and V. Farinella.1988a. Ce chapiteau présente des inscriptions difficiles à lire. Trajan's Column Explore Exploring. 2006. Martines, G. 1992. Rites of the State Religion in Roman Art. Goldman, N.W. Check out the new look and enjoy easier access to your favorite features Free shipping for many products! [Comment on the relationship between frieze and scroll on the Column, 80-83]. Manifattura e diffusione dei calchi.” In Tra Damasco e Roma. 1935. 218. Leach, E.W. 1994. to 491 A.C ... de Louis XIV par les architectes Jacques Gondouin et Jean-Baptiste Lepère, à l'imitation de la colonne Trajane de Rome, qui comporte également un bas-relief hélicoïdal. MacKendrick, P. 1975. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Colonne trajane, Rome, Colonnes. Rome. 51. Étude des dimensions de la colonne Trajane. “La colonna Traiana : qualche questione.” Aevum 64: 95-102. Sage and emperor : Plutarch, Greek intellectuals, and Roman power in the time of Trajan (98-117 A.D.). London. Rome. 333-338. Date: ca. Protopopescu, V. 1998. Vienna. 1976b. I Fasti Ostienses. Colonne Trajane La Author: Beulah Sang Subject: access Colonne Trajane La total size 5.20MB, Colonne Trajane La would available in currently and writen by WiringTechDiag Keywords: get Colonne Trajane La, ledningsdiagram Colonne Trajane La, download Colonne Trajane La Created Date… Pensa, M. 1969-1970. Römische Abteilung 22: 187-97. Redwood City, CA – Stanford University Press. Contact us Contact Client Service info@christies.com. The Representation and Perception of Roman Imperial Power. Alicu, A. [e-access persee website]. (Preview in Google Books; on the role of barbarians, including Dacians, as generating pathos from the viewer). sont présentés dans le musée de la civilisation romaine (Museo della civiltà romana) situé dans le quartier de l'EUR à Rome. “Trajan’s Column: Visualizing Romans and Paul as Unstable, Hybrid Figures.” In C. D. Stanley, ed. “Reconstruction of the Appearance and Structural System of Trajan’s Bridge.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 16: 65-72. Apollodorus of Damascus and Trajan’s Column: From Tradition to Project. Foro di Traiano: Basilica Ulpia e biblioteche. 2002. Berkeley. Trajan’s Column and the Dacian Wars. ).” Journal of Roman Archaeology 7: 163-82. “Forum Traiani: Columna.” In Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae (LTUR) Vol. Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. 1993. Accession_number 58.607.1 Addeddate 2014-02-26 02:16:28 Dimensions 10 1/4 x 8 3/8in. Queen Victoria, London. Pinatel, C. 1988. Étude archéologique, historique, et littéraire. Froehner, W. 1872-1875. 1996. The most up to date information on most aspects of Roman artillery can be found in the editor’s new book Roman Imperial Artillery (order form below). La colonne Trajane by Musée du Louvre; Froehner, Wilhelm, 1834-1925; France. Bruno, M. and F. Bianchi. Rome, Arc des Orfèvres, Forum Boarium, 1855 . Harvard (18th ed.) Fehr, B. Lugli, G. 1960. Colonna Traiana. Agosti, G., and V. Farinella. Attributed to James Anderson. [The first serious critique of the views and conclusions of Cichorius]. 31 Castelar, op. [JSTOR access]. (9.5 x 24cm.) Berlin. “Sulla iscrizione della Colonna Traiana.” Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Morali 15: 575-88. 1917. Bloomington. Colonne Trajane (détail) Explore Boccalupo's photos on Flickr. Picard Paris. 1988. Die Traianssäule, Kupferstich aus em Jahre 1667, die Erklärungen der Reliefs. Baker, M. 1982. “La Colonna Traiana nelle incisioni de P.S. Trajan’s Column and the Dacian Wars. Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan: Architecture militaire, topographie, images et histoire. Maffei, S. 1995. The Roman Army in Moesia from Augustus to Severus Alexander (M. Petitjean), p. 161. All the Emperor’s Men: Roman Soldiers and Barbarians on Trajan’s Column. Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian, Cambridge. 81-92. Bellori, G.P. “Storia materiale dei calchi della Colonna Traiana appartenenti all’Accademia di Francia.” In La Colonna Traiana e gli Artisti Francesi da Luigi XIV a Napoleone I (exhibition catalog). Valadier - Stunning Table Centre / Surtout de Table. “Trajan’s Column.” Chapter 8 in Principles of Roman Architecture. Selected masterpieces. “Overcoming the Barbarian: Depictions of Rome’s Enemies in Trajanic Monumental Art.” In L. De Blois, ed. Paris, Typ. “Les barbares sur la colonne Trajane.” Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie 17: 65-87. 1673. Saggi sulla Colonna Traiana. “The Water Bag of Roman Soldiers.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 21: 264-74. Bonn. [presentation read on May 29, 1907 and published for the British Academy; discussion of the evidence for a sepulchral chamber in the pedestal, a report on earlier foundations under the area around the Column, and an interpretation of the dedicatory inscription]. The capitals from the Trajan column at Rome. [e-version from Google Books and illustrations by M. Jules Duvaux]. “Sull’origine della Colonna Traiana.” Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. The typical drum of Trajan's Column weighs c. 32 t,[2] while the capital, the heaviest block above the base and pedestal, is even at 53.3 t, which had to be lifted 34 m high. – A.D. 476). Pomponi, M. 1991-1992. Catalog. “Immagini e narrazioni. “Apollodor und die Reliefs der Trajanssäule.” Strena Buliciana. [Review in the Journal of Roman Studies]. 101-34. Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): http://www.persee.fr/docAsPDF/... (external link) Depeyrot, G. 2007. Die Reliefs der Traianssäule, Text volumes II and III. 2006. Cambridge. Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche. Delineator. La scultura romana da Augusto a Constantino (vol. Ohlsen, W. 1981. Jones, P. 2000. Untersuchungen zur Trajanssäule. “Technique, Toil, and Triumph on the Danube in Trajan’s Propaganda Programme.” The Antiquaries Journal 58: 81-7. Oxbow (Oxford). Dzur, E.A.P. 1880 - 1883. Ann Arbor. “La struttura della Colonna Traiana: un’esercitazione di meccanica alessandrina.” Prospettiva 32: 60-71. “Riflessi della propaganda politica e della strategia militare sui rilievi della Colonna di Traiano.” Colloquio italo-romeno. “Hadrian’s Column of Trajan?” Journal of Roman Archaeology [first page]. 1969. “The Captor of Decebalus.” Journal of Roman Studies 60. MLA (7th ed.) Tummarello, B.M. between circa 1861 and circa 1862 AD. Art Bulletin 30: 284-288 [considers the existence of pattern books — or scrolls — for the creation of the spiral frieze]. 1907. Richmond, I.A. [JSTOR access]. Read More. Date. La profusion de monuments, de lieux déterminants pour la construction de notre monde moderne y sont... légion. “The Continuous Narrative Style of Trajan’s Column.” Listy filologické 108. Martines, G. 1989. Dillon, S., and K. Welch, eds. [Includes a good review of scholarly approaches to the Column up to the author’s time of publication]. 31-44. “Trajanische Friese.” Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 51: 72-81. “Pietro da Cortona e il ‘barocco’ della Colonna Traiana.” In Tra Damasco e Roma. Belloni, G.G. “La Colonne Trajane: Le Triptyque de la Victoire. Bargagli, B. and C. Grosso 1997. More Details Cite This Item Image ID 1621518. Lectures on Trajan’s Column. Bucharest. Hungerford Pollen, John. Detail of the capital of Trajan's column, drawned by Piranesi. Un chapiteau à feuillages et volutes date de la Renaissance. La mort de Roland. Annuario della Scuola Romena di Roma 1. 2001. [25] Apart from the practical advantages it offered, the design also became closely associated with imperial power, being later adopted by Trajan's successors Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. 3. pp. Nîmes. Berlin. — Conor WHATELY, Exercitus Moesiae. Die Trajanssäule. “Trajan’s Conquest of Dacia.” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 67: 83-105. “Esplorazione del Forum Ulpium.” Notizie degli Scavi: 361-427 [topographical setting of the Column, preexisting structures in the area of the Column]. Completed in AD 113, the freestanding column is most famous for its spiral bas relief, … Settis, S. 1985. See especially “The Column of Trajan.” 123-130. 1, fasc. 142-53. Dudley, D.R. Mehrota, A. and B. Glisic. Sources : La Colonne Funzione e rappresentazione.” In La Colonna Traiana e gli Artisti Francesi da Luigi XIV a Napoleone I (exhibition catalog). “Roma. … Attributed to Achille Etna Michallon. Turin. “Introduzione alla seconda Guerra Dacica di Traiano.” In “L’esame storico-artistico della Colonna Traiana.” Roma, 25 ottobre 1978, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 50: 21-54. Poulter, A.G. 1971. Florescu, F.B. Bucharest. “L’iscrizione della Colonna traiana.” Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, Torino 43: 595-613. Packer, James E. 01/01/1998. Strong). La colonne Trajane, d’après le surmoulage exécuté à Rome en 1861-1862. Berkeley. Elle est célèbre pour le bas-relief qui s'enroule en spirale autour de son fût et commémore la victoire de l'empereur Trajan sur les Daces lors … “Les piliers du pont Trajan sur la rive gauche du Danube et la scène CI de Colonne Trajan.” Studii şi cervetari de istorie veche 17: 645-63.